Tag Archives: over-the-health

Santorum Blasts Romney on Health Care: ‘You Just Don’t Have Credibility’


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Roughly half an hour in to CNN’s GOP presidential debate Tuesday evening, candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum sparred over the health care plan Romney passed while governor of Massachusetts dubed “Romenycare.” Santorum blasted the plan, saying, “You just don’t have credibility on Obamacare, Mitt…you have no track record that we can trust you that you’re gonna do that (and repeal it).” Politico… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 19/10/2011 02:44 Number of articles : 2

Santorum Blasts Romney on Health Care: ‘You Just Don’t Have Credibility’

Open Thread: Politifact’s 2010 ‘Lie of the Year’

” A government takeover of health care .” Writes Politifact: …as Republicans smelled serious opportunity in the midterm elections, they didn't let facts get in the way of a great punchline. And few in the press challenged their frequent assertion that under Obama, the government was going to take over the health care industry. read more

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Open Thread: Politifact’s 2010 ‘Lie of the Year’

AP poll: Dems likely to retain majority…barely

People want Democrats to control Congress after this fall's elections, a shift from April, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll released Saturday. But the margin is thin and there's a flashing yellow light for incumbents of both parties: Only about one-third want their own lawmakers re-elected. The tenuous 45 percent to 40 percent preference for a Democratic Congress reverses the finding a month ago on the same question: 44 percent for Republicans and 41 percent for Democrats. The new readout came as the economy continued showing signs of improvement and the tumultuous battle over the health care law that President Barack Obama finally signed in March faded into the background. “To the extent that Democrats can focus on job creation rather than health care, they tend to do better,” said Jack Pitney, a political scientist at California's Claremont McKenna College. Democrats hold a 254-177 majority over Republicans in the House, with four vacancies, while Democrats control 59 of the Senate's 100 seats, counting support from two independents. Despite those disadvantages, the GOP has gained political momentum in recent months and its leaders hope to win control of at least one chamber of Congress this November. Compared with the last AP-GfK poll in April, the survey showed Republicans losing some support among married women, a key component of many GOP victories. Democrats picked up ground among young and rural voters. More…. added by: SleepDirt

Obama Health Care Logo Sparks Controversy

Debate over the health care plan championed by U.S.

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Obama Health Care Logo Sparks Controversy