We like to avail ourselves of the Freedom of Information of Act now and again, because sometimes we find FBI memos about how the Green Party is a terrorist organization because we don’t get too many libruls here in Georgia . Asked by the FBI’s counterterroism unit to assess “future targets of the animal and environmental rights movements and/or those committing crimes on the behalf of the movements in the Georgia area,” the best some poor FBI agent in Georgia complained that he or she would have a little trouble with that one, seeing as how “the animal rights , environmental and anarchy movement activity is relatively low” because “Georgia residents lean toward the views of a conservative nature” and don’t offer a “nurturing environment” for libruls
FBI Agent Thinks the Green Party Is a Terrorist Group With Nukes
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged agent, animal, animal-rights, avail-ourselves, fbi, georgia, green party, movements, patriot, seeing-as-how, weapons, wikipedia