If you’re wondering where Tila Tequila has been all your life, you know since she fell off the map when she lost her show and her mind and fell into a drug fueled downward spiral and I know you aren’t wondering where Tila Tequila has been, but more wondering who Tila Tequila is, because she’s that fucking useless….Well, she’s been honing her talent of magician who can contort energy for Youtube so that everyone things she’s crazy and that she gets a video with more than 100,000 views, since the last time that happened was years ago and it only happened because she stripped like it was Myspace and she just landed Playboy, the root of all this shit that is Tila Tequila. As amateur as it is, it’s all strategic, and I spent with Tila Tequila when she was at her peak and on TV, she didn’t even drink, and wouldn’t let anyone touch her or her hair. The highlight of her career wasn’t fake friends on myspace leading to a TV show thanks to MTV having no understanding of the internet or good content, it wasn’t when the show was cancelled, it wasn’t that barely anyone cared about her, I mean they didn’t even bother mocking her demise, IT WASN’T HER SEX TAPE she was that irrelevant…the highlight, as far as I’m concerned, is that she had this “Army” of losers, that had her back and singled me out one day on twitter…but maybe I’m just being selfish. make ti all about me. Watch her insane video that’s not even insane. Here she is modeling bikinis before she turned lesbian, lost her mind, etc….. BUY HER SEX TAPE
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Tila Tequila Lives and Has Powers of the Day