Tag Archives: pentagon

Robot Cheetah Runs 18 mph



Although I am pretty sure they will become our overlords one day, I can still admit that robots have become seriously terrifying amazing in the last couple of years. Cheetah, created by the Pentagon’s research agency Darpa, is no exception. According to Wired, Cheetah can run 18 miles per hour. But what exactly is the Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : B2C Marketing Insider Discovery Date : 05/03/2012 16:00 Number of articles : 2

Robot Cheetah Runs 18 mph

U.S. Troops To Be Cut In Europe


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Obama Returns To Bush Plan for Cutting U.S. Troops In Europe — SFGate/Bloomberg Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) — The Obama administration plans to revert to a Bush-era plan to cut the number of U.S. Army combat brigades in Europe in half as part of the Pentagon budget cuts to be announced within weeks, U.K. Defense Secretary Philip Hammond said. The decision is a retreat from the administration’s previous determination,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : War News Updates Discovery Date : 06/01/2012 08:15 Number of articles : 2

U.S. Troops To Be Cut In Europe

J.R. Martinez Honored By U.S. Defense Department, Named Rose Parade Grand Marshal

Let the J.R. Martinez victory tour begin. Dancing With the Stars champion J.R. Martinez received an invitation from U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta to visit the Pentagon and meet Panetta in person. According to The Hollywood Reporter , Panetta’s respect for J.R., an Iraq War veteran, motivational speaker and actor, was displayed in a congratulatory note: J.R. and Karina Smirnoff won the ABC competition Monday . “Your strength and spirit have captivated the nation, and your victory sends a strong message about the strength and resilience of our wounded warriors.” The Defense Secretary then personally called J.R. to invite him to meet in person. J.R. Martinez will address thousands of active and retired troops while in D.C. It seems everyone wants a piece of the man. Along with his journey to the Pentagon, Martinez has been named the Grand Marshal of the 2012 Rose Parade.

StoryCorps Remembers


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Sunday is the ten-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. Since then, children have grown up, wars have been fought, and new buildings are rising in New York City. But we will never forget the victims. In 2005, the folks at Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Neatorama Discovery Date : 08/09/2011 17:12 Number of articles : 2

StoryCorps Remembers

BREAKING NEWS: Osama bin Laden’s Death Confirmed, Body Is In Hands Of U.S.

The founder and spiritual figurehead for al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, is dead. Several officials confirmed the report to CBS News, and say that his body is currently in U.S. hands. President Barack Obama is expected to address the nation on the subject shortly. CBS News correspondent David Martin reports that bin Laden was killed by forces in Afghanistan. The long-lost terrorist mastermind had eluded an aggressive hunt by U.S. authorities for nearly ten years since the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 11, 2001. Bin Laden’s death is a major accomplishment for Mr. Obama and his national security team, as the administrations of both presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush hunted the Saudi-born terrorist. Security at “strategic places in Pakistan has been beefed up as a precaution against any retaliation to news of Osama bin Laden’s death”, a senior Pakistani security official told CBS News early on Monday. “If he(bin Laden) is really dead, there will be attempts to seek revenge,” said the official who spoke to CBS News on condition of anonymity. Former State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said on Twitter: “#BinLaden’s death does not eliminate the threat from #alQaeda, but it is hard to see anyone playing the same organizational role he did.” Via CBS News

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BREAKING NEWS: Osama bin Laden’s Death Confirmed, Body Is In Hands Of U.S.

