Tag Archives: probably-good

Alison Sweeney for Shape of the Day

Hey Alison Sweeney, who the fuck are you? According to Wikipedia, she’s soap star from Days of Our Life, who married a cop who was hired to be on Days of Our Life for one episode, and she had 2 kids with him, before hosting Biggest Loser, a show that is probably good for the ego to host, because despite your hard aging, and average at best body, you look awesome next to the bigs and cows they’ve let out of the barn filled with fast food, to exploit them for ratings, while seemingly saving their fat lives with diet and exercise, something all of us should be doing before we hit 250 – 700 lbs. And here she is posing in a bikini for Shape Magazine, because you’d assume being on the show would teach her good diet and exercise habits, while I would think it actually is more a “hey pass the donuts, at least it’s not like I’m 300 pounds” situation…at least based on these photoshopped bikini pics for a magazine…

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Alison Sweeney for Shape of the Day

Picture of Ricki Lake and Derek Hough

“I told her, #39;No more,#39; ” Derek Hough, 26, told us backstage after Monday night#39;s show. “I said, #39;This is about you. This is now time.#39; ” “I#39;m me, I know, I know,” Lake said in response to her partner#39;s comments. “That#39;s probably good advice. I really love working with Derek. He#39;s such a good teacher, and I#39;m learning so much. He encourages me. I feel like I#39;m learning that way. He#39;s really intuitive with me.” Ricki Lake has made no secret about which former

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Picture of Ricki Lake and Derek Hough

Rihanna inappropriate wardrobe

Rihanna, 23, was dancing in a red handkerchief bikini when Alan Graham, 61, noticed her and drove over in his tractor to put a stop to things. An Irish farmer who had given Rihanna permission to use his grain field to film her new music video shut down the production on Monday and chastised the pop singer for her “inappropriate” wardrobe. “I have an ethos and I felt it was inappropriate,” Graham told the BBC. “I requested them to stop and they did.” Graham said he granted permission for Rihan

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Rihanna inappropriate wardrobe

Paris Hilton Bikini Trash of the Day

Paris Hilton is in her bikini. I can go pass the fuck out now knowing I’ve left you with something disgusting enough to satisfy your pervert needs… It was a joke that she was famous 10 years ago, but now the joke is on us because we’re still talking about her 10 years later. She’s one of those things we should have forgotten about long ago, and I guess she proves all that is wrong in society, like that money can’t buy you a cure to herpes, but it can buy you a cure for Aids, which in Paris Hilton’s case is probably good enough… She’s a waste of fucking time, here she is sloppy, fat, old and ugly in her bikini for you die hard Paris Hilton fans…Get over it motherfuckers, it’s really nothing good….she’s just milking the press in some staged pics cuz they think she’s pregnant.

Paris Hilton Bikini Trash of the Day

Outdoor Bacteria Can Make You Smarter, and Happier

Getting some outdoor time is not only good for the soul, it’s probably good for the mind. Research from The Sage Colleges in Troy, New York, suggests that exposure to a natural soil bacterium called Mycobacterium vaccae can increase learning behavior. Another reason to enjoy, and protect, the great outdoors. And a potential reason to eat a little dirt here and there…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Outdoor Bacteria Can Make You Smarter, and Happier

Rachel Bilson Stickin’ Out Her Whore Tongue of the Day

Here are some pictures of Rachel Bilson looking real fucking horrible sticking her tongue out.

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Rachel Bilson Stickin’ Out Her Whore Tongue of the Day

Levi Johnston Busts a Nut

For Levi Johnston, baby daddy of Bristol Palin , it’s time to get crackin’.

Levi Johnston Busts a Nut