Tag Archives: over-the-place

From XXL To Elle: Blac Chyna Flaunts Her High Fashion Tatted Up Baby Bump For Elle Mag

Blac Chyna For Elle.com Chy sure is racking up those magazine features, isn’t she? Just days after flaunting her glowing gut on the pages of Paper Magazine , Chy is doing yet another stripped down pregnancy shoot for Elle.com — and opening up about the pop culture phenomenon that is #BlacRob , her “stripper ho” past, and what’s really good with her and her brood of future sister-in-laws … Via Elle : It’s this same ambition that has caused some to question if Chyna’s love for Rob is the real deal or little more than an elaborate PR move designed to turn her into a household name. In May, following the announcement of Chyna and Rob’s engagement, Buzzfeed writer Sylvia Obell penned a lengthy thesis attributing ulterior motives to Chyna’s maneuvers: “Chyna was making calculated moves to close in on her own empire with a precision and finesse that not even the Kardashians saw coming…And so the Kardashians, a family often accused of stealing black men, black features, and black culture, got beat at their own game by a black woman.” Datwon Thomas, editor in chief of Vibe magazine, offered a similar assessment of Chyna’s triumph over the Balmain-clad don Kris Jenner. “Chyna popped up, and all of sudden she’s pregnant, and now she’s got one of the most powerful pieces on the chess board,” he says, referring to Rob. As for whether or not she loves her husband-to-be: “I think she loves him,” says Thomas, “but I think it was a power move, initially. Let’s not kid ourselves. A lot of these celebrity couples are really only business deals.” But Chyna says that vengeance, power plays, and chess moves were the furthest thing from her mind when a high school student snatched her fiance… Chyna claims the taunts didn’t hurt her. She and Tyga were on the outs when he took up with Kylie, she says, and she’d already moved on. “When you don’t want to be in a relationship with somebody anymore, you don’t give a fuck what they’re doing,” she declares. “I was just like, ‘thank God I’m out of that situation.’ And honestly, it was the best thing that I could’ve done, because my life has changed so much for the better.” The entire article is definitely worth a read…chronicling Chyna’s rise from the back of the booty bar to the front pages of magazines and reality TV stardom. In the meantime, check out the pics and a few notable quotes from the story after the flip… Elle.com

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From XXL To Elle: Blac Chyna Flaunts Her High Fashion Tatted Up Baby Bump For Elle Mag

Still Crazy: Woman Who Unleashed Box Of Crickets On NYC Subway Admits It Was All A Prank

Woman Admits To Pulling Prank On NYC Subway Remember that mentally disturbed woman who made a couple dozen New Yorkers’ commute hell with a box of bugs last week? About that… Via MailOnline : A budding actress and married mother of two who released hundreds of live worms and crickets in an NYC subway car in a chaotic prank has been arrested. Zaida Pugh, 21, posed as a deranged woman last week on a Brooklyn-bound D train. She pretended that she wanted to sell the insects until a man – who was later revealed to be an accomplice – intentionally flipped the container holding them, sending 300 crickets and 300 worms across the Subway car. Pugh, from Brooklyn, said the situation got out of hand as she didn’t expect that someone would pull the emergency brake. But that is what happened, and passengers were stuck inside an AC-less car for 30 minutes while Pugh stayed in character – and let her prank escalate to unforeseen heights. She kept screaming and acting erratically, at one point urinating on herself. But Pugh has since revealed the whole thing was a set-up and claims she was trying to shed light on how homeless people are treated in public places. She faces charges of reckless endangerment, obstructing governmental administration, false reporting an incident and disorderly conduct, the New York Daily News reported. Um…does she realize that most homeless people don’t assault strangers with live insects, strand them for 30 minutes in a hot and crowded location, and pee all over the place?? Here’s a refresher of he little “lesson” to the passengers: SMH… Facebook

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Still Crazy: Woman Who Unleashed Box Of Crickets On NYC Subway Admits It Was All A Prank

The Melania Trump Files of the Day

The big story of the week is that New York post posted Melania Trump pics from when she was Melania Knauss – before selling her soul to the devil for the life of luxury built on not paying suppliers…and basically being one of his possessions in her empty existence that made for real awkward interraction in public…especially considering she’s an immigrant, communist, hooker, who is anti – everything Trump spews out of his mouth as he makes shit up just to be heard as if he was a tool planted by the Clintons to create the first woman president, something I’ve been saying all along, because he’s a fucking cartoon… But I don’t see how her doing nude pics in 1995 is really that big of a story, we all knew she was a whore, a gold digging whore and not a FASHION model anyone has ever heard of…so…I don’t see how this will do any damage to a campaign as racist and insane as his…I mean even he can’t believe he hasn’t been assassinated making fun of Muslim parents of fallen soldiers – the whole thing isn’t even interesting anymore, it’s just so dumb… The funny thing in these pics is I remember the late 90s celebrity porn sites I’d visit had them all over the place, so I may have jerked off to them 20 fucking years ago…before I knew better and before she was a plastic surgery ridden tranny – I mean except for the tits…they were always fake… The post The Melania Trump Files of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Melania Trump Files of the Day

