Tag Archives: she-lived

Arnesha Bowers picture

The body of Arnesha Bowers, 16 (pictured) was found burned along with the Baltimore home where she lived with her mother; she was raped and strangled to death. Adonay Dixon, 23, John Childs, 20, and Raeshawn Rivers, 14, were indicted Tuesday on first-degree murder, first-degree rape, arson, kidnapping, and other charges stemming from the death of 16-year-old Arnesha Bowers, a junior at Baltimore City College high school. Police said the killing was part of a gang initiation. Detectives previo

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Arnesha Bowers picture

Gwyenth Paltrow Moving To Spain?

Gwyneth Paltrow loves Spain so much that she is contemplating moving to the European country. The Se7en actress has been gifted a piece of property outside the city of Madrid from a family that she lived with while she was a teenager. Gwyn loves the Spanish culture and can even speak the language

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Gwyenth Paltrow Moving To Spain?