Tag Archives: research-group

Drugs Like Boniva May Cause Cancer Study Finds

The findings were especially remarkable because another research group conducting a case-control study of the same registry — Great Britain's General Practice Research Database, containing records on some six million patients — recently reported no increase in esophageal cancer rates in patients treated with bisphosphonates. Green and colleagues explained the discrepancy by noting that mean observation time prior to diagnosis in the other analysis was substantially shorter, 4.5 versus 7.7 years. Also, they noted, their study used five matched controls for each case, whereas the earlier study had equal numbers of cases and controls. “Our study thus had the potential to include people with longer durations of bisphosphonate use and also had greater statistical power,” Green and colleagues asserted. More at the link…. added by: jubal

Harnessing The Wind’s Vibrations For Electricity

Photos: Cornell University Vibro-Research Group (From left: Jamie Pelletier, Albert Dodson, Rona Banai, Zach Gould, Marco Zhang, mechanical engineering professor Frank Moon and Jared Valentin.) As a renewable energy resource, wind has lots going for it – but one major downside is the cost to set up the wind turbines themselves, not to mention the problematic visual impact and the noise pollution it generates (often likened to a small jet engine, especially for those living close by). However, undergraduate students from Cornell University’s Vibro-Wind Research Group are working on a space-saving prototype that will harness win… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Harnessing The Wind’s Vibrations For Electricity

World’s Oldest Woman Died At Age 114

Japanese supercentarian Kama Chinen died at age 114 in Southern Japanese Island in Okinawa. Known as the oldest person in the world, Chinen was born May 10, 1895 and has passed away last May 2, 2010. According to Gerontology Research Group, a group whose objective is to reverse or retard aging, said Chinen was able to live through 3 centuries. Kama Chinen died in a home care. The details of her death have not been released by her family who have closely guarded her privacy. Kama had been the world’s oldest person since September 2009, when 115-year-old Gertrude Baines died in Los Angeles. The title of oldest human now passes to 114-year-old Frenchwoman Eugenie Blanchard, who was born in February 1896. Britain’s Florence Emily Baldwin from Leeds is now the second oldest person alive – she is also 114. While she attributes her long life to an egg sandwich every day, experts suspect a life of no drinking, no smoking and hard work has played its part. World’s Oldest Woman Died At Age 114 is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

World’s oldest woman dies at age 115 in Los Angeles

By SOLVEJ SCHOU, Associated Press Writer Solvej Schou, Associated Press Writer – 1 hr 10 mins ago LOS ANGELES – Gertrude Baines, who lived to be the world's oldest person on a steady diet of crispy bacon, fried chicken and ice cream, died Friday at a nursing home.

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World’s oldest woman dies at age 115 in Los Angeles