Elsa Hosk Still Has Nipples of the Day

I am not Elsa Hosk’s biggest creepy fan but I am exposed to Elsa Hosk all the fucking time doing what I do, which I am not quite sure what I do, but I see her face all over the place and as an immigrant working for a billion dollar brand, it’s safe to say the billion dollar brand is behind her being shoved down my throat…even though I should be the one doing the down throat shoving…but I am not because I am not sure what I do…so the throat fucking is done by the execs who cast her, before they figuratively shove her down our throats via marketing… I do understand her hustle, I do appreciate that a nude model can make it in the world, it is like Kim Kardashian teaching young girls the importance of fucking in video to get rich and famous, even though we all know only 1-5 girls actually benefit from sex tapes, while the 1000s who do them just benefit me when I get to watch them….and that is just fine. Elsa is still behind the scenes on the malll brand shoot looking great – because of her nipples. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk Still Has Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk Still Has Nipples of the Day

Joanna Krupa In A Silly Costume

In case you couldn’t tell from all the pumpkins all over the place, it’s Halloween tomorrow night. Which is great news if you’re a fan of seeing celebrities dressed up like sexy kittens or sexy cops or sexy… whatever the hell Joanna Krupa is dressed as here. I’ve been staring at this costume for a few minutes now, and even if I still don’t have a clue what she’s supposed to be, it’s already a strong contender for my favorite costume of the year. Photos: WENN.com

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Joanna Krupa In A Silly Costume

Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day

Dana Wright is a babe…she’s also an internet friend of mine from Canada, but living all over the place, because that’s just how these girls work in this global economy…they are just flying all over the place… She started with American Apparel, being their in-house model, who I assume lived with Dov Charney, before American Apparel went bankrupt…where he would take pics of her in their various naked and half naked outfits…then she got into music…where she’s making songs…and I think she’s tall, sexy as fuck and amazing…so I am glad to see these nude pics.. The only thing I don’t like about her is that her circle of lame as fuck but think they are cool friends….They are a group of these new age, period blood art making, hipster feminist phonies, who think they are the zeitgeist or voice of the generation, because that’s how egotistical they are….they are so fucking vain, self involved, narcissists, no worse that the whores instagram modeling they accuse people of objectifying…the kind of “I’m in abuse porn because it empowers women fem nazi”…that doesn’t get it…but tries so hard she won’t shut up about it…and not quite cute enough to be nude models, that still gets nude because of Feminism…and they go on these campaigns, or rampages like “my pubic hair got banned from instagram”….social climbing cunt. trying to be shocking, but being boring…thinking they have a higher purpose thanks to one misguided women’s study class, but are just as thirsty as a video vixen whore….they are Amber fucking Rose…who groupie on every important person they meet…and that they do meet because their rich lawyer father paid their life in NYC, to get them the fuck out of the house because they are annoying….so annoying that they social climb, because people who let social climbers around…are just bored and find it entertaining….and in humoring them…they are creating them….fuck these social justice idiots…who are exactly the same as what they pretend to fight…because when you have a stance people pay more attention to you…especially when you’re ugly… So other that Dana being friends with the weird looking social climing girl who wanted to be famous so bad and feminist was the platform to get her there…even if she was anything buy feminist…and everything annoying…so they published her to shut her up.. But other than that…she’s amazing….and I’d love to take her virginity…I just don’t have a fucking time machine… This is for CLICK HERE The post Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day

Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day

Dana Wright is a babe…she’s also an internet friend of mine from Canada, but living all over the place, because that’s just how these girls work in this global economy…they are just flying all over the place… She started with American Apparel, being their in-house model, who I assume lived with Dov Charney, before American Apparel went bankrupt…where he would take pics of her in their various naked and half naked outfits…then she got into music…where she’s making songs…and I think she’s tall, sexy as fuck and amazing…so I am glad to see these nude pics.. The only thing I don’t like about her is that her circle of lame as fuck but think they are cool friends….They are a group of these new age, period blood art making, hipster feminist phonies, who think they are the zeitgeist or voice of the generation, because that’s how egotistical they are….they are so fucking vain, self involved, narcissists, no worse that the whores instagram modeling they accuse people of objectifying…the kind of “I’m in abuse porn because it empowers women fem nazi”…that doesn’t get it…but tries so hard she won’t shut up about it…and not quite cute enough to be nude models, that still gets nude because of Feminism…and they go on these campaigns, or rampages like “my pubic hair got banned from instagram”….social climbing cunt. trying to be shocking, but being boring…thinking they have a higher purpose thanks to one misguided women’s study class, but are just as thirsty as a video vixen whore….they are Amber fucking Rose…who groupie on every important person they meet…and that they do meet because their rich lawyer father paid their life in NYC, to get them the fuck out of the house because they are annoying….so annoying that they social climb, because people who let social climbers around…are just bored and find it entertaining….and in humoring them…they are creating them….fuck these social justice idiots…who are exactly the same as what they pretend to fight…because when you have a stance people pay more attention to you…especially when you’re ugly… So other that Dana being friends with the weird looking social climing girl who wanted to be famous so bad and feminist was the platform to get her there…even if she was anything buy feminist…and everything annoying…so they published her to shut her up.. But other than that…she’s amazing….and I’d love to take her virginity…I just don’t have a fucking time machine… This is for CLICK HERE The post Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Dana Wright is My Naked Friend of the Day

Kim Kardashian is Coming For You, Kylie Jenner!

We hope you enjoyed your reign as social media queen, Kylie Jenner. Because Kim Kardashian is coming after her crown. Hard. A few weeks ago, all five Kardashian/Jenner sisters unveiled new websites and applications. And, after the first few days of folks paying $2.99 for unlimited access to these sites, Kylie’s property was by far the best-seller: Just about three-quarters of those who spent money on one of the five websites spent it on Kylie’s website . But that was then. And this is now. According to industry experts, per TMZ, approximately one million users have signed up for the Kardashian/Jenner websites (God, that’s depressing) and Kim now has 30% of the market share. Kylie still sits on top with 40%, but the gap between siblings is closing fast and all indications are than Kim will soon take over first place. It’s not hard to see why: Over the past couple weeks, Kardashian has upped her scantily-clad picture game, sharing images of her cleavage all over the place and telling followers to visit her website to see more. They’ve clearly been listening. Well, they’ve clearly been ogling. Ogling and then listening. As Kim herself told Kylie in a recent viral video: calm down. She hasn’t dethroned her just yet . View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Instagram Photos

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Kim Kardashian is Coming For You, Kylie Jenner!

Kim Kardashian is Coming For You, Kylie Jenner!

We hope you enjoyed your reign as social media queen, Kylie Jenner. Because Kim Kardashian is coming after her crown. Hard. A few weeks ago, all five Kardashian/Jenner sisters unveiled new websites and applications. And, after the first few days of folks paying $2.99 for unlimited access to these sites, Kylie’s property was by far the best-seller: Just about three-quarters of those who spent money on one of the five websites spent it on Kylie’s website . But that was then. And this is now. According to industry experts, per TMZ, approximately one million users have signed up for the Kardashian/Jenner websites (God, that’s depressing) and Kim now has 30% of the market share. Kylie still sits on top with 40%, but the gap between siblings is closing fast and all indications are than Kim will soon take over first place. It’s not hard to see why: Over the past couple weeks, Kardashian has upped her scantily-clad picture game, sharing images of her cleavage all over the place and telling followers to visit her website to see more. They’ve clearly been listening. Well, they’ve clearly been ogling. Ogling and then listening. As Kim herself told Kylie in a recent viral video: calm down. She hasn’t dethroned her just yet . View Slideshow: Kim Kardashian Instagram Photos

Excerpt from:
Kim Kardashian is Coming For You, Kylie Jenner!

Bar Refaeli for GQ Germany of the Day

It’s a Jewish Holiday on MOnday, at least that’s what I’ve been told by people who are Jewish, and I figured what better way to celebrate Jewish holidays than to post some massive Jewish tits, some of the best Jewish Tits, or at least the hottest Jewish Tits, who were liberated in the state of Israel when she hit puberty, after the land was taken by the Palestenians..S She’s a nice mix of all kinds of different Jewish people, from all over the place, making this celebrity fucker who is getting married in a couple of weeks, still doing media..photoshoots, and showing off them tits. I just find the whole thing ironic, that these pics are for GQ Germany, only because without Germany and their war on the Jewish people, there would be no Israel for her to call home, so in a very dark and weird way, she owes her existence and her home to Germany, dark… But not that dark, just tanned, because she spends her life in a bikini…here are the pics… The post Bar Refaeli for GQ Germany of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bar Refaeli for GQ Germany of the Day