Tag Archives: should-disney

Zombies Stalk NYC Pedestrians, Promote The Walking Dead

What’s scarier than thousands of NFL fans descending upon New York City for the Super Bowl? Residents of The Big Apple got the answer this week, as they fell under the attack of… underground zombies! Seriously! Sort of! As part of AMC’s promotion of The Walking Dead Season 4  – which returns this Sunday with new episodes – a group of people donned walker makeup, crawled under the sidewalks of the city and scared the living heck out of all who passed by. Watch The Walking Dead at TV Fanatic to catch up on this fun series and then check out this amazing prank, followed by many others, below: 19 Totally Amazing Pranks Open Slideshow 1. Walking Dead Zombies Stalk NYC Residents In order to promote The Walking Dead, AMC sent some zombie to New York City to scare the heck out of residents. Watch what transpired here. View As List 1. Walking Dead Zombies Stalk NYC Residents In order to promote The Walking Dead, AMC sent some zombie to New York City to scare the heck out of residents. Watch what transpired here. 2. Boyfriend Pulls ‘The Ring’ Prank That time where a young man takes his life into his own hands. And the girlfriend that had every right to take it away from him. 3. Zombie Prank This zombie prank is an all-timer. See why here … and try not to get too freaked. 4. Epic Prank: Do Not Drink and Drive! This is a truly amazing prank. Watch now and vow to never drink and drive ever again. 5. Anniversary Prank Backfires Watch as the infamous prankster Roman Atwood finally gets a taste of his own medicine. 6. Jimmy Kimmel Pranks John Krasinski and Emily Blunt Jimmy Kimmel pranks John Krasinski and Emily Blunt in this video. And it’s safe to say he gets them good. 7. Halloween Prank: Look Out for the Skeleton! What happens when a remote control skeleton is let loose in Louisville? Watch this video for the hilarious answer. 8. Carrie Prank Scares Coffee Shop Customers This is AWESOME! Watch footage of a promotion for the movie Carrie, as one coffee shop patron gets really angry at some customers. 9. Man Pranked with Beer-Filled Pipes This may be the greatest prank ever. Watch a man come home and realize that his faucets only flow with beer. 10. Jimmy Kimmel Reveals Twerking Fail Prank! Jimmy Kimmel has revealed that the Twerking fail video was a cleverly orchestrated fake. Well, well played. 11. Dinosaur Prank Frightens Office Workers Talk about a prank gone right! Watch the reaction of office workers in Japan to a dinosaur on the premises. 12. Justin Bieber Lookalike Pranks Fans This is not Justin Bieber. But don’t tell that to the fans in Boston who think they met the young, hot singer. 13. Pumpcast News – Tonight Show Prank This guy really got into the Pumpcast News prank the Tonight Show tried to play on him. You gotta watch. 14. Dennis Quaid Prank on Ellen Dennis Quaid and Ellen team up to prank a nurse on her set. Pretty good. 15. Human Chair Scare Prank – Hidden Man An amazing prank involving a man dressed up as a chair. It speaks for itself. 16. Natalie Morales Chair Prank Watch Today Show reporter Natalie Morales get pranked in this video… by a magician pretending to be a chair! 17. Imaginary Friend Photo Prank You gotta see this video of a guy asking strangers to take photos of him with his imaginary friends. 18. Drive Thru Invisible Driver Prank This invisible driver prank is up there with the best you’ve seen in a long time. Check it out here. 19. iPhone 5 Prank This prank is hilarious. An iPhone 5 glued to the ground thoroughly confounds passersby.

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Zombies Stalk NYC Pedestrians, Promote The Walking Dead

American Apparel Thong Ad Shows WAY Too Much Butt: NSFW Pic Alert!

American Apparel, the brand that brought us public hair mannequins, menstruating vagina shirts and other notable fashion moments, has outdone itself here. The company recently posted a thong ad on Tumblr that just made the 62-year-old lingerie model who made headlines last month seem downright dull. If the fact that we slapped our logo on the image didn’t make it painfully obvious (as painful as it would be to ride a bike in that thing), here’s a spoiler alert: There is arse hole visible It is waxed and reddish You might even call it “sidehole” if you were looking for a term for it. Speaking of which, how you pitch a prospective model on posing for this particular campaign? “Say, we need you to pedal a bicycle in a thong with your skirt hiked up to your armpits … oh, and we also need you to wax inside the crack. #kthxbai.” Check out the eye-opping ad in question by clicking below and tell us if it’s as bad as the American Apparel vagina shirt or other outstanding products: Uncensored version here !

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American Apparel Thong Ad Shows WAY Too Much Butt: NSFW Pic Alert!

