Tag Archives: since-the-last

Meet Barbora Lovasova

OK, so I have no clue who this Barbora Lovasova chick is, but I do know this: I’m 100 times more interested in what she wore to the beach the other day than a single detail about Kim and Kanye’s wedding. And I have a feeling you guys are too. I also have a feeling you want me to stop distracting you with all these boring words so you can get back to looking at the bikini pictures, so go ahead and enjoy. Do I know my readers or what? Photos: Fameflynet

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Meet Barbora Lovasova

Kacy Anne Hill Is A Ginger You Need To Know

You ought to be able to figure this one out from the freckled ginger and hipster lingerie, but Kacy Anne Hill here is an American Apparel model. And probably one of the hotter ones that I’ve seen from those guys. I’m not usually a huge fan of the whole hipster look, but when it comes to lingerie, I’m willing to make an exception. Besides, I think me and Kacy could spend a pretty fun afternoon together counting up all those freckles. » view all 16 photos

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Kacy Anne Hill Is A Ginger You Need To Know

Camilla Luddington Is Gorgeous!

Wow, I didn’t even realize, but it’s been way too long since the last time we saw Camilla Luddington . In case you forgot, she used to play the hot nanny on Californication . Also, I used to be in love with her. Well, at least until I got distracted by some other hottie. Anyway, here’s Camilla looking just as good as I remembered at the Mom’s Night Out premiere. So enjoy, but then go get your own, because I saw her first. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Camilla Luddington Is Gorgeous!

Camilla Luddington Is Gorgeous!

Wow, I didn’t even realize, but it’s been way too long since the last time we saw Camilla Luddington . In case you forgot, she used to play the hot nanny on Californication . Also, I used to be in love with her. Well, at least until I got distracted by some other hottie. Anyway, here’s Camilla looking just as good as I remembered at the Mom’s Night Out premiere. So enjoy, but then go get your own, because I saw her first. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Camilla Luddington Is Gorgeous!

Mommy Bangers: Evelyn Lozada Shares Another Preggo Pic & Talks Having Babies 20 Years Apart

Evelyn Lozada Talks Having Her Kids 20 Years Apart Basketball Wives future mommy-banger Evelyn Lozada is still preggo and proud. Although her baseballer baby-daddy and fiance Carl Crawford has yet to speak on their future nuptials or little bundle-to-be, mama Ev has recently opened up about becoming a “new mom” in a different era. via Que Mas Okay, so we all know the last time I gave birth was over 20 years ago with my daughter Shaniece. Currently, I’m seven months pregnant and every time I look at my belly, I still can’t believe it. ¡Ay Dios mío! A lot has changed in the world of babies since the last time I gave birth–back then my daughter had a wind-up swing for crying out loud! Twenty years ago, breastfeeding wasn’t the thing to do. Now I’m getting all of this advice about breastfeeding and how to do it and breast pumps! Still, to be totally honest, I’m not sure that I want to go the breastfeeding route this time around. There are so many things I have to learn (or re-learn) before my blessing is born.This really represents a new beginning to me and as a more mature mother, I plan to do a host of new things with my second child. After all, I learned a LOT from raising Shaniece and she has become a lovely young woman who I’m SO proud of! Sounds like she’s having a pretty pleasant pregnancy from the sound of things, right? Hit the flip to peep the latest pics of Ev with her baby bump on blast.

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Mommy Bangers: Evelyn Lozada Shares Another Preggo Pic & Talks Having Babies 20 Years Apart

Zorana Kuzmanovic Is A Treat!

Since you guys seemed to like her last time, here’s Serbian model Zorana Kuzmanovic in another great lingerie shoot. And you’re in luck, because I’ve been able to learn a lot more about Zorana since the last time we saw her. For instance, it turns out she’s 5’9″. Not impressed? Well, did you know that she’s also always dreamed of falling in love with a blogger and moving into his mom’s basement? OK, so I made that up, but I bet it’s not far off. I’m pretty good at reading people. » view all 52 photos

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Zorana Kuzmanovic Is A Treat!

Zorana Kuzmanovic Is A Treat!

Since you guys seemed to like her last time, here’s Serbian model Zorana Kuzmanovic in another great lingerie shoot. And you’re in luck, because I’ve been able to learn a lot more about Zorana since the last time we saw her. For instance, it turns out she’s 5’9″. Not impressed? Well, did you know that she’s also always dreamed of falling in love with a blogger and moving into his mom’s basement? OK, so I made that up, but I bet it’s not far off. I’m pretty good at reading people. » view all 52 photos

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Zorana Kuzmanovic Is A Treat!

