Tag Archives: senate-majority

Earth Day Sex

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day ! Eco-tip: If you celebrate Earth Day with your partner tonight, use protection. Babies are bad for the environment. The Best Links: Thanks Mustafa Watch


Sue Lowden, who is challenging Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his seat, has the best healthcare plan EVER. It involves bartering chickens (for real). If only she'd said something when everyone was working out the details of the health care bill! Chickencare would have been amazing. 🙁 Via TPM . The Best Links: ChickenCare Goes Viral Lowden Doubles Down On Health-Care-By-Barter: ‘Bring A Chicken To The Doctor’ (VIDEO) Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sue Lowden has a novel plan for healthcare reform: Chickens! Chickens of Fire (Unrelated Inspirational Video) More Chicken Buzz Watch

Obama Orders Visitation Rights for Same Sex Couples

Via Washington Post “President Obama on Thursday signed a memorandum requiring hospitals to allow gays and lesbians to have non-family visitors and to grant their partners medical power of attorney. The president ordered the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination in hospital visitation. The memo is scheduled to be made public Friday morning, according to an administration official and another source familiar with the White House decision. An official said the new rule will affect any hospital that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding.” In the memo the President said “Every day, all across America, patients are denied the kindnesses and caring of a loved one at their sides whether in a sudden medical emergency or a prolonged hospital stay.” UPDATE: On Anderson Cooper 360, Janice Langbehn discussed how her story inspired the White House to make this order. Langbehn received a call from President Obama today, who apologized for the ordeal that she had gone through at a Jackson, Florida hospital. She was denied access to her partner her, despite having power of attorney and other legal documents that should have granted her medical access. Langbehn's was not allowed to see her partner until just moments before her death. Langbehn says that Lisa, her partner's death, “was not in vain.” She appreciates the apology from President Obama despite not having received an apology from the hospital, which announced this week that they have changed their access policy to include LGBT families. The Human Rights Campaign, a lobby group that specializes in LGBT issues has stated that they have been “working on the request––” with the White House “for months.” Full Body of the Memorandum: MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES SUBJECT: Respecting the Rights of Hospital Patients to Receive Visitors and to Designate Surrogate Decision Makers for Medical Emergencies There are few moments in our lives that call for greater compassion and companionship than when a loved one is admitted to the hospital. In these hours of need and moments of pain and anxiety, all of us would hope to have a hand to hold, a shoulder on which to lean — a loved one to be there for us, as we would be there for them. Yet every day, all across America, patients are denied the kindnesses and caring of a loved one at their sides — whether in a sudden medical emergency or a prolonged hospital stay. Often, a widow or widower with no children is denied the support and comfort of a good friend. Members of religious orders are sometimes unable to choose someone other than an immediate family member to visit them and make medical decisions on their behalf. Also uniquely affected are gay and lesbian Americans who are often barred from the bedsides of the partners with whom they may have spent decades of their lives — unable to be there for the person they love, and unable to act as a legal surrogate if their partner is incapacitated. For all of these Americans, the failure to have their wishes respected concerning who may visit them or make medical decisions on their behalf has real consequences. It means that doctors and nurses do not always have the best information about patients' medications and medical histories and that friends and certain family members are unable to serve as intermediaries to help communicate patients' needs. It means that a stressful and at times terrifying experience for patients is senselessly compounded by indignity and unfairness. And it means that all too often, people are made to suffer or even to pass away alone, denied the comfort of companionship in their final moments while a loved one is left worrying and pacing down the hall. Many States have taken steps to try to put an end to these problems. North Carolina recently amended its Patients' Bill of Rights to give each patient “the right to designate visitors who shall receive the same visitation privileges as the patient's immediate family members, regardless of whether the visitors are legally related to the patient” — a right that applies in every hospital in the State. Delaware, Nebraska, and Minnesota have adopted similar laws. My Administration can expand on these important steps to ensure that patients can receive compassionate care and equal treatment during their hospital stays. By this memorandum, I request that you take the following steps: 1. Initiate appropriate rulemaking, pursuant to your authority under 42 U.S.C. 1395x and other relevant provisions of law, to ensure that hospitals that participate in Medicare or Medicaid respect the rights of patients to designate visitors. It should be made clear that designated visitors, including individuals designated by legally valid advance directives (such as durable powers of attorney and health care proxies), should enjoy visitation privileges that are no more restrictive than those that immediate family members enjoy. You should also provide that participating hospitals may not deny visitation privileges on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. The rulemaking should take into account the need for hospitals to restrict visitation in medically appropriate circumstances as well as the clinical decisions that medical professionals make about a patient's care or treatment. 2. Ensure that all hospitals participating in Medicare or Medicaid are in full compliance with regulations, codified at 42 CFR 482.13 and 42 CFR 489.102(a), promulgated to guarantee that all patients' advance directives, such as durable powers of attorney and health care proxies, are respected, and that patients' representatives otherwise have the right to make informed decisions regarding patients' care. Additionally, I request that you issue new guidelines, pursuant to your authority under 42 U.S.C. 1395cc and other relevant provisions of law, and provide technical assistance on how hospitals participating in Medicare or Medicaid can best comply with the regulations and take any additional appropriate measures to fully enforce the regulations. 3. Provide additional recommendations to me, within 180 days of the date of this memorandum, on actions the Department of Health and Human Services can take to address hospital visitation, medical decisionmaking, or other health care issues that affect LGBT patients and their families. This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. You are hereby authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the Federal Register. BARACK OBAMA http://www.towleroad.com/2010/04/obama-orders-hospitals-to-grant-samesex-couples… http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/04/15/AR2010041505502…. http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/04/15/hospital.gay.visitation/index.html?hpt=T1 added by: parisinla

Sex Addiction: Real Disease or Easy Excuse?