Kylie Jenner and Lil Za: Hanging at Justin Bieber’s House!

When Justin Bieber is away, the alleged felon will play. With Kylie Jenner! In new photos posted to Instagram by Lil Za, the controversial rapper is hanging out in Bieber’s kitchen with this 16-year old reality star, posing happily with Kylie inside a mansion that was recently raided by police. As part of that raid, of course, Za (or do his friends call him “Lil”) was arrested for drug possession and later charged with three felonies . But he doesn’t seem too bothered by that in this pictures, does he? Jenner was spotted with Lil Twist in July getting frozen yogurt, but subsequently denied the two were more than friends. As for Kylie’s status with this Lil? It’s unclear. But we can say for sure that Jenner has posed for far more provocative shots online.  To wit… 17 Inappropriate Kylie and Kendall Jenner Photos Open Slideshow 1. Kendall Jenner Instagram Pic Kendall Jenner has taken more intimate selfies on Instagram. What do you think of these photos? View As List 1. Kendall Jenner Instagram Pic Kendall Jenner has taken more intimate selfies on Instagram. What do you think of these photos? 2. Kylie Jenner Teases Black Bra Oh, Kylie Jenner. The young reality star shows off a black bra in this photo for some reason. 3. Kendall Jenner Bikini Photo Kendall Jenner proudly poses here in a bikini. Think she’s too young to strike such a pose? 4. Kendall Jenner Butt Pic Kendall Jenner has released this close-up view of her butt. Should a 17-year old be sending out such pics? 5. Kylie Jenner Cleavage Photo Kylie Jenner shows off a lot of cleavage in this photo. Is it appropriate for a 16-year old? 6. Kylie Jenner in Leather Kylie Jenner poses here in leather. It’s another scandalous shot of the young star. 7. Kylie Jenner at Wheel of BMW Kylie Jenner wears fish net stockings and sits at the wheel of her BMW in this photo. She is 16 years old. 8. Kylie Jenner, Legs This is a different kind of selfie. It just features Kylie Jenner’s legs. 9. Kendall Jenner Nipples Alert! Well… at least Kendall Jenner is 18. But does that make this top acceptable for her to wear? 10. Kylie Jenner Bikini Photos Kylie Jenner shows off her bikini body in this photo. She’s only 15 years old, so take it easy, guys. 11. Kendall Jenner Butt Selfie Kendall Jenner pops her butt out in this photo. She wants to emulate her step-sister, Kim. 12. Kendall Jenner Topless Picture Kendall Jenner topless and as a mermaid. How magical, right? 13. Kendall Jenner Naked? Kendall Jenner has posted another racy shot of herself on Instagram. Is she even wearing clothes here?!? 14. Kendall Jenner No Pants Kendall Jenner loves Drake. She can do without pants though, apparently. 15. Kendall Jenner on Instagram This is a picture of Kendall Jenner, not of Kim Kardashian. We’re serious! 16. Kendall Jenner Bikini Image Whoa there, Kendall Jenner! The 17-year old raised some eyebrows by releasing this especially alluring photo on Instagram. 17. Kendall Jenner Bikini Picture Kendall Jenner is comfortable posing in a bikini. She’s made that clear many times and is doing so again here for Flavor Magazine.

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Kylie Jenner and Lil Za: Hanging at Justin Bieber’s House!

Farrah Abraham: I Was Raped and Drugged "More Than Once," Beaten With Belt as Child!

