Tag Archives: ralph-northam

Black History Month Almost Takes An L While Black Women Continue To Shine: This Week’s Winners & Losers

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Source: NurPhoto / Getty Black History Month was sooo close to losing this first full week of February. The racist ridiculousness was something serious.  But as the ancestors said before us, still we rise. Check out the losers for the week below, then hit the next page to find out who helped save what was left of Black History month! Losers People who don’t know what racism is Clearly, racism needs to get more airtime in school classrooms because it seems people still don’t understand the full weight of the phenomenon. The topic received a lot of attention this week starting with Liam Neeson who revealed that he once went looking to kill a “Black bastard” after his friend said she was raped by a Black man. Neeson explained himself on Good Morning America   and how he regretted his feelings at the time. However, he never once said that his actions and sentiments were racist. As a matter of fact, he went on to say “I’m not racist, this was nearly 40 years ago.”   Sorry Liam, that was racist. Find out why here. The non-acknowledgement of racism didn’t stop here, however. The next day, Neeson’s co-star in the movie Widows Michelle Rodriguez had the audacity to defend Neeson by saying: “Dude, have you watched  Widows ? His tongue was so far down  Viola Davis’  throat. You can’t call him a racist ever. Racists don’t make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue—so deep down her throat. I don’t care how good of an actor you are. It’s all bullsh**. Ignore it. He’s not a racist.”   Father help us. I guess Michelle missed that unit on Black fetishization in her 5th grade history class. And guess what Michelle? It’s all tied to the one big family of… R A C I S M.   And finally, you’d think after think pieces, Twitter rants and Facebook arguments, people would understand that blackface is bad and also has ties to racism , right? Naw. According to a recent YouGov poll , only 58 percent of Americans believe blackface is bad. Meanwhile, Gucci is making blackface sweaters and current Democrat leaders, like Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam , are being pinned for their blackface past. *Sigh* Either  A LOT of teaching needs to be done or people just don’t care. Either way, racism is clearly still alive.

Black History Month Almost Takes An L While Black Women Continue To Shine: This Week’s Winners & Losers

Support Emerges For the College Professor Who Accused Justin Fairfax Of Sexual Assault

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A hashtag, #IBelieveVanessa, is getting a growing number of contributors on Twitter from people who support the Scripps College professor who accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of sexual assault—which he has denied. Educator and political commentator Melissa Harris-Perry is among those who have sided with Vanessa Tyson . See Also: Northam Now Says It Wasn’t Him In The Racist Yearbook Photo Tyson released a statement in which she officially identified herself as the accuser in the alleged July 2004 encounter, The Washington Post reported. “I cannot believe, given my obvious distress, that Mr. Fairfax thought this forced sexual act was consensual. To be very clear, I did not want to engage in oral sex with Mr. Fairfax and I never gave any form of consent. Quite the opposite. I consciously avoided Mr. Fairfax for the remainder of the Convention and I never spoke to him again,” Tyson’s statement said in part. Professor who accused Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax of 2004 sexual assault issues statement detailing alleged incident https://t.co/YFeruFI5Dc — The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) February 6, 2019 This statement adds to the growing turmoil for Virginia’s top elected Democrats. The state’s governor and attorney general have admitted recently to wearing blackface in the 1980s. Tyson first approached The Post about her allegation in November 2017 after Fairfax won his election. But the newspaper said it declined to publish her story because it could not corroborate either her version or Fairfax’s recollection of exactly what happened. Tyson’s allegation was resurfaced recently by Big League Politics, a fringe right-wing news website that also published the racist photographs from Gov. Ralph Northam ’s medical school yearbook. “I know Vanessa. I taught Vanessa when she was a student #IBelieveVanessa ,” tweeted Harris-Perry. Here are tweets from more of Tyson’s supporters. Realized that for some, why #IBelieveVanessa is trending is a question. https://t.co/7M1VnVy1bZ Here's why we stand with @VanessaCTyson #MeToo #MeTooPoliSci — Nadia E. Brown (@BrownPhDGirl) February 6, 2019 I believe Vanessa Tyson. I've always admired her work and generosity as a scholar. I now admire her strength and courage. #metoo #IBelieveVanessa — Jennifer R. Garcia (@JGarciaForrest) February 5, 2019 Dr. @VanessaCTyson is one of the most brilliant, dedicated, and generous scholars I know. I am proud to call her my friend. She is an amazing advocate for junior scholars, for WOC, and for survivors. I believe her. #IBelieveVanessa — Dr. Julia Marin Hellwege (@JuliaHellwege) February 5, 2019 Fairfax and Tyson first met in Boston at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. She recalled Fairfax asking her to walk with him to his hotel room to retrieve some papers. Tyson said the sexual encounter began with consensual kissing. But she said Fairfax guided her to the bed and forced her to perform oral sex. Fairfax, who was not married at the time, has described the encounter as consensual. On Monday, Fairfax threatened legal action  against Big League Politics for its “false and unsubstantiated allegations” based on Tyson’s claim. The lieutenant governor said in his statement that The Post found “significant red flags and inconsistencies” in Tyson’s story. However, the newspaper denied Fairfax’s claim about find red flags when it investigated Tyson’s allegations and underscored that it simply could not corroborate either version of the encounter. SEE ALSO: Another Blackface Yearbook Photo Surfaces From Ralph Northam’s Alma Mater Republican Kirk Cox Could Become Virginia Governor If Scandals Bring Down Democrats [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3833240″ overlay=”true”]

Support Emerges For the College Professor Who Accused Justin Fairfax Of Sexual Assault