Tag Archives: over-the-place

Kate Middleton Gives Us Royal Wedding Flashbacks

It isn’t just that Kate Middleton looks stunningly royal in this white outfit for the Royal Ascot. Though of course she does. But her outfit seems perfectly tailored (literally) to be a callback to her wedding dress. Her white lace ensemble isn’t identical to her wedding dress, but come on . The similarities can’t be accidental. She and William had one of the most famous weddings on the whole planet. Ever. So no, we don’t imagine that a tailor was just sitting around trying out different designs and produced this by accident. Or even unconsciously. Whatever the motivation behind it, though, it’s a gorgeous design. White can be a bold choice in the spring, but it tends to contrast better with rich greens and floral colors and helps you to stand out. Not that Kate Middleton could ever just fade into the background. There is one major difference that sets this apart from her wedding dress, and we don’t mean the lack of a veil. She’s wearing a nametag. Obviously, she wasn’t wearing anything of the sort on her wedding day. That would have been silly — she was the bride! Though … she’s still the Duchess of Cambridge … she’s married to Prince William. She’s Kate Middleton . Surely a name tag is just as ridiculous now as it was then. Who on the planet, let alone who there at the Royal Ascot, is going to fail to notice? But, if you think about it, maybe Kate was wearing one so that others wouldn’t feel discouraged about wearing theirs. If Kate Middleton’s wearing a name tag, no one in the world should feel silly wearing one to the same event, you know? And that seems in keeping with her character. Though let’s not rule out that maybe she just thought that it would be hilarious if she wore a name tag. Wearing white has traditionally been a bold statement. And no, it has nothing to do with virginity — that association came in later. No; wearing white was historically a status symbol. Basically, it meant that you could have your clothing cleaned whenever. Think back to times when clothes getting washed meant that they were scrubbed by the river. Yeah — it’s hard to picture them getting as white as they first were, ever again. Royal colors came from expensive dyes — that’s a different thing. How white came to be part of wedding dresses is its own long story. But Kate’s wedding dress is one of the world’s most famous. And her Royal Ascot outfit is letting us relive that signature look. The monarchy’s continued existence is controversial at best. But wearing white is no longer indicative of wealth — or poverty. Or anything silly like virginity — there aren’t many virgin brides around. We just think that it looks nice on Kate. But then, doesn’t everything? She’s come a long way since the days when she was known as Squeak . View Slideshow: 15 Things You May Have Missed From Prince William & Kate Middleton’s Royal Wedding

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Kate Middleton Gives Us Royal Wedding Flashbacks

Chelsea Houska: Throwing Shade at Adam Lind on Instagram?!

Earlier today, we reported that Adam Lind recently tested potitive for methamphetamines , a development that could cost him future custody and visitation rights. While we doubt that either of his baby mamas are very pleased by the idea that their child had been spending time with a hard drug user, Chelsea Houska might be inclined to see a silver lining in the dark cloud of Lind’s substance abuse. Despite some stiff competition, Lind reigns supreme as the worst baby daddy in the Teen Mom franchise . He’s been a thorn in the side of both Houska and Taylor Halbur ever since they made their respective decisions to get romantically involved with him despite the douche vibes he gives off at all times. Now, the fact that he’s been caught using could offer both moms the chance to remove Lind from their lives entirely, or at least ensure their daughters’ safety by securing supervised visitations. Whatever winds up happening, Houska is beyond the point of pretending she has any respect or lingering affection for Lind. And now she’s taken to broadcasting her distaste for her baby daddy on social media. Houska married Cole DeBoer  back in October, and though he’s not Aubree’s biological dad, the entire family has made it quite clear that they consider Cole to be Aubree’s “real” father. Chelsea and Cole both reinforced that message with separate Instagram posts on Father’s Day. In the photo above, Cole posed with both Aubree and his son, Watson Cole De Boer. The timing of the post is shady enough, but it’s Chelsea’s caption that really drives the message home: “I hope Aubree finds a man like you…and I hope our son turns out to be JUST like you.” Cole posted a Father’s Day photo of his own, and a caption that we’re guessing Lind wasn’t thrilled with. Along with the above photo of his homemade presents, DeBoer wrote: “I am a spoiled daddy. What an amazing Father’s Day surprise with these beautifully crafted gifts from my outstanding wife @chelseahouska and my beautiful kiddos #Aubree/Watson I am very blessed and very happy.” It can be a dangerous thing to refer to a meth user’s child as your own. But clearly DeBoer is unconcerned. Watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just how big a D-bag Lind truly is. View Slideshow: Chelsea Houska and Cole DeBoer: 19 Times They Gave Us #RelationshipGoals

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Chelsea Houska: Throwing Shade at Adam Lind on Instagram?!

