Tag Archives: perverts

Chloe Grace Moretz Got Her Titty Out of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz Got Her Titty…. Chloe Grace Moretz fans are a bunch of perverts…that is including the perverts who cast her at 14 and put her in some latex fetish outfit where she played a super hero… The fact is that Hollywood is run by a bunch of sex offender pedophiles, who basically buy the kids off the parents who are so eager for fame that they don’t care about the good of their kid, that’s why they are trying to get them famous in the first place….and I guess that perversion trickles down into all media, mainly YOUTUBE…and even when this chick is older…there’s a memory of what was…and she’s still out there sexualizing herself…tit out…for the fans.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chloe Grace Moretz Got Her Titty Out of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chloe Grace Moretz Got Her Titty Out of the Day

Lock Her Up: 71-Year-Old Grandma Marries 17-Year-OId Boy She Met At Her 45-Year-Old Son’s Funeral

Source: Susan Lupton / EyeEm / Getty 71-Year-Old Woman Marries 17-Year-Old Boy She Met At Son’s Funeral Seriously, what the hell is wrong with people? Almeda and Gary Hardwick were married in 2016 when they were 71-years-old and 17-years-old respectively according to NYPost . The couple met at the funeral for Almeda’s 45-year-old son Robert. Weird enough for ya yet? If not, get a load of this… Gary met and married Almeda while attempting to escape a relationship with a 77-year-old woman that he had been dating. “We were always fighting,’ said Gary. “I fell into depression and was looking for a way out.” Almeda was previously married but her husband of 43-years died in 2013 and she’s been looking for a lil’ spark in her life and in her loins: Almeda said: “I’d noticed this young man with a lovely smile during the service and thought, ‘Wow, this is the one.’” “He was on the other side of the church, but I kept looking over at him. It was like a bright light through the grief. “Then, as I was walking to the door at the end, he came over and passed on his condolences. We didn’t have much time, but it was enough.” We’re sure that Almeda isn’t the first person to feel lust during a funeral but that doesn’t make it any less weird. Especially when the object of her lust is barely old enough to drive. She recalled: “I just came out with it and said to him, ‘Look, I’m 71 and you’re 17. Am I too old for you?’ He squeezed my hand, grinned and replied: “Age is just a number.”’ We feel like we need a long hot shower. The couple had sex for the first time on their wedding night and previously described each other as “wonderful lovers.” “It was wonderful, beyond my wildest dreams,” revealed Gary. “She really is my dream woman and the physical side of our relationship couldn’t be better.” Throw all these people away.

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Lock Her Up: 71-Year-Old Grandma Marries 17-Year-OId Boy She Met At Her 45-Year-Old Son’s Funeral

Amber Rose is Naked of the Day

Amber Rose posted up a nude picture on the social media for all the perverts to stare at her newly built tits…and you’ve gotta kind of appreciate them from this angle, because you don’t have to see the breast reduction anchor scars, and you’ve also got to appreciate that the gutter stripper, turned rapper wife and baby momma….allowing her to still be a gutter stripper, but on a higher profile, in fancier sugar baby lingerie, or in this case nude…far better than the days of cheap, dollar store, yeast infection panties….Dreams do come true…. Here are some other erotic photos she’s posted… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Amber Rose is Naked of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Amber Rose is Naked of the Day

R.Kelly’s Ex-GF Kitti Jones Says She’s Gotten The Most Backlash From Black Women [VIDEO]

Kitti Jones Talks To Page Six TV Last week an NYC screening of Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” documentary was shut down due to a gun threat. Today’s episode of “Page Six TV” touched on last week’s interrupted screening and the #MuteRKelly movement, and Kelly’s ex-girlfriend Kitti Jones joined the show to discuss the alleged emotional and physical abuse she suffered as well as the backlash she’s faced since coming forward. Additionally, Jones suspects Kelly is behind the anonymous gun threat at the screening of the Lifetime documentary. What did you think of what she had to say?

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R.Kelly’s Ex-GF Kitti Jones Says She’s Gotten The Most Backlash From Black Women [VIDEO]

R.Kelly’s Ex-GF Kitti Jones Says She’s Gotten The Most Backlash From Black Women [VIDEO]

Kitti Jones Talks To Page Six TV Last week an NYC screening of Lifetime’s “Surviving R. Kelly” documentary was shut down due to a gun threat. Today’s episode of “Page Six TV” touched on last week’s interrupted screening and the #MuteRKelly movement, and Kelly’s ex-girlfriend Kitti Jones joined the show to discuss the alleged emotional and physical abuse she suffered as well as the backlash she’s faced since coming forward. Additionally, Jones suspects Kelly is behind the anonymous gun threat at the screening of the Lifetime documentary. What did you think of what she had to say?

