Tag Archives: pregnant-women

42 Pregnant Women Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Naked Students Customer Couldn’t Find Money to Pay for His Meal Broken Basketball Leg Idiot Movers Cop Accidentally Mistakes Gun for Taser Elephant Pissing Crazy Accident of the Day Drunks Fighting in Paris The post 42 Pregnant Women Dance and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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42 Pregnant Women Dance and Other Videos of the Day

Nick Cannon Accused Of Fathering Child Out Of Wedlock

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In two stories as old as time, Nick Cannon and Reggie Bush are rumored to be the father of two different pregnant women’s babies.

Nick Cannon Accused Of Fathering Child Out Of Wedlock

Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Here name is Lily Donaldson….She’s a model I have posted on before …..and I’m only putting these up cuz she’s in a bra…I know pretty fucking pathetic….normally I aim for bitches who aren’t actual celebs to at least show some fucking nipple, even models, you know to inspire me to waste my time posting on them…but he good news is that no one knows I exist so any posting standards I pretend to have don’t matter….and time wasted putting this up doesn’t matter either….cuz girls in bras isn’t exciting, especially when the girls showing bra are willing to get naked for fashion and probably have tons of topless pics already out there…but here are the pics anyway…

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Lily Donaldson in her Bra for Terry Richardson of the Day

Miley Cyrus’ Shitty White Bra See Through Pics of the Day

I am a lot less interested in Miley Cyrus in a knitted sweater showing off what is either a sports bra, regular bra, bikini top or tank top, whatever you wanna call it…it isn’t her nipples….and more into her little pussy hugging shorts…even though Miley Cyrus is boring, played out, over 18 and not nearly scandalous enough to make up for her redneck face…she’s really just a good candidate to be K-Fedded…with all her daddy issues and addiction to love….but for some reason I’m compelled to post these pics…cuz it isn’t summer here and the last time I saw shorts on anyone was a dude leaving the gym…and Miley is better than that…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Miley Cyrus’ Shitty White Bra See Through Pics of the Day

Some Nude Pregnant Model Does London Fashion Week of the Day

These are some pictures of some nude 8 month pregnant model walking the runway in London naked…and I am posting them because I know some of you weirdos like nude pregnant women cuz you find it beautiful and natural…as women are the ones who carry our species….while I’m more the abortion endorsing, changing my name and moving away kind of guy when I get a girl pregnant….you know and if I was really stuck…I’d just fuck other bitches justifying it to my woman by busting out a mirror….and saying shit like “just be happy I gave you a baby, and let me be happy in a pussy that doesn’t have a baby crowning out of it”…. If you know what I mean….and if you don’t it’s that nude pregnant chicks draw attention to up and comer designers…shock value that gets everyone talking…clever….

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Some Nude Pregnant Model Does London Fashion Week of the Day

Hilary Duff’s Awesome Pregnant Short Shorts

I’ve got to say that so far I’m really enjoying Hilary Duff’s pregnancy, first she had those awesome shots of her great little ass in leggings , and now here she is showing it off in some very miniscule cut off short shorts. Maybe she’s not pregnant at all, maybe she was just gassy. Whatever it is, it seems to really be agreeing with the hottie. I don’t normally find pregnant women attractive at all, it’s just weird looking, but this I could definitely handle. I think there’d be more children around if this is what the average pregnant lady looked like. Well done.

Jessica Alba’s Nice Pregnant Cleavage

I’m sure you’ve heard people talk about pregnant women having a glow, well I’m convinced that a big part of that is their growing pregnant cleavage. Here’s Jessica Alba “glowing” at some event last night in a nice white pregnant chick dress. I don’t normally find this kind of thing all that attractive, but she’s got to be one of the hottest pregnant women ever. I think I’d even be able to sit through an evening of her breast feeding. I’ll bring the wine. more pictures of Jessica Alba here

TSA Terrorizes 4 Year old in Leg Braces – Makes him Walk without Them

“The stupidity is breathtaking.” added by: JonRaymond

Possibly over Three Thousand Miscarriages: CDC Still Lying about H1N1 Vaccine Safety

(NaturalNews) In a shocking report, the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data in September from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to as many as 3,587 cases of miscarriage and still deaths. Despite having the data, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) has continued to assure pregnant women, a prime vaccine target group, and vaccine providers that the vaccine presents no risk for pregnant women. NCOW used data from their own survey of pregnant women aged 17-45 years and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), including updates through July 11, to estimate the true number of miscarriages and stillbirths following an H1N1 flu vaccination in the U.S. NCOW estimated the number of miscarriages and stillbirths due to the H1N1 vaccine during the 2009/10-flu season to be 1,588, but they also noted that the figure was an average and that the number of miscarriages and stillbirths could have been as high as 3,587. http://arch1design.com/blog/latest_environmental_health_news/possibly-over-three… added by: heroinandcornflakes

Why GLBT should pray homosexuality is not genetic.

So, an idea came to me while I was reading a post recently that asked its readers “Why be gay?” People seemed upset at this question, claiming that it was not a choice, god made them this way, and it was genetic. Granted, this is my opinion too, I began to think. If being gay is genetic, how long is it until some close-minded hetero scientist finds a cure for homosexuality? What can we do if there is some shot pregnant women take to insure that little jimmy never likes little tommy? Is that going to be labeled as “moral”? added by: M_i_k_a