19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Books in Human History

The following books are real. They exist. They were actually written by people who thought they were good ideas. And these people were celebrities! Which is what makes this collection all the more ridiculous and noteworthy. Scroll down for a look at books that various stars thought were good ideas to write at the time, but which have simply given us many reasons to laugh hilariously at them instead… 1. Farrah Abraham As if making a celebrity sex tape was not bad enough, Farrah thought it would be a good idea to write a book about the making of it. Um, no. Farrah, please get a real job. 2. Kim Kardashian If you can’t write, you could follow Kim Kardashian’s tactic and just release a selfie book. The porn-star-turned-entrepreneur got a lot of people talking about the book, but it made money. 3. Naomi Campbell Campbell sent her ideas for the book to a ghostwriter, and we are very sure the ghostwriter burst out laughing when he/she heard them. Five models fight it out for the contract of retiring supermodel Swan. What the heck? 4. Charlie Sheen Charlie Sheen is one of those celebrities who is just all over the place. He was fired from Two and a Half Men for his erratic behavior … even though he was making a lot of money. Before that, Charlie released a poetry book that got some positive comments from John Stamos. 5. Lauren Conrad Lauren Conrad is a reality TV star and fashion guru. She decided to make the step to writing fiction with a book loosely based on her life. Despite giving it her all, it was a trainwreck. 6. Macaulay Culkin Macaulay decided to try and make his way back into the spotlight with a book. The book included random drawings, thoughts and a whole lot of gibberish. View Slideshow

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19 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Books in Human History

Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day

I’ve seen pics of this video shoot before, but for some reason it’s all over the place today, and in trying to keep up with trends in celeb tits, tits we’ve already seen, of a celeb who is now old and fat, here’s Rihanna Nipple, because like Rihanna, we can pretend it is 10 years ago, but unlike Rihanna, we won’t be getting paid stupid money for it… Here are some bonus, if you can call them that, paparazzi pics of her in what could be a see through type maternity dress for the slutty pregnant chicks out there..you know who you are… The post Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day

Waitaminute: Is Nas Blasting Nicki Minaj’s Cakes To Smithereens?

https://www.instagram.com/p/BT5prJkBamb/?taken-by=nickiminaj&hl=en Is Nicki Minaj Dating Nas? Well well well. What do we have here? Nicki Minaj went out to a lovely dinner last night. The food was good. She wore salmon-colored pants and everything was right in the world. Then she posted the above picture cuddled up with Nas and the Minajeries went absolutely insane. That’s right…the speculation is all over the place. Is Nas chopping down Nicki Minaj? https://twitter.com/BillsAhmed/status/862179972085141504 The Twitter investigation was in full swing and people wanted answers. Take a look at the pandemonium and see if you can come to any conclusions. https://twitter.com/chynabandsz/status/862218314583592964 https://twitter.com/Bumpinx2/status/862216345659822081 https://twitter.com/minajmagiic/status/862246703671463937 https://twitter.com/shadesofnicki/status/862267512016318465 https://twitter.com/chartflops/status/862264485414924292 https://twitter.com/sakurareloaded/status/862259619934093312 https://twitter.com/BasicallyZimbo/status/862252969630330880 https://twitter.com/MinajPolandPage/status/862252020505477121 https://twitter.com/theprivatebarb/status/862246258702000128 https://twitter.com/Bumpinx2/status/862209461473226752 https://twitter.com/kennaymart/status/862196808709099520 https://twitter.com/AshleyLove_x3/status/862195623650635776 https://twitter.com/genuinecarlido/status/862194877949456385 https://twitter.com/JeramyMinaj/status/862192024035799040 https://twitter.com/kingdujuan/status/862190436638740481 https://twitter.com/TiaXMinaj/status/862188692743610368 https://twitter.com/Jayveri/status/862185476987465728

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Waitaminute: Is Nas Blasting Nicki Minaj’s Cakes To Smithereens?