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R.Kelly’s Ex-GF Kitti Jones Says She’s Gotten The Most Backlash From Black Women [VIDEO]

Eugenie Bouchard Dripping Wet Bikini of the Day

I don’t really find Eugenie Bouchard is hot, I’ve seen her in person because she is from the same city as me, her sister is a party girl INSTATHOT, which I find pretty entertaining…ride your twin harder than the perverts want you to in order to get brand deals and free trips without the hardwork of actually being a skilled athlete, or skilled anything more than just a selfie taker who likes to have a good time on her instagram…. She is young, she is fit and she is rich. She is accomplished. She has a skill. She worked to get where she is thanks to her rich dad’s money. All those things are admirable in a world of do nothings….especailly since her sport is tennis, because Tennis, if you weren’t aware – is a fetish…not just my fetish…..but all the perverts out there into sports that involve short skits, ass flashes and grunts… Eugenie is in her bikini, because that’s what girls do…for ever 4 tennis pics, post a semi nude…since she lives in Miami for her Tennis training why not take advantage… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Eugenie Bouchard Dripping Wet Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Eugenie Bouchard Dripping Wet Bikini of the Day

Bih, You Guessed It! Pervy Teacher Sentenced 10 Years For Sex And Snapchat Nudes “I Don’t Deserve Breath”

Image via Audtakorn Sutarmjam / EyeEm/Getty Teacher Sentenced To 10 Years For Sex With Student …you was right. Former North Dakota teacher Shannon Moser was sentenced to sit in prison for a dime today after a judge banged the gavel on her sick a$$. According to DailyMail Moser pleaded guilty to several counts including sharing illicit photos and videos with students and having sexual contact with two students aged 14 and 15 years old. She also fessed up to four counts of luring a minor by computer, one count of gross sexual imposition, and one count of sexual assault. Image via Cass County District Court Sex predator Shannon had been sending nudes to her students via Snapchat and was having sex with a 16 year old boy who she lured to a real place called “Rendezvous Park”, Moser and the boy subsequently had sex along a gravel road. In case this story wasn’t already bad enough, Moser is married to a pastor, they have FOUR daughters together. The Twin Cities Pioneer Press reports her statement to the court as follows: ‘I am vastly ashamed of my simple choices that have hurt so many people,’ she read in a statement before the sentencing, according to Twin Cities Pioneer Press. ‘The trust that family, friends, and our community had in me is broken. It may never be fully restored again and that’s a painful sentence I’ll have to face for the rest of my life.’ ‘I feel like I don’t deserve life or breath for all the harm and hurt that I’ve caused so many people.’ Shannon is right and she might just get her wish when she gets to prison and the other ladies find out what she’s in for…

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Bih, You Guessed It! Pervy Teacher Sentenced 10 Years For Sex And Snapchat Nudes “I Don’t Deserve Breath”

Nikki Lund Nipple and Pussy Flash of the Day

Nikki Lund’s claim to fame / what she’s milking is that she was Kim Kardashian’s childhood friend, which pretty much makes her our enemy….because she could have influenced Kim Kardashian to do something stupid, like play in traffic, or in front of a train, or to be an Anorexic until she died…but she didn’t… The fact that she’s milking being Kim Kardashian’s childhood friend, and has been for the last 3 yeas, is pretty fucking humiliating, it’s rock bottom shit, but I guess when you’re a rich kid, you have lots of time on your hands to angle things however you can to get noticed… Well, since she’s Kardashian aged, she’s old as fuck and I guess since she’s still an unknown…she’s out there trying to change that…by exposing her pussy in sheer panties all wet for the perverts who care. I do appreciate the effort and strategy but you’d think after the Kardashians she’d be doing more dick in pussy sex tape than just wet panty pussy…but then again she may just be classier than the world’s biggest marketing tool and spokesperson… Oh as it turns out she was also Richie Sambora’s girlfriend…hooker…Rocker’s traditional have great taste in women, especially Sambora…look at Heather Locklear… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Nikki Lund Nipple and Pussy Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Nikki Lund Nipple and Pussy Flash of the Day

Rachel McCord Trying to Be Sexy in a Bikini of the Day

Rachel McCord is in a bikini for the paparazzi as she does…because it’s all she’s got going for her… Which makes Rachel McCord almost interesting, only because she’s moved to LA when her sister booked a show, that at this point was so long ago, and she hasn’t done anything since… But for a minute and a half, I think 2 seasons, but maybe more, she was the plus one to all the events her sister went to. You know full fucking mooch, not actually working in LA, just hanging out….and that’s the attitude I like from a woman. I mean find a rich dude and fucking sit, lunch, dinner, shop, fuck, and get paparazzi pics in between. I mean if you’re a skinny chick, you have to be a real idiot to have ambitiion, goals and dreams and want to work. Follow Rachel McCord’s lead…and do nothing, yet matter more than your sister the actual actor does, cuz your do nothing involves paparazzi marketing so people know the name… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rachel McCord Trying to Be Sexy in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rachel McCord Trying to Be Sexy in a Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Olsen Gets Her Tits Wet of the Day

Elizabeth Olsen is the Olsen twin sister who still needs to work, because when she was growing up, her older twin sisters, who may or may not be aliens from another planet, but who are definitely really creepy and weird and look like Michael Jackson, were out there making billions of dollars so that they don’t have to ever work in entertainment again, but instead run some fashion company because they can…. This one is out there doing Hollywood pictures, getting lots of praise, even getting jerked off to by the perverts who are into her sisters and this is the closest thing they can get to the real thing, but also by people who don’t know anything about the Olsen twins other than that there were creepy kids in movies in the 90s, and know everything about Elizabeth Olsen…like that she’s busty… Here she is getting wet. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elizabeth Olsen Gets Her Tits Wet of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Elizabeth Olsen Gets Her Tits Wet of the Day