Tag Archives: russians

Greta Buz Would Make A Great Super Naughty Mail-Order Bride

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been posting a lot of Russian hotties on the site lately. But I’m pretty sure that now that Trump is President, all us bikini bloggers are legally required to post a few hot Russians per month. I’m just doing my patriotic duty. So here’s my latest find, Greta Buz . I don’t know much about her, but I’d definitely love to find out more over dinner or a coffee. Or a green card marriage. Call me! » view all 12 photos

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Greta Buz Would Make A Great Super Naughty Mail-Order Bride

Abbey Lee Kershaw Topless in an American Flag of the Day

Freedom has been attacked, the site was hacked…probably by the same Russians who dictated your election win – according to all you protesting bitches… But America, or this site, like Abbey Lee Kershaw..is not American….or that women’s march that was futile, except in making women feel like there are other whining women…who they managed to organize meeting….but will likely do nothing with other than whine, and maybe talk about boys with…. I think getting hacked must be part of that Women’s March…who hate people who celebrate sluts…like me….but that could be me being paranoid…sure women can organize get togethers…but can they inject my site with porn spam…I don’t know…I’m sticking to the Russians… Sure this whole Trump is boring, despite impacting the world thanks to America being the center of the world until China and Russia take over…but I like to think all that noise doesn’t really matter…But a topless Australian in an American Flag dress does…today….and everyday…from this day forward…inspiring… The post Abbey Lee Kershaw Topless in an American Flag of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Abbey Lee Kershaw Topless in an American Flag of the Day

SMH: Simone Biles’ “Positive Drug Test” Outed In Latest Celeb Hacking Scandal

Simone Biles’ Drug Testing Records Leaked Russian computer hackers are coming for Simone Biles’ good gold-medal name , releasing her confidential Olympic drug testing records and exposing that she tested positive for a banned substance. However, the joke was on them, as she was PARDONED for the trace amounts of the drug found in her system due to the explanation for it. Via E!online : Russian computer hackers acquired and published documents from the World Anti-Doping Agency’s athlete database, which revealed private medical information about the gymnast as well as Serena Williams and Venus Williams—all three of which were reportedly given medical exemptions to use banned drugs. The documents show that Biles—who took home four gold medals at the 2016 Rio Olympics—tested positive for a banned drug on WADA’s list, though there was no misuse of drugs. The International Gymnastics Federation has declined to comment so far, but the athlete still took to Twitter herself to release a statement and reiterate that she did not do anything illegal. The World Anti-Doping Agency’s director general also released a statement, saying, “WADA deeply regrets this situation and is very conscious of the threat that it represents to athletes whose confidential information has been divulged through this criminal act.” The hackers, who go by the name Fancy Bear, warned that they planned to release the medical records of even more athletes from around the world again soon. SMH!! Are the Russians just salty they didn’t produce gold medal gods in this year’s games, so they have to come for our stars’ good records? Getty/AP/WENN/AKM-GSI/Splash/Twitter

See the article here:
SMH: Simone Biles’ “Positive Drug Test” Outed In Latest Celeb Hacking Scandal

Petra Nemcova Tits at a Premiere at Cannes of the Day

When it comes to Tsunami survivors, I think it is safe to say that Petra Nemcova is one of the hottest there ever was…all climbing up a tree because these Russians are resilient, even her boyfriend didn’t survive…making her even more amazing than her tits… No I’ve always been into her…and her tits…so seeing her in Cannes is magical and makes me want to sing her love songs, but instead…I’ll just look at her tits… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Petra Nemcova Tits at a Premiere at Cannes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Petra Nemcova Tits at a Premiere at Cannes of the Day

This Is How You Pull Out A Kid’s Tooth

Crazy Russians! They work in mysterious ways, but they get the job done! Continue reading

White Russian Girls in a Choreographed Twerk of the Day

This is pretty amazing…choreographed twerking by Russian girls who are bringing it like this was the 80s Olympics and they had something to prove through dance…otherwise their family would be killed for them disgracing their country…their country depended on this… Sure it’s great, white girls in booty shorts, twerking as seriously as Russians take anything, and it makes me laugh -because Russian spies or not…good at twerking or not…hot or not….white girls twerking is just silly and whenever I see a white girl twerk, even if I want to fuck them, or want it on my face and even if they have great asses, I just assume they are college girls from Orange County trying to be Miley or pop relevant cuz pop is all they know… MTV TOLD ME TO DO IT… White girls are boring…but I don’t consider Russians white girls, they are their own breed, if shaking ass as focused and as technically accurate…as if they were the Baryshnikov of twerk…graceful and intense… Cuz that’s what Russians do…and that is why they are taking over the world… Fall of Communism, look at us now, watch out.

White Russian Girls in a Choreographed Twerk of the Day

Worst Tech Demo of the Day

I feel like this is probably what goes on – every time nerds come together…literally…because that’s how these kinds of machines get invented in the first place…but it is still an awkward convention booth demo…but sometimes awkward is the funniest shit ever…like what went wrong in this dudes life that made him think volunteering to be this guy was a good idea…I guess we’ll never know…

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Worst Tech Demo of the Day

Worst Tech Demo of the Day

I feel like this is probably what goes on – every time nerds come together…literally…because that’s how these kinds of machines get invented in the first place…but it is still an awkward convention booth demo…but sometimes awkward is the funniest shit ever…like what went wrong in this dudes life that made him think volunteering to be this guy was a good idea…I guess we’ll never know…

Original post:
Worst Tech Demo of the Day

Russia Tries to Kill the Fat of the Day

This is what the States needs to put in place in front of every single vending machine, drive thru window, and WalMart check out line… The Russian did subsidized tickets for people who do 30 squats…meaning do the squats, save the money, get more fit, do it 3 times a day, and motherfucker, you got yourself a hot booty… I know what you’re thinking, of course the Russians did this, they are far better than the Americans, just look at every Olympics….or if you’re like me…you’re thinking the US Government would rather spend money on bullshit…corruption while keeping the public fat as fuck…because fat people are lazy, sick, make money for the pharma companies…make less headaches by protesting… I guess this is to promote the Olympics…and it is genius.

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Russia Tries to Kill the Fat of the Day

Russia Tries to Kill the Fat of the Day

This is what the States needs to put in place in front of every single vending machine, drive thru window, and WalMart check out line… The Russian did subsidized tickets for people who do 30 squats…meaning do the squats, save the money, get more fit, do it 3 times a day, and motherfucker, you got yourself a hot booty… I know what you’re thinking, of course the Russians did this, they are far better than the Americans, just look at every Olympics….or if you’re like me…you’re thinking the US Government would rather spend money on bullshit…corruption while keeping the public fat as fuck…because fat people are lazy, sick, make money for the pharma companies…make less headaches by protesting… I guess this is to promote the Olympics…and it is genius.

See more here:
Russia Tries to Kill the Fat of the Day