Tag Archives: ongoing-problem

The Hamptons to Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian: Get Outta Here!

Those poor Kardashians. They just aren’t wanted by anyone these days. On the heels of Barack Obama spurning Kim Kardashian at a fundraiser in California this week, sources tell TMZ that Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are meeting resistance in Long Island. The sisters are trying to rent property in order to film the upcoming E! series  Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons , but there’s an ongoing problem within these posh New York hamlets: Residents don’t want anything to do with the family! Real estate sources confirm that producers are yet to lock down a home for Khloe and Kourtney because neighbors don’t want the paparazzi swarming at all hours. One Southampton native tells TMZ that folks are concerned the Kardashians will “attract trash and ruin Southampton,” so these residents want them to go to East Hampton instead, which is supposedly more “new money.” But apparently East Hampton doesn’t want to be associated with the Kardashians either. Don’t laugh, people. These are serious #FirstWorldProblems. Whatever will Khloe and Kourtney and the millionaires who live in The Hamptons do?!? 22 Eye-Katching Kardashian Red Karpet Photos 1. Kisses from the Kardashians The Kardashians blow some kisses our way in this appearance. This is a photo from their fragrance launch in 2011.

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The Hamptons to Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian: Get Outta Here!

The Hamptons to Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian: Get Outta Here!

Those poor Kardashians. They just aren’t wanted by anyone these days. On the heels of Barack Obama spurning Kim Kardashian at a fundraiser in California this week, sources tell TMZ that Khloe and Kourtney Kardashian are meeting resistance in Long Island. The sisters are trying to rent property in order to film the upcoming E! series  Kourtney & Khloe Take the Hamptons , but there’s an ongoing problem within these posh New York hamlets: Residents don’t want anything to do with the family! Real estate sources confirm that producers are yet to lock down a home for Khloe and Kourtney because neighbors don’t want the paparazzi swarming at all hours. One Southampton native tells TMZ that folks are concerned the Kardashians will “attract trash and ruin Southampton,” so these residents want them to go to East Hampton instead, which is supposedly more “new money.” But apparently East Hampton doesn’t want to be associated with the Kardashians either. Don’t laugh, people. These are serious #FirstWorldProblems. Whatever will Khloe and Kourtney and the millionaires who live in The Hamptons do?!? 22 Eye-Katching Kardashian Red Karpet Photos 1. Kisses from the Kardashians The Kardashians blow some kisses our way in this appearance. This is a photo from their fragrance launch in 2011.

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The Hamptons to Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian: Get Outta Here!

Ted Williams Mug Shots, Arrests Records: Released

Ever since his sudden burst on to the national scene, Ted Williams has been honest about possessing a checkered past. The homeless man with a golden voice has admitted that drugs and alcohol played a role in many mistakes, but The Smoking Gun has now come out with specifics regarding various arrests and citations. The rap sheet for Williams includes theft, robbery, escape, forgery and drug possession. As recently as July 2010, a businessman called the cops on this Brooklyn native and a female friend who refused to leave the premises. He told authorities that Williams had become an “ongoing problem” and that the woman often got “dropped off in the parking lot by various and numerous males in different vehicles.” Williams told Matt Lauer this week that his life “went to pits” and that he hopes he’ll take advantage of this second chance. But if it’s more like a seventh chance, many critics might believe Williams doesn’t deserve it.

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Ted Williams Mug Shots, Arrests Records: Released