Baywatch Trailer of the Day

Baywatch proves that not all 20 year old things are good… I get that Hollywood is running out of ideas. I get that Hollywood likes to play off nostalgia, it worked in the past, let’s try it again, for a new market – that doesn’t even go to the movies….by making it into a movie… I think it was a shitty TV show, obviously I used to watch it in a pre-porn era – to see Pam Anderson’s clown tits but now they are putting it together with new pussy…that isn’t really that eventful, but that has a trailer… I guess they don’t realize that tits can be found everywhere, it is called instagram…we don’t need shitty storylines to go along with our tits….even the bitches in this are naked all over the place…garbage..but the Rock is in it so people are probably pumped on that…40 year old people…because anyone under 40 DOESN’T Give a fuck about this garbage…unless they want to be reminded that Hollywood is pretty fucking dead… They didn’t pay me for this – but they should have… The post Baywatch Trailer of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Baywatch Trailer of the Day

Elle Fanning Spread Legged for C Magazine of the Day

Elle Fanning is the Fanning that Dakota Fanning’s childhood died for…to have her exist… These aren’t exceptionally hot pictures, but really what are hot pictures in a world filled with hot pictures…but they are pictures, disposable, no one cares about…. But it seems that people are very in to Elle Fanning, at least I think they are – because her name comes up all the time in the media, and in movie credits, like she exists, she’s a real fucking entity, that people must actually like, I mean why else would she be all over the place….. Right, because the media is paid off by the movie companies that her parents sold her to, or maybe she’s got the right last name to leverage all the sacrifices her sister made for her, and maybe they are playing that angle properly knowing how this media shit works…..cash in like an Olsen Twin… The post Elle Fanning Spread Legged for C Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elle Fanning Spread Legged for C Magazine of the Day

Sleigh Bells Embrace Chaos On Jessica Rabbit

The duo’s new album is aggressive and all over the place

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Sleigh Bells Embrace Chaos On Jessica Rabbit

Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day

Kylie Jenner…would be interesting or fascinating as a sociological study…if she wasn’t just a vapid, superficial, shallow, pile of plastic surgery that may not be invasive, and that may just be smoke and mirrors, but whatever it is…makes her look like a young Kim Kardashian…even though she’s not Armenian, she’s 100 percent white, she’s just jacked herself up under the management of her evil family to keep the money rolling in. It’s fucking twisted. I don’t know why this stripper or porn look is hot, I think it’s hilarious that these girls do this to their faces, or get the fat sucked out of their stomach to give them a waist and jacked into their already fat asses…looking like strippers or pornstars that no man I’ve ever known has really liked or thought was hot…other than for being broken….and damaged and probably shitty in bed because of how sexualized they make themselves….. But for a rich white girl, to make herself look like a light skinned black girl in the sex industry…makes no sense to me….and this happening all over the place…I see it when I leave my house and that is fucking crazy…because it isn’t hot…dude like young innocent girls who look like girls…it’s just silly that this exists… More importantly, for brands to partner with her – because of her sister or her following, that is really engaged in all she does…is also fucking nuts to me….but it exists..and it…like it’s father…is an it…as these tits in a bra in public aren’t enough for me to acknowledge her having any more sex appeal…that a pile of dog shit, or lard in the dumpster outside the diner. She’s terrifying. A Monster. Halloween everyday…. I assume this will end in suicide eventually…let’s just hope it’s a murder suicide…take them all down…because you’ve been abused girl…you just don’t realize it… The post Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Kylie Jenner Trashy Mutant in Stripper Clothes of the Day

Are You Goo Goo For Gaga’s Goods?

Lady Gaga Wears Denim Hot Pants Lady Gaga has been on a dive bar tour flashing her cakes all over the place in teeny weeny denim short outfits. The singer hit the streets of Los Angeles Thursday night after the last stop on her Bud Light secret show concert series leaving nothing to the imagination. NADA damn thing… FameFlynetPictures/SplashNews

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Are You Goo Goo For Gaga’s Goods?