Tag Archives: remote

Pugs Help Viewers Learn How To Train Their Dragon

How to Train Your Dragon 2 hit theaters on Friday. But some movie goers may be hesitant to see this sequel because they missed the 2010 original. Have no fear, though, readers, a bunch of Pugs are here! In the following video (courtesy of The Pet Collective), a young boy uses these adorable pets to explain the plot of the first Dreamworks film. Why does one need to train one’s dragon? And how would one go about doing so? Find out now! How to Train Your Dragon… with Pugs! In other cute Pug news: This Pug is an expert toy critic . This Pug is dressed like a wrecking ball . These Pugs can help explain Home Alone . We have very cute examples of other dog breeds as well. To wit: 9 Dogs Who Really Love to Watch TV 1. Controlling the Remote It’s been a long day. Just let me unwind for a few minutes before I start dinner, okay?

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Pugs Help Viewers Learn How To Train Their Dragon

Household Items Your Mama Wouldn’t Hesitate To Spank You With When A Belt Wasn’t Handy

Let’s just say, mothers are resourceful women. Continue reading

Meet Lilly Ghalichi And Her Chesticles

I can hardly keep track of all the lame movies coming out these days, but something called Safe Haven had its premiere last night — it sounds like a Lifetime movie-of-the-week — and some hot nobody named Lilly Ghalichi showed up. Now, I don’t know who she is either, but for obvious funbag-related reasons, I had to find out more. And apparently she’s on some reality show called The Shahs of Sunset . I’ve never seen it because I’m not a shut-in who lost his remote, but with this kind of cleavage, I might have to “accidentally” misplace mine the next time it’s on. » view all 16 photos Photos : WENN.com

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Meet Lilly Ghalichi And Her Chesticles

RIM CEO demos BlackBerry PlayBook

BlackBerry PlayBook demo by Jim Balsillie By engadget Tags : Blackberry

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RIM CEO demos BlackBerry PlayBook

Comcast Xfinity Remote, eyes-on

Comcast Xfinity Remote, eyes-on By engadget Tags : Comcast , Xfinity , app , ios , ipad

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Comcast Xfinity Remote, eyes-on

Splashtop Remote on MeeGo

Splashtop Remote on MeeGo By engadget Tags : DeviceVM , MeeGo , SplashTop

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Splashtop Remote on MeeGo

Paris Plans Hydropower Turbines Under Four Seine Bridges

photo: Jean-François Gornet via flickr At the opposite end of the population scale from the remote Alaskan village now powered entirely by a hydrokinetic river turbine , Paris wants in on the hydropower without dams act. As The Guardian reports, the City of Light wants a small number of those lights to be power by the Seine a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Paris Plans Hydropower Turbines Under Four Seine Bridges

Architect Builds House Using 4.5 Million Boeing 747 Parts

Architect David Hertz is building Francie Rehwald the home of her dreams: an eco-friendly house on 55 acres in the remote hills of Malibu, California. Called the Wing House, the structure is being built using a commercial Boeing 747-200. We first reported the plans for the house back in 2005. But the structure requires FAA approval as to not be mistaken for a crash site. digg_url = ‘http://www.treehugger.com/files/2010/06/architect_builds_house_using_45_million… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Architect Builds House Using 4.5 Million Boeing 747 Parts

‘Lost’ Spoiler — Where Jack Ends Up

Filed under: Matthew Fox , Lost , Paparazzi Photo With the series finale in 11 days, Matthew Fox is finally getting off the remote ” Lost ” island and moving to … this house in a remote section of Oregon. The 43-year-old purchased this $2.5 million home on over 10 acres of property on the outskirts of… Read more

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‘Lost’ Spoiler — Where Jack Ends Up

Gang killed people for their fat for use in cosmetics

A gang in the remote Peruvian jungle has been killing people for their fat, police charged Thursday, draining it from their corpses and offering it on the black market for use in cosmetics.

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Gang killed people for their fat for use in cosmetics