Tag Archives: ridiculousness

Ashley Benson’s Ass Cheek in Shorts of the Day

Here’s some 21 year old, chubby, main character on a show called Pretty Little Liars who was once in “Bring It On: In It to Win It”..or as I like to call it the “Bring it On” that went straight to DVD and no one saw….. Her name is Ashley Benson, she looks like she got some short shorts on….and that’s the end of that story…I know fascinating…I should put it in my diary…or even my memoir… Who cares about any of these twats…That’s what it comes donw to… To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Ashley Benson’s Ass Cheek in Shorts of the Day

Jordan Katie Price Modeling Her Tits in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Jordan Katie Price is always Hysterical in her ridiculousness that I appreciate for mor than the fact that she looks like a fucking tranny now, because I’ve been watching her and her ridiculous tits all these years, sacrifice any integrity or self respect, in a go big or go home kind of way that she took fucking literally….and now she’s a billionaire who looks like this, shamelessly promoting bullshit, and you know what…I love it….From her Sex Tapes to her ridiculousness….she deserves all she’s got….from being awesome…even if she looks like a fucking tranny now…. To See the Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Jordan Katie Price Modeling Her Tits in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Jennifer Aniston on Brad Pitt Reunion Rumors: All About the Benjamins!

A century from now, there will likely be a supermarket tabloid headline that claims Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt got back together in heaven. Such is the ridiculousness that has become of this never-ending rumor, one that magazines still profit over because customers continue to gobble up all Brangelina and Bennifer talk. In the latest issue of InStyle , Aniston says she’s aware of the headlines ( she’s having Pitt’s baby!!! ), she wishes they didn’t exist, but she understands why the editors continue to approve them. “It’s constant,” the star says. “It’s a story headline that won’t go away, but it’s a money thing – [people make money off] a story that has nothing to do with reality.” Among other topics touched on by Aniston during the interview: The occupation she’d want if she were not an actress : “I’d love to be a dermatologist. I’d be so obsessive about it. I’m fascinated by skin, products, and lasers. I go on the Internet and read all about it. I call it ‘laser porn.’” Boyfriend Justin Theroux : “First of all, he has great style – it’s very specific, and it has been his style forever. Has it influenced mine? No, but I know people say it has. ‘Oh, look, you’re dressing alike.’ And I think, ‘No I’m not. I’ve had this jacket for three years!’” What she looks for in a man : “Having experienced everything you don’t want in a partner over time, it starts to narrow down to what you actually do want. As I get older I realize what qualities are important in love and what suits me. And what I won’t settle for.”

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Jennifer Aniston on Brad Pitt Reunion Rumors: All About the Benjamins!

Is This Sassy, Afro-Wearing Vagina Ad Racist? [VIDEO]

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Are Summer’s Eve’s new ads racist? The feminine hygiene product company is promoting their latest campaign, “Hail To The V,” with minute-long clips featuring talking “vagina” hands. Crazy, right? Not yet. The “Black” vagina is an afro-wearing, sassy, “girl!” & “mm-hmmm”-using vagina that’s about to hit the cluuuub. She goes by the name of Lady Wowza and spells wonder with a “u.” The “Latin” vagina introduces herself with an “Ay-yi-yi” before admitting to wearing a leopard-print thong and rambling off in rapid-fire Spanish, “boo.” The “white” vagina, however, is a basic, statistic-knowing, educated broad who calls herself your “best friend.” Please take 3 minutes to enjoy these ads in all their ridiculousness and let us know what you think! “Lady Wowza” “Leopard Thong” “BFF” 5 Things You Should Never Do Below The Belt Female MC’s Are Walking Talking Vaginas

Is This Sassy, Afro-Wearing Vagina Ad Racist? [VIDEO]

Some Dolly Parton Old Lady Tit of the Day

I like country music. I am not sure if it has something to do with the fact that their poor trash lives speaks to me on some emotional level, or if it is because everyone seems to be trained when asked what music they like to say “anything but country”, except poor trash who actually like country music. But I’m pretty sure it’s got more to do with Dolly Parton’s substantial tits than anything else, because I never knew if they were real or fake, but I knew the ridiculousness of them was always amazing and here they are, old and clothed, but still good enough for me…cuz I don’t really have much else going on right now… Pics via Fame Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Some Dolly Parton Old Lady Tit of the Day

Bristol Palin: The Height of Hypocrisy

Earlier, we reported about teen mom Bristol Palin’s upcoming cameo on ABC Famliy’s The Secret Life of the American Teenager. Give it up for family values! Isn’t this hypocritical and counterproductive? Isn’t having Bristol Palin on the show basically glorifying teen pregnancy? The network said in a press release: ” Bristol Palin is the most famous teenage mother in America. We’re thrilled to have her join us, and I think she will bring additional attention to the issues facing teen parents that we’ve been exploring for a couple of seasons now.” “I am thrilled to be on this show and to be a part of a program that educates teens and young adults about the consequences of teen pregnancy,” said Palin. What a crock . Bristol Palin has chosen life. And apparently fame. By putting a teen mom in any popular entertainment medium, ABC Family is (indirectly if not overtly) celebrating the fact that she’s a teen who got pregnant. Bristol Palin is known for exactly two things : Being the daughter of Sarah Palin Getting knocked up by Levi Johnston Now her famous mom wants to utilize that fact to make Bristol a celebrity while espousing family values at the same time. It’s as disgusting as it is laughable. Not to mention the ridiculousness of Sarah’s claims last week about her family being off limits. Guess that only applies if Family Guy takes shots at them , eh? This isn’t Bristol’s first dubious attempt to have it both ways. Last year, she was named Candie’s ” Teen Pregnancy Ambassador .” What does that even mean? Especially from a clothing line whose ads feature Britney Spears in booty shorts? 2008: The seeds of celebrity (and Tripp Johnston) are sown. Apparently it matters not, because it’s all about making money off THE MOST FAMOUS TEEN MOM EVER! Really, ABC Family? This is your marketing hook? Altruism, this is not. If education and prevention are really your goals, start doing public service announcements or donating time and money to charity. If the Palins wants to shamelessly promote the Palins and teen pregnancy, great. But let’s call it what it is – self-serving PR under the guise of “education.” We want to hear what you think: What is Bristol Palin’s appearance on The Secret Life of the American Teenager going to accomplish?

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Bristol Palin: The Height of Hypocrisy

Javaris Crittenton Pleads Guilty to Gun Charge

It’s time to give Javaris Crittenton his due. The Washington Wizards guard has been largely overlooked as the other dude in the gun-toting, locker room standoff with the team’s star, Gilbert Arenas

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Javaris Crittenton Pleads Guilty to Gun Charge