I am tired of Pamela Anderson, but probably not as tired as Pamela Anderson is of being Pamela Anderson. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s probably a lot of pressure trying to be sexy, when knowing you’re nothing but an old hag, but you do it because you think it’s expected out of you, cuz that’s the person you created. You know wearing sheer dresses as your plastic surgery you got when plastic surgery was in its infancy melts off your face, and your liver struggles to filter your blood because you let dirty rockstar dick inside you and now it’s gonna lead to your premature death, if your heart doesn’t give out from all cocaine you are on because it is the only thing that makes you feel good about yourself, cuz you know you’re done, and Dancing with the Stars is your last Waltz under the spotlight before you are forgotten, at least that’s what you look like….maybe it’s time for another sex tape…one we watch to laugh at instead of watch to jerk off to like we did back in the 90s….maybe that’ll only come when other shitty reality shows for failed stars reject her…Only time will tell… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Some Pam Anderson Hepatitis Back in a Sheer Dress of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged dancing, Hollywood, premature, sheer-dresses, spotlight, stars, tired-as-pamela, TMZ