Historically, Farrah Abraham’s behavior has often defied description, not to mention consistency, logic, truth and really any semblance of sense. You can’t take anything she says at face value, including what she’s revealing this week about the dark past that made her who she is at present. Then again, if these shocking revelations are true, that might actually explain a lot about her some of the decisions and comments she’s made lately. According to Farrah Abraham , in a new interview with In Touch , she endured beatings when she was a child and several brutal rapes as an adult. “Violence has been a big part of my life,” she says, claiming now-divorced parents Debra Danielson and Michael Abraham “would beat me with a belt if I acted out.” “I had cuts, bruise, welts, swelling and scars,” she tells the celebrity gossip site. “The abuse tore me down and at times made me feel like not living.” As a result, she turned to plastic surgery for a self-esteem boost, spending more then $30,000 on a nose job, chin implant, Botox and two boob jobs. “Abuse made me feel that I’m never attractive enough,” she says. “I try to be so perfect.” There was also the whole foray into porn. Sorry, “sex tape.” Speaking of which, she says she continued to endure more pain after the staged “sex tape” video with porn star James Deen “leaked” last year. In the PR blitz following its release, Abraham said she surrounded herself with “the wrong type of people” at porn conventions, strip joints, and clubs. “I was drugged and raped more than once. It was a dark time,” she adds. “But I’m much more aware now, and I’m determined to break the pattern.” “I still have a lot of issues,” Abraham admits, but with the help of Couples Therapy (even if she’s on the show solo), she says she’s getting better. We can only hope. 15 Most Cringe-Worthy Farrah Abraham Pics Open Slideshow 1. Farrah Abraham Vagina Costume Farrah Abraham dresses up like a vagina. You cannot make this stuff up. View As List 1. Farrah Abraham Vagina Costume Farrah Abraham dresses up like a vagina. You cannot make this stuff up. 2. Farrah Abraham Bends Over Farrah Abraham is seen here bending over … just like she does on camera in a different sense. 3. Farrah Abraham Screen Shot Farrah Abraham in a lovely screen shot. And by lovely we mean absolutely terrifying. 4. Farrah Abraham Mullet Farrah Abraham rocks the mullet like it’s her job. What a great look for her honestly. 5. Farrah Abraham Topless Image Farrah Abraham topless and having her crotch molded for a custom sex tape. No clue why she has to be topless for this but whatever. 6. Farrah Abraham Sex Tape GIF A quality GIF from the Farrah Abraham sex tape. Assist to James Deen for the quote. 7. Farrah Abraham Swimsuit Photo Farrah Abraham and her epically fake boobs model a hilariously fake swimsuit. HOT! 8. Farrah Sex Tape Photo A scene from the Farrah Abraham sex tape. A lovely one, too. 9. Farrah Abraham and James Deen Farrah Abraham and James Deen share a passionate sex tape kiss. These two are so in love, you can tell. 10. Farrah Abraham O-Face Farrah Abraham screaming for more from James Deen in her sex tape. 11. Farrah Abraham Girl-on-Girl Farrah Abraham drinking and wearing lingerie and making out with someone else wearing lingerie. Good. Times. 12. Farrah Abraham and Daughter This photo of Farrah and her daughter is cringe worthy only because Sophia has to grow up and see the rest of these photos. 13. Farrah Abraham Plastic Surgery Nice face. 14. Farrah Abraham Looks Fake This is not actually a wax figure of Farrah Abraham but it might as well be. 15. Farrah Abraham Bent Over Farrah Abraham bends over and hikes a football in the best/worst photo of all time. 16. Farrah Abraham With Breast Implants Yup. There they are. And those breast implants will soon find their way inside Farrah Abraham. 17. Farrah Abraham Cries Very familiar. She doesn’t cry pretty either. 18. Farrah Abraham Crying A familiar sight. 19. Farrah Abraham Cries a Lot We can’t stop either.

Originally posted here:
Farrah Abraham: I Was Raped and Drugged "More Than Once," Beaten With Belt as Child!

Teenager Petitions for Plus-Size Disney Princesses: Every Body is Beautiful!

Should there be a plus-size Barbie ? That was a hotly debated question posed on Facebook last month – and now Jewel Moore is hoping to stir up more online chatter. The teenager from Farmville, Virginia has created a petition at Change.org that is titled “Make Plus-Size Princesses in Disney Movies!”  What was this young woman’s motivation? “I made this petition because I’m a plus-size young woman, and I know many plus-size girls and women who struggle with confidence and need a positive plus-size character in the media,” she writes on the pag, adding: “Studies show that a child’s confidence correlates greatly with how much representation they have in the media. It’s extremely difficult to find a positive representation of plus-size females in the media.”  That’s for sure. Especially when the media considers this to be an example of plus-size . Over 11,000 people have signed the petition, which Moore wraps up with hope for a more realistic image for to which countless young girls – who don’t feel they fit the Disney princess standard – can aspire. “It would be revolutionary for Disney to show support to a group of girls who are otherwise horrendously bullied by the media. It would make many young girls feel confident and worthy to see a strong character that looks like them.”  What do YOU think? Should Disney create a plus-size princess?   No, who wants to see that?!? Yes, it would set a great example! View Poll »

Continued here:
Teenager Petitions for Plus-Size Disney Princesses: Every Body is Beautiful!