Military Bans Disks, Threatens Courts-Martial to Stop New Leaks

It’s too late to stop WikiLeaks from publishing thousands more classified documents, nabbed from the Pentagon’s secret network. But the U.S. military is telling its troops to stop using CDs, DVDs, thumb drives and every other form of removable media — or risk a court martial. Maj. Gen. Richard Webber, commander of Air Force Network Operations, issued the Dec. 3 “Cyber Control Order” — obtained by Danger Room — which directs airmen to “immediately cease use of removable media on all systems, servers, and stand alone machines residing on SIPRNET,” the Defense Department’s secret network. Similar directives have gone out to the military’s other branches. “Unauthorized data transfers routinely occur on classified networks using removable media and are a method the insider threat uses to exploit classified information. To mitigate the activity, all Air Force organizations must immediately suspend all SIPRNET data transfer activities on removable media,” the order adds. It’s one of a number of moves the Defense Department is making to prevent further disclosures of secret information in the wake of the WikiLeaks document dumps. Pfc. Bradley Manning says he downloaded hundreds of thousands of files from SIPRNET to a CD marked “Lady Gaga” before giving the files to WikiLeaks. To stop that from happening again, an August internal review suggested that the Pentagon disable all classified computers’ ability to write to removable media. About 60 percent of military machines are now connected to a Host Based Security System, which looks for anomalous behavior. And now there’s this disk-banning order. One military source who works on these networks says it will make the job harder; classified computers are often disconnected from the network, or are in low-bandwidth areas. A DVD or a thumb drive is often the easiest way to get information from one machine to the next. “They were asking us to build homes before,” the source says. “Now they’re taking away our hammers.” The order acknowledges that the ban will make life trickier for some troops. “Users will experience difficulty with transferring data for operational needs which could impede timeliness on mission execution,” the document admits. But “military personnel who do not comply … may be punished under Article 92 of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice.” Article 92 is the armed forces’ regulation covering failure to obey orders and dereliction of duty, and it stipulates that violators “shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.” But to several Defense Department insiders, the steps taken so far to prevent another big secret data dump have been surprisingly small. “After all the churn…. The general perception is business as usual. I’m not kidding,” one of those insiders says. “We haven’t turned a brain cell on it.” Tape and disk backups, as well as hard drive removals, will continue as normal in the military’s Secure Compartmented Information Facilities, where top-secret information is discussed and handled. And removable drives have been banned on SIPRNET before. Two years ago, the Pentagon forbade the media’s use after the drives and disks helped spread a relatively unsophisticated worm onto hundreds of thousands of computers. The ban was lifted this February, after the worm cleanup effort, dubbed “Operational Buckshot Yankee,” was finally completed. Shortly thereafter, Manning says he started passing information to WikiLeaks. Specialists at the National Security Agency are looking for additional technical ways to limit, disable or audit military users’ actions. Darpa, the Pentagon’s leading-edge research arm, has launched an effort to “greatly increase the accuracy, rate and speed with which insider threats are detected … within government and military interest networks.” But, like all Darpa projects, this one won’t be ready to deploy for years — if ever. For now, the Pentagon is stuck with more conventional methods to WikiLeak-proof its networks. http://m.wired.com/dangerroom/2010/12/military-bans-disks-threatens-courts-marti… added by: ras_menelik


Funny pictures – Husbands added by: susuru

Julian Assange Fired From IT Job At Pentagon

http://i.telegraph.co.uk/telegraph/multimedia/archive/01775/assangeSUM_1775173b…. ARLINGTON, VA—With officials describing his publication of sensitive U.S. State Department documents as “the last straw,” Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was asked to resign from his position as the Pentagon's IT coordinator Monday. “We gave him his first warning after the whole Iraq and Afghanistan war diaries thing, and strike two was when he forwarded that video montage of Nicolas Cage yelling to the entire staff,” Defense Department human resources director Curtis Shannon said. “But we just can't overlook this latest offense. Even if he's the only one who knows where the spare USB cables are.” At press time, Assange had already been invited to interview for an IT position at the Central Intelligence Agency. added by: toyotabedzrock

Do You Have the Slutty Gene? [Science]

Do you have a lot of one-night stands? Affairs? Well, I bet your mom does too. No, really! I bet she does, because scientists say they’ve found a gene that’s linked to promiscuity and uncommitted sex. More

John McCain’s Sad, Permanent Crusade Against Gays in the Military [Polidicks]

A proposed repeal of ” Don’t Ask Don’t Tell ” enjoys the support of a national majority. The Pentagon has thoroughly studied and endorsed it. It wouldn’t bother soldiers. DADT has been ruled unconstitutional, anyway. But John McCain needs more. More