“There's good reason to believe that people can be physically and psychologically addicted to specific substances (such as drugs). The idea that people can be addicted to specific behaviors (such as gambling) is also widely accepted. But can a person be addicted to sex? Tiger Woods is scheduled to break his months-long silence about the sex scandal that has plagued the world's most famous athlete. It's not clear how he will explain himself, though according to some reports Woods has been attending a private rehabilitation clinic in Mississippi that treats addictions — including sex addiction. If Woods claims to be suffering from a sex addiction, he can adopt the role of victim (or sufferer) instead of a perpetrator (or pervert). Some therapists — especially, of course, those who treat sex addictions — defend the diagnosis as valid, but many mental health professionals aren't so sure. For one thing, there are currently no universally agreed-upon tests or criteria that diagnose sex addiction. “Sex addiction is one of those pop psychology diagnoses that has scant scientific support,” Scott Lilienfeld, Associate Professor of Psychology at Emory University and co-author of “50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology,” told LiveScience. The problem, Lilienfeld explains, is that the label “sex addiction” involves circular reasoning. “It's not at all clear whether the term explains, rather than merely describes, people's sexual behaviors,” he said. “At this point, it seems to be the latter: when we hear that someone has a 'diagnosis' of sex addiction, we haven't really learned anything new. We've merely applied a label summarizing what we already knew—basically that the person has serious trouble containing his or her sexual impulses.” Many in the psychological field who are skeptical that sex addiction is a disease point to a phenomenon called the “pathologizing the ordinary” — creating a category of mental disorder to redefine socially unacceptable behavior as a disease. The idea is that people have little or no control over diseases (unlike voluntary behaviors) so the patient has less responsibility for his or her actions.” What do you think? http://www.livescience.com/culture/tiger-woods-sex-addiction-100218.html added by: DeliaTheArtist

Reid open to public option reconciliation vote

WASHINGTON — As supporters of the public option mount a comeback, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) signaled his willingness to pass it through reconciliation Friday. “If a decision is made to use reconciliation to advance health care, Senator Reid will work with the White House, the House, and members of his caucus in an effort to craft a public option that can overcome procedural obstacles and secure enough votes,” Reid's spokesman Rodell Mollineau told The Plum Line's Greg Sargent. “Senator Reid has always and continues to support the public option as a way to drive down costs and create competition. That is why he included the measure in his original health care proposal.” During the week, more and more senators signed on to a letter authored by Sen. Michael Bennett (D-CO) calling for a vote on the public option through the budget reconciliation procedure, which would allow it to pass with a simple 51-vote majority. By Friday, 18 senators were on board. More… http://rawstory.com/2010/02/reid-public-option-white-house-hedges/ added by: SleepDirt

Senate passes historic health care reform legislation 60-39

WASHINGTON – Senate Democrats passed a landmark health care bill early Thursday morning that could define President Barack Obama's legacy and usher in near-universal medical coverage for the first time in U.S. history. Ahead lie complex talks with the House to reach final legislation in the new year

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Senate passes historic health care reform legislation 60-39

Reid to unveil final version of Senate health Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) will make his final offer on healthcare legislation on Saturday morning, unveiling a highly-anticipated amendment to the Senate healthcare bill. Reid will unveil his amendment with a cost analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) shortly after the Senate votes at around 7:30 Saturday morning to clear a Defense spending bill. “That’s the plan, soon after that vote because we want to file cloture on that quickly,” said Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.).

Read more from the original source:
Reid to unveil final version of Senate health Bill

Reid Says Health Bill Will Be Done by Christmas

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has stated that the Senate will pass a health care reform bill by Christmas. The House approved its legislation on Nov. 8th by a vote of 220-215.

Read the original:
Reid Says Health Bill Will Be Done by Christmas

Obama stands with Reid, WH re-confirms support for public option

The White House issued a statement Sunday evening reaffirming its commitment to a public option for insurance coverage and called reports that the president and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid were pursuing different strategies, “absolutely false.” In a three-paragraph post on the White House's blog, Deputy Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer offered, what he called, a “Rumor Check” of those recent reports. “In his September 9th address to Congress, President Obama made clear that he supports the public option because it has the potential to play an essential role in holding insurance companies accountable through choice and competition,” Pfeiffer wrote.

Read the rest here:
Obama stands with Reid, WH re-confirms support for public option