Saran Dunn Moore says aspiring chef featured on show’s latest episode ’embraced this whole process’ of losing weight. By Kara Warner Dominick on “I Used to Be Fat” Photo: MTV On Wednesday night’s new episode of “I Used to Be Fat,” we were introduced to 18-year-old Dominick. An aspiring chef with a big Italian family, the teen’s love for food and lack of physical activity had him tipping the scale at more than 300 pounds. Luckily for Dominick, though, he was paired with Saran Dunn Moore, who showed him how to incorporate healthier foods and an exercise regimen into his life. Moore’s guidance helped him to shed some very unnecessary pounds, and when MTV News met with the trainer, we asked how Dominick was doing since the show’s taping. “He’s loving school, he’s cooking,” Moore told us. “He calls me: ‘Saran, I just made this and this is how I made it. I made it with whole-wheat pasta, and I put salmon on it.’ He is so excited about cooking healthier foods,” she added. “We talk all the time and I ask him, ‘Are you getting to the gym? Are you lifting weights?’ And he’s like, ‘That’s my second home.’ ” Moore said she still can’t believe the transformation Dominick’s undergone, including a newfound active lifestyle. “Seriously, these kids didn’t do a thing until this summer and now they’re just as addicted to it as I am.” And Moore explained Dominick’s healthy approach to cooking has had as much of an impact on his body as his workouts. “He’s cooking with olive oil, finding different substitutes, like using plain yogurt instead of cottage cheese,” she said. “So he’s really embraced this whole process of eating healthier and changing the whole family dynamics of eating healthier.” Don’t miss “I Used to Be Fat” on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET on MTV. Related Videos I Used To Be Fat | Ep. 3 | Dominick
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‘I Used To Be Fat’ Trainer Talks Dominick’s Transformation