Tag Archives: secret-shame

REVIEW: Opportunist Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Deserves a Slushie to the Face

One of the running gags in Fox’s effervescent hit high school series Glee is that no matter how things occasionally come up roses for the show choir freaks and geeks of McKinley High, there’s always someone, slushie in hand, waiting to take the Gleeks down a peg or two back to cold, brutal reality. Ironically, it’s that same multicolored frozen treat, globbed at the screen in slow-motion over the end credits of Glee: The 3D Concert Movie , that underscores a similar, sad burst of recognition that’s perhaps been long coming: For all the uplifting, inclusive good that Glee inspires in its young target demographic, it’s a property that’s become high on its own self-projected, self-congratulatory fantasy of “fuck the haters” do-goodingness. And there’s nothing more that Glee needs or deserves right now than a slushie to the face.

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REVIEW: Opportunist Glee: The 3D Concert Movie Deserves a Slushie to the Face

Dirty Dancing Remake Reportedly Has No Script, Casting Ideas

The Internet had the time of its life bashing plans for a new Dirty Dancing when Lionsgate announced it would remake the ’80s classic earlier this week. Perhaps that teeth-gnashing was slightly premature; according to director Kenny Ortega, Dirty Dancing is likely to stay in the corner for quite a while before heading to theaters.

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Dirty Dancing Remake Reportedly Has No Script, Casting Ideas

Today in Our Idiot Brother Marketing: Paul Rudd Loves Fantasy Football

On the heels of that very-funny Funny or Die video featuring Paul Rudd and Harvey Weinstein discussing marketing strategies for Our Idiot Brother , comes Rudd revealing his secret shame on the cover of the latest edition of The Hollywood Reporter . Unlike some other celebs, however, his addiction is slightly less scandalous; like millions of Americans — and other Hollywood stars like Ashton Kutcher — Rudd plays fantasy football. “It’s just so super nerdy. It sucks,” the Our Idiot Brother star told the trade magazine. “I wish I didn’t like it as much as I do. It’s a sickness.”

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Today in Our Idiot Brother Marketing: Paul Rudd Loves Fantasy Football