Tag Archives: sexual-objects

Lindsay Lohan is Back in Jail of the Day

So Lohan failed 2 drug tests while on probation, because she’s an addict, or what I like to call a broken soul who was exploited by her parents and eaten up and spat out by the Hollywood industry, giving her too much money and relevance before becoming a total joke everyone pointed and laughed at, proving yet again, that celebrity is not for the weak of heart, or more importantly, not for attention whore idiots who do the public route, while it is just as easy to to the Brittany Murphey route….addict no one even bothers with… Now I don’t know if this is all an act, I think it is staged, a campaign to get her noticed and to help her win an Oscar, I am convinced this is all paid for by her people, to get her attention, make people feel for her, cry for her and that will help her make a comeback, but I am a conspiracy theorist and don’t think celebrities can really do time, but apparently Lohan’s back in Jail and I can only assume it is done on purpose because she fell in love there and wants to be back in her big hispanic prison wife’s arms…and who really gives a fuck… Lohan is alright, but she’s a sociopath, self involved cunt. I spent a night with her a couple of years ago after she insisted and I couldn’t turn down the offer, cuz it involved free booze and being in Lohan’s hotel room. Everything she said was a fucking lie. She cried about Sam Ronson, she locked herself in her bedroom for an hour with her cunt friend, offered to send my site exclusives, she offered to buy me food, I drank a bottle of Grey Goose, she danced to her new album that never was released in high heels and pajama pants, her tits were as amazing in the tank top as you’d expect, we hugged it out before I left, she never fuckin’ pulled through on her end of the deal….changing her phone number, stopping following me on twitter, ignoring my facebook messages, getting Sam Ronson and and her gang of rejects to block me on twitter, so it’s nice to see her getting what she deserves…not that you care about this high school level of drama…. She’s in custody with no bail, I say lock her up and throw away the key, this is just the beginning of her using up State resources, unless of course she kills herself, which is an obvious option that I’d rather she hold out on, cuz I enjoy watching her tits in various states of distress and undress.

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Lindsay Lohan is Back in Jail of the Day

Some Titties at Milan Fashion Week of the Day

It is Fashion Week in Milan and with Fashion comes nipples. This is the basis of my jerking off on Hungover Sundays a few years ago because it was on the only channel I got. I’d sit there with dick in hand, waiting for the sheer shirt to come down the runway, knowing that in my own way I was a fashionista, because I really appreciated that part of the industry, if anything, I was an expert…. It’s like they get away with nipples in public, while other professions have to do it on seedy stages or in back alleys, or hotel rooms….Shit is so luxurious that it’s blined people from realizing tits are a huge deal the Christian church want to oppress because men view tit as sexual objects, when in reality, we all just need to lighten the fuck up and make vagina the new body part girls expose in their stupid outfits…cuz I’ve always been more a pussy-man than a breast or ass-man….

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Some Titties at Milan Fashion Week of the Day

Ashley Greene’s Uneven Tits of the Day

I am not entirely sure if these are actually Ashley Greene’s hard nipples in a dress she wore braless to some fashion show, but I am thinking that they are, partially because I am bored and find nipples entertaining, even if they aren’t actual nipples, but just look like they could be nipples, but also because if they are her hard nipples, shit are on a fuckin’ slant. She’s got on nipple aiming up and the other aiming down diagonally like some kind of bad acid trip, or the product of botched surgery, or just bad genetics and despite liking my women as symmetrical, or in my wife’s case as spherical as a giant bouncy ball they throw into the crowd at concerts, this shit is still pretty fuckin’ hot to me and not because she’s the only redeeming thing Twilight has to offer on a sexual level to grown men, other than the common knowledge that teenage girls everywhere are getting damp in their panties watching the shit, cuz teenage girls aren’t sexual objects, that’s the law, get it together, pervert. Pics via Bauer

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Ashley Greene’s Uneven Tits of the Day

Alexis Arquette is the Hot Tranny of the Day

No, I’m really not into trannies, despite all the propaganda a lot of “straight” guys I know try to force on me, like some kind of telemarketing scam sent from tranny headquarters to divert the reality that they are freaks of fucking nature who freak my the fuck out, and turn them into sexual objects for people who don’t want to admit they’re gay. I’ve heard shit like if a tranny fucks a girl it’s less gay and more straight than watching a man fuck a girl, because there are four sets of tits, even though one of those sets of tits is on a fucking dude

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Alexis Arquette is the Hot Tranny of the Day