What does it take for Kendall Jenner to keep her clothes on? We now have the answer. The 18-year old, who has been traveling the globe over the past few weeks as part of her new modeling job, took a break from walking the runway in Milan to pass along an important message. Kim Kardashian sucks! No… wait. That’s not it. Kendall Jenner Registers to Vote Even though Kendall and Kim are reportedly feuding over the former wishing to be taken seriously and the latter going around posing for naked photos all the time. Instead, Kendall has actually registered to vote; and she’s also teamed with Rock the Vote to film the video seen above. “I’m here in Europe for fashion week, but back in the U.S. it is National Voter Registration Day,” Jenner tells her fans. “And I’m using Rock the Vote’s new mobile registration tool to register to vote and you can too.” Look at that! A member of this family is pushing technology for reasons that serve more than just themselves! We never thought we’d see the day. This news is almost unprecedented, and it’s almost enough to make us forget all about those many Kendall Jenner nude photos floating around. You know, the ones that make us feel dirty for even writing about and the ones that don’t send a very positive message to fans when it comes to body images. Almost, Kendall. Almost. 34 Wildly Inappropriate Photos of Kendall Jenner 1. Kendall Jenner Topless Photo Kendall Jenner is topless for this Interview Magazine photo. At least she’s covering up, though.
Originally posted here:
Kendall Jenner Remains Clothed, Registers to Vote