Tag Archives: peak oil

How Will Small Businesses Survive Peak Oil?

Image credit: Food Info From Yahoo to Virgin, big business is waking up to the threat of peak oil . So much so, that Virgin bross Richard Branson believes we should be mobilizing for peak oil as if for war . But what about the little guy? It’s often assumed that because peak oil will make global shipping a challenge, that we’ll just transition back to smaller, more local economies. I suspect the truth will be … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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How Will Small Businesses Survive Peak Oil?

Stop Eating Fossil Fuels, Start Eating Food

Michael Pollan says that if you eat a typical American diet, you are made of corn . Dale Allen Pfeiffer takes it one step further, and says We are Eating Fossil Fuels . (Actually, Jaymi points out that Michael Pollan says that too .) But whenever one discusses the idea that buying local food saves fuel, the naysayers show up. After all, there is the

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Stop Eating Fossil Fuels, Start Eating Food

Is Anaerobic Digestion Needed to Avoid Massive Famine?

Image credit: AgCert Peak oil is a subject that has gained much traction (even inspiring some sexy if pessimistic dancing from Oily Cassandra ). After all, it’s hard to ignore the fact that our dependence on oil and other fossil fuels leaves us vulnerable to supply shortages or sudden price hikes. But it’s less well known that we may face a simultaneous, and equally troubling shortage of another key resource—phosphorous. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

Is Anaerobic Digestion Needed to Avoid Massive Famine?

Why Small-Scale Wind Turbines Make Sense in Rural India, But Not So Much in Indiana

photo: Ryan Somma via flickr A number of sources have outlined new plans of India’s Tata Power Company to help electrify rural India through deployment of small-scale wind turbines , the same general type that are marketed throughout the US for rooftop and backyard usage. It’s a great idea in India, where rural electric grid access is spotty and energy usage low, less so… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Why Small-Scale Wind Turbines Make Sense in Rural India, But Not So Much in Indiana

From Anti-Runway Campaign To Community Sustainability (Video)

Image credit: Transition Culture It’s so much easier to be against something than for something. In fact, I’d argue that is one of the central strategic challenges facing sustainability activists . How do we convert opposition against something—say, nasty oil spills for example—into advocacy for the alternatives&md… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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From Anti-Runway Campaign To Community Sustainability (Video)

‘Unreasonal Woman’ Diane Wilson Doused in Oil to Protest BP’s Liability Cap

Photo via Code Pink blog . Diane Wilson, one of the founders of the Code Pink protest group , today anointed herself with a glass jar of toffee-colored oil at a Senate Energy Sumbcommittee meeting to protest, she says, Senator Lisa Murkowski’s blocking of a bill that would have lifted BP’s liability cap. President Obama had earlier in the week announced he was supporting lifting the $75 million cap, to raise it to $10 bil… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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‘Unreasonal Woman’ Diane Wilson Doused in Oil to Protest BP’s Liability Cap