My name is Patricia, I’m 15 years old and I met Justin on…

My name is Patricia, I’m 15 years old and I met Justin on July 23rd at the Ottawa, Ontario concert. First off I’m so excited that I’m going to be writing my Bieber experience after waiting 5 years to meet Justin. I was a Belieber from the very start and and I’m still here! Basically how I ended up getting meet and greets was when I was out of luck with everything, I started begging family members for money, but all of them said no and my mother simply couldn’t afford $650. But, when I asked my great uncle, he said he would lend me the $650 but I would have to work for it. I worked my butt off until July 23rd. I worked for my uncle back to back and I was able to pay him back the money. Then the concert came. Ottawa beliebers were planning this since the last time he was in Ottawa. We planned on making a sign that said, “Welcome Home Kidrauhl” because it was his first show back in Canada. It worked out great, so we waited outside for his tour bus, but he didn’t come out because he was running late. After that I made my way into the M&G. Walking down 2 flights of stairs down to the VIP Party, I met Kenny ! He smelt like roses and he is so sweet. Unfortunately I did not get a picture with him. I also met Alfredo twice after the M&G but he couldn’t take a picture because the security guards weren’t letting us. The party when on and it was time for the M&G. Waiting in line was the most hectic part. The lined moved pretty quickly though. I walked in and saw Justin standing there with his snap back, sun glasses and stripped tank top. Gosh was he beautiful. He looked so sweet and someone to be gentle with. When it was my turn I walked up to him and said, “Hi Justin.” He smiled with a little smirk and wrapped his right arm around me, I wrapped my arm around him and looked in the camera and took the picture. I couldn’t remember if I smiled or not because I was just so shocked that I was standing beside my idol. I got paranoid but I kept cool and turned around and smiled. “Can I have a hug?” I asked before I left. “Sure,” he replied and he hugged me for a good 15 seconds. I whispered in his ear that I loved him very much and I thanked him for everything, then I had to leave. As I walked out of the curtain I bawled like a baby. I love Justin so much and he’s the best idol ever. I love him and I can’t wait until he comes back to Ottawa because I am for sure going again.  To everyone who has a dream far beyond their expectations, go for it. Never let that dream go, accomplish it. No matter how hard you work, no matter how tired you are, at the end your dream will come true and it will be totally worth the hard work. My dream was to finally meet Justin. I worked my ass off for this and I never let that dream go. I believed, just like Justin taught me to. Don’t worry, it might not be for a while, but trust me, your day will come and it will be the best day of your life. I promise. Fight for what you want. Walking in there and seeing your idol, your hero, you’re inspiration, stand right in front of you is the best feeling in the world. I only got a couple of seconds with him, but it was worth it. I love Justin so much and I’m one of the luckiest girls alive. Read more from the original source: My name is Patricia, I’m 15 years old and I met Justin on…

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My name is Patricia, I’m 15 years old and I met Justin on…

My name is Hayley, I have been a Belieber since 2009, and have…

My name is Hayley, I have been a Belieber since 2009, and have been to three Justin concerts; one from the My World Tour and two from the Believe Tour. As a BieberFever member, I entered their first contest and won meet and greets to actually meet Justin. But I am now lucky enough to say that I have won meet and greets off BieberFever twice! I entered a picture of my Justin Bieber merchandise and on July 19th at 6:41 PM I got an email saying that I won! Between my first meet and greet with Justin and the one on July 20th, I have gone through many struggles and Justin has helped me through all of them. His music helped me through literally everything. As an anorexia survivor, I had to thank Justin for everything. When we got to the arena, my mom and I got our wristbands, and I ended up meeting another girl my age who had also won the same contest as me! I knew how non-VIP meet and greets had to be in groups of six, so I asked her if she and the little girl she had with her could stick around with us, and she agreed. We also really wanted to be next to Justin. Security was very strict, and little did I realize how many people made fake bracelets! As we waited in line for about an hour (Justin was late), security told us that they would place us in groups of five or six. A mom and a little girl just happened to be in front of us, so we asked them to join our group! Everything seemed just perfect. We waited in line to meet Justin while Mike Posner was performing and we saw Scooter Braun and Alfredo Flores! Justin looked amazing. When it was our turn, by impulse I walked up to Justin first. I kept telling myself not to scream or cry, even though I really wanted to. I said, “Hi Justin” and he replied, “Hi sweetheart” and smiled at me. I was blown away. It was so loud, it was almost impossible to hear him but I drowned out every sound to listen to him. He put his arm around my shoulder for about a minute but he smelled amazing. We took the picture and I knew that security would rush us out. But that couldn’t stop me from talking to Justin. Right after the picture was taken, a security guard talked to Justin while I stood in front of him to try and get his attention. Justin stopped talking to him and ignored him just to listen to me. I thanked him for everything and told him that he saved my life. He looked like he was touched by my words and said, “Thank you so much,” as I was being literally pushed out. He actually looked like he wanted to do something for me, like a hug but he couldn’t because of security. When I got out of the area, I started bawling my eyes out and screaming. I couldn’t believe my dream came true. Here I am, telling you that if you believe, stay strong, and never say never, your dreams will come true. Continue reading here: My name is Hayley, I have been a Belieber since 2009, and have…

My name is Hayley, I have been a Belieber since 2009, and have…

Vida Guerra Brings Her Huge Disproportionate Booty to the Beach of the Day

Here’s Vida Guerra’s 40 year old ass in a bikini. I don’t know if much more needs to be said about it…. It is kinda an entity of it’s own, that speaks for itself in picture, where no words need to be said, just the confusion on our faces trying to understand what it is we’re looking at, is enough. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS

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Vida Guerra Brings Her Huge Disproportionate Booty to the Beach of the Day