Tag Archives: president-takes

New Conservative Meme: Obama Forces "Shakedowns," "Show Trials" Over Spill

Barton apologizing to BP (photo via flickr) The word has gone out to the conservative establishment that Obama can’t “win” on the BP oil spill and that labels, accusations, and lies are needed to change the framing of the story from one in which the president takes deliberate and necessary action to one in which he’s let the country down. Last week, Rep. Joe Barton sparked the meme that Obama is a “shakedown” artist who is pressuring a private corporation into action. Although his peers in his own party ran for cover … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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New Conservative Meme: Obama Forces "Shakedowns," "Show Trials" Over Spill

Tea Partiers Boycott MSNBC Advertisers Over ‘Slanderous’ Documentary

Some Tea Party leaders are calling for conservatives to boycott MSNBC’s advertisers, after the network ran a documentary on June 16 that they say unfairly slandered the movement. Two of the Tea Party leaders interviewed in the Chris Matthews-narrated documentary are asking supporters to write, call and fax the offices of Dawn and its parent company Proctor and Gamble and request that they cease giving advertising dollars to Matthews’ “Hardball” program on MSNBC. FreedomWorks chairman Dick Armey and Kitchen Table Patriots member Ana Puig jointly called the documentary a “propaganda piece” and urged Tea Party groups around the country to boycott Dawn products. “The program ‘Rise of the New Right’ was low-ball journalism at its worst,” said the Kitchen Table Patriots in a statement released today. “Chris Matthews and his Hardball program slandered the Tea Party movement, and misled the American people by distorting facts about the Tea Party movement, its motivations and its history.” Brendan Steinhauser, a grassroots director at FreedomWorks, noted that other groups like the American Grassroots Coalition, the National Tea Party Federation, Tea Party Nation and Liberty Central have also signed on to the boycott. Critics say that Matthews’ documentary smeared Tea Partiers as “violent,” “conspiracy theorists,” and “racists” by relying heavily on insinuations, heavily edited sound bites, and allegations from left-wing activist groups. The introduction of the video splices back-to-back shots of militia members firing guns with Tea Party protesters holding up signs criticizing President Obama’s policies, as ominous music droned in the background. In one segment, Matthews appeared to insinuate that FreedomWorks leader Armey is supportive of “birthers,” a group of fringe conspiracy theorists who believe President Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. “While not embracing birthers, many conservative leaders refuse to separate from them,” said Matthews in a voiceover that led in to an interview Matthews held with Armey. “Barack Obama’s citizenship, is that a real case or not?” asks Matthews. “There’s a venue for that. Probably in the courts,” Armey replied. But Steinhauser, who organizes FreedomWorks’ national events, says that any suggestion that Armey sympathizes with birthers is “just ridiculous.” “[The documentary] obviously didn’t give his full answer,” said Steinhauser. “At our events we’ve been approached by just about every birther in the book. We kept [birthers] Allan Keyes [and] Orly Taitz as far as possible from our big September 12 event. I told them ‘that’s not who we are – go have your own rally.’ The movement out and out rejects that.” And other facts presented in the documentary don’t appear to stand up to scrutiny. At one point in the video, Mark Potok, a director at the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) warned Matthews’ that “we’ve gone from numbers like, you know, 170 militias to well over 500.” But the SPLC’s most recent report on right-wing groups released in Spring 2010 claimed that it only defines 127 organizations in the U.S. as “militias.” Steinhauser said that getting the message out about the boycott is just the first step in the campaign. “This is just the beginning stages. We’ve got some other things planned down the road in the days and weeks to come,” he said. For further analysis of Matthews’ documentary, see Lachlan Markey’s Newsbusters report .

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Tea Partiers Boycott MSNBC Advertisers Over ‘Slanderous’ Documentary

MSNBC’s Brewer Annoyed at Barton’s ‘Shakedown’ Reference, But Colleague Ed Schultz Used It With Pride

In a satellite interview with Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-La.) held shortly before 1 p.m. EDT today, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer criticized Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) for denouncing the president pushing BP to agree to a $20-billion escrow account for oil spill damages as a “shakedown”: So, there’s Joe Barton calling the $20 billion in escrow a shakedown, and as you point out, there are people in your district who have lost their livelihoods! They wonder how they can feed their families! But yesterday, Brewer’s MSNBC colleague Ed Schultz used similar language to voice his giddy approval of President Obama’s maneuvering : President Obama! You are the dude! The president takes the heads of BP behind closed doors, shakes them down for $20 billion, and gets an apology.  President Obama went behind closed doors today with Tony Hayward and the other suits from BP and informed them it’s time to pay.  If you go by today’s results, you’d have to say the President of the United States hit it out of the park. In his own way the President of the United States took on a multinational [corporation] shook ’em down for $20 billion for the American people. President Obama got more out of BP than the Congress ever has. The day before that, just two hours before President Obama’s Oval Office address, Schultz told viewers he hoped the president would sound “like a dictator” and would rhetorically speaking, press his “boot on the neck of BP tonight.”

See the original post here:
MSNBC’s Brewer Annoyed at Barton’s ‘Shakedown’ Reference, But Colleague Ed Schultz Used It With Pride