Sean Kingston Looks Healthy, Slender In New Twitpic

‘Beautiful Girls’ singer also thanks fans for ‘all the prayers and support’ in first tweet since jet-ski accident. By Rob Markman Sean Kingston in his TwitPic Photo: TwitPic A picture speaks a thousand words and on Sunday night, Sean Kingston spoke volumes when he sent a picture of himself, from what appeared to be his hospital bed via Twitter. Kingston, who was rushed to the hospital on Memorial Day Weekend after a jet-ski accident in Miami, was first said to be in critical condition before he was moved to the ICU days later. On Sunday, however, the “Beautiful Girls” singer looked a lot better in a photo he posted , in which he’s sporting a fresh haircut and holding up two fingers. “Feeling a lot better! GOD IS GREAT! Thanks for all the prayers and support! Love you ALL!” he tweeted. MTV News reached out to Kingston’s publicist, who could not provide any more information at press time. What we do know is that Kingston was riding his jet-ski with a female passenger, Cassandra Sanchez, when he crashed into the Palm Island Bridge at approximately 6 p.m. ET on May 29. Kingston and Sanchez were rescued by an off-duty Coast Guard employee who told TMZ that the pop star was “puking up blood out of his mouth.” Another witness told the gossip site that he noticed a gash under Kingston’s chin after the crash. Sanchez was released from the hospital with minimal injuries, while two unnamed sources told CNN that SK suffered a broken jaw, fractured wrist and water in his lungs. Earlier this month, a Kingston rep told MTV News the singer was “aware of what is going on around him” and that he was “sedated but fully conscious.” Now, Kingston’s twitpic and message has provided further comfort for his fans. JASZ_mine tweeted , “So happy that sean kingston is feelin way better now. God bless you always sean. We love you C.” “Just saw a picture of Sean Kingston. He lost weight and looks like he’s doing good,” DoyinAudrey tweeted, while Bieber fans also sent their well-wishes via the social-networking site. “So happy Sean Kingston is doing a lot better now,” IBieberLead wrote . Share your get-well wishes for Sean Kingston in the comments. Related Photos Sean Kingston, Get Well Soon! Related Artists Sean Kingston

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Sean Kingston Looks Healthy, Slender In New Twitpic

My Morning Jacket ‘Sad’ Over Scrapped ‘Muppets’ Tour

MMJ were tapped to tour as real-life Electric Mayhem band, a dream trek that was cut at the last minute. By James Montgomery My Morning Jacket’s Patrick Hallahan and Tommy Blankenship Photo: MTV News My Morning Jacket embarked on a rather remarkable run of shows late last year, beginning with a five-night stand at New York’s Terminal 5, where they played their entire studio discography. That momentum continued with a spate of festival gigs , most notably a triumphant mainstage set earlier this month at Bonnaroo in Manchester, Tennessee. But for all of their onstage success, it’s the one tour they didn’t embark on that haunts them to this day … a planned series of shows where they would have doubled as Dr. Teeth’s backing band, Electric Mayhem. For those not in the know, Mayhem is, of course, the rock band made famous on “The Muppet Show,” a ragtag bunch of musicians — lippy Janice on lead guitar, Sgt. Floyd Pepper on bass, the mysterious Zoot on sax, and noted smasher Animal behind the drum kit — fronted by the irrepressible Dr. Teeth (who, it should be noted, is probably not an actual M.D.). And in the lead-up to MMJ’s new Circuital album, the band was in very real negotiations with the folks at the Walt Disney Company (who acquired rights to the Muppet brand in 2004) to record new music for Electric Mayhem, with a full-blown tour to follow. “It all started when we were working on a Muppets project. … We were going to be the band behind the Electric Mayhem band,” bassist “Two Tone” Tommy Blankenship told MTV News. “And so we had started demoing songs at [frontman] Jim [James’] house; two of them ended up on the record, that were kind of Muppet-y, a little wacky. ‘Wonderful,’ ‘Out of My System’ and ‘Friends Again.’ But then that project fell through. And, man, that was a shame.” Of course, My Morning Jacket eventually compartmentalized their disappointment, and finished Circuital instead. And though they’re currently on the road in support of the album (and will be for the foreseeable future), they’ll truly never forgive Disney for killing the tour of their dreams. “It’s so sad though … they were going to release an Electric Mayhem album, and they wanted us to be the band, and then we would go on tour, and they would have all these animatronic Muppets, and we would, like, be behind the stage playing,” drummer Patrick Hallahan explained. “As much as I love Disney’s history, cutting that project — and it doesn’t have to be us, it could’ve been any band — that visual would’ve been amazing.” Should Disney revive MMJ’s Electric Mayhem tour dream? Tell us in the comments! Related Artists My Morning Jacket

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My Morning Jacket ‘Sad’ Over Scrapped ‘Muppets’ Tour

Marvel’s Q3 Earnings: Enough To Make Mickey Sweat?

Wondering how important movies are to Marvel? Without an Iron Man or Hulk this summer, profits fell a stunning 60% for the company’s 3rd quarter of the year when compared with the same period last year. Should Disney be worried

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Marvel’s Q3 Earnings: Enough To Make Mickey Sweat?