Tag Archives: probably-time

New Democrats 2020: Eric Holder Flips Michelle Obama’s Mantra, “When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em” [Video]

Image via Aaron P. Bernstein/Getty Images Eric Holder Has A New Mantra For Democrats In 2020 It’s beginning to look more and more like Eric Holder is going to run for President in 2020 . The former Attorney General is currently trending on Twitter over some comments that he made this past Sunday in Georgia at a campaign event for Senatorial candidate Stacey Abrams (GEORGIA, GO VOTE!). Holder has GOPer panties in knots for putting a darker and more sinister spin on Michelle Obama’s famous mantra: “when they go low, we go high”. As much as we love and adore THE First Lady, we have to concede that the high road isn’t paved and it runs off the side of a cliff. In the age of Donald Trump, it’s probably time for a different approach… Word up.

Continued here:
New Democrats 2020: Eric Holder Flips Michelle Obama’s Mantra, “When They Go Low, We Kick ‘Em” [Video]

Julia Pereira Because She Is Pretty

I know a lot of you might not have been expecting to see the world’s hottest swimsuit model/designer fully-clothed, but I’ve always said that  Julia Pereira looks downright gorgeous no matter what she’s wearing. And this latest photoshoot of hers just proves me right. In fact, I think it’s probably time we ditch the whole “hottest swimsuit model” label for something a little more accurate: the world’s hottest model sounds about right. Enjoy.

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Julia Pereira Because She Is Pretty

Doutzen Kroes Swimsuit Pictures Are Amazing

Normally, whenever I see a hottie like  Doutzen Kroes at the beach, I like to make some crack about wanting to take them out motorboating. But I figure it’s probably time to switch it up a bit. Mostly because, for some reason, I still haven’t had anybody take me up on my offer. And seeing these pictures of Doutzen in Miami is giving me a great idea. I forget what this dumb beach paddle ball game is called, but I can think of a whole bunch of other fun ways the two of us could use those paddles. Call me! Photos: PacificCoastNews

Here is the original post:
Doutzen Kroes Swimsuit Pictures Are Amazing