Tag Archives: sitting

Maybe This Will Make Them Think Twice


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On November 15th, Jennifer Fox was kicked in the stomach and pepper-sprayed by the Seattle Police. She was three months pregnant. Here’s a brief video of her sitting on the sidewalk in considerable pain. She went to doctor and had a sonogram. Initially, everything looked okay. But she had a miscarriage on November 20th. She talked to The Stranger , and this is what she claims: “Everything was going… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : BooMan Tribune Discovery Date : 22/11/2011 08:10 Number of articles : 2

Maybe This Will Make Them Think Twice

Facesitting Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

Youtube is a porn site because I define porn as a place millions of people go to masturbate – even if the porn itself isn’t penetration – there’s still a lot of weird fetish shit going on that’s even creepier than the natural beauty of the naked form deep inside each other… My reason for this is that America is fucked. They like violence over fucking. Corporations like to sweep real life needs and wants under the rug and pretend they aren’t there, while selling billions of dollars of ads that show up on videos like this where a homeboy’s got his dick in his hand, and likely a large object up his ass…. See DrunkenStepfather can’t get an ad deal, it’s blocked on every site filter out there, it’s even blocked by google, and google even killed my ad account in 2004 with 1000 dollars in the shit, before I had a chance to make millions….all because I post nipples of celebs and models…shit that’s running in mainstream fucking media…. So it makes me angry that I’m poor as shit, struggling to pay a server, while assholes at Youtube are actually a pornsite, just white washed and publically traded…. it’s fucked up…youtube has made over 5000 dollars of the videos below…good work porn peddlers… Here’s some facesitting fetish videos…. Some Bitch Sitting on a Face… Facesitting in Yoga Pants on a Doll Facesittig in Animation…. Face Sitting Lizard….. Thong Facesitting on a Doll Hot Ass Smothering Face Not Sitting – Just Choking a Motherfucker Out 70,000 people watched this video…. Big Girl Sitting on Face THis is Face Sitting Porn… His Face is Burried in her… Sucking On Panties as They Facesit One More… I don’t advise you type on any of the links…and go to these sites…but there’s thousands of facesitting videos….I’ve just scratched the surface…

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Facesitting Fetish Videos on Youtube of the Day

2011 VMA Red Carpet PHOTOS

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The 2011 VMA’s are currently underway with performances from Lil Wayne, Jay-Z and Kanye West, Beyonce and Lady Gaga. Check out hot photos from the red carpet! Beyonce Confirms She’s Pregnant On 2011 VMA’s CAPTION THIS: Nicki Minaj’s 2011 VMA Outfit [PHOTO] Lil Wayne’s VMA Rehearsal Footage

2011 VMA Red Carpet PHOTOS

Nicki Minaj Looked Absolutely Crazy At The 2011 VMA’s

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Stop the presses! Nicki Minaj stepped out on the 2011 VMA red carpet in a Hannibal Lecture mask and outrageous Harajuku like train on a Mortal Kombat inspired dress. Check out some more VMA coverage below: Beyonce Confirms Pregnancy On 2011 VMA Red Carpet 2011 VMA Red Carpet [PHOTOS] Guess Who Is Sitting Next To Who At The 2011 VMA’s

Nicki Minaj Looked Absolutely Crazy At The 2011 VMA’s

Justin Bieber Sitting on Selena Gomez’s Lap at Birthday Party (Photo)

REVIEW: Sofia Coppola Brings a Delicate Touch, and Sure-Handed Precision, to Somewhere

Some of those who have already written about Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere have categorized it, in a kind of lazy shorthand, as a movie about the “emptiness of celebrity.” But Somewhere is really a Western — a Western without cactuses or rocks or horses, but one that, even so, takes place under a special kind of sunlight found only in L.A., in an environment that’s wild and ruthless under its veneer of civilization. The character of the land means everything in Somewhere : Wide boulevards lined with palm trees make for an illusory endless frontier; giant billboards advertise nothing in particular — they’re big because they can be. This is a place where you can lose your way without even taking a wrong turn, and sure enough, the hero of this particular story is a man who has temporarily lost himself. Still, the city’s beauty — either sitting in plain sight under the sizzling noon sun or semi-hidden in the dusk — is peculiar and specific and alluring. L.A. — and the idea of Hollywood, if not the actual neighborhood — is heartless and fabulous. It’s a place to really be a man — or not.

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REVIEW: Sofia Coppola Brings a Delicate Touch, and Sure-Handed Precision, to Somewhere

More Than Lip Service – Elemental Herbs Garner Green Award

Photo: Elemental Herbs Using herbs for preventative or curative health is as old as humankind. But these days before we put some lotion or other on our skin it seems we need a PHD in chemistry to understand the product’s ingredients. Elemental Herbs take a different approach and make lip balms, sun creams, and such like, from stuff we know the names of like: calendula, comfrey, lavender, yarrow, extra virgin olive oil, beeswax, vitamin E, and so on. Most of which are certified organic as well. Throw in a solar-powered kitchen, strawbale greenhouse, biodiesel vehicles, recycled packaging, composting toilet, and much more and you begin to… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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More Than Lip Service – Elemental Herbs Garner Green Award

Inventor Turns Amaryllis Bulb Into Morse Code Machine (Video)

Photo via OH6DC For people who have a thing for Morse code, you might want to make sure you have a plant like this sitting on your desk. It’s called the Amaryllis telegraphiensis. It’s an exceedingly rare species, and must be carefully bred and well tended, but diligent owners will find they have in their possession an amazing cyborg of an amaryllis, one that can send telegrams! Check out how the inventor turned the bulb’s stem into a sideswipe CW key. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Inventor Turns Amaryllis Bulb Into Morse Code Machine (Video)

Inventor Turns Amaryllis Bulb Into Morse Code Machine (Video)

Photo via OH6DC For people who have a thing for Morse code, you might want to make sure you have a plant like this sitting on your desk. It’s called the Amaryllis telegraphiensis. It’s an exceedingly rare species, and must be carefully bred and well tended, but diligent owners will find they have in their possession an amazing cyborg of an amaryllis, one that can send telegrams! Check out how the inventor turned the bulb’s stem into a sideswipe CW key. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Inventor Turns Amaryllis Bulb Into Morse Code Machine (Video)

2010 Grammys: The Performances

Lady Gaga opens the show with a typical (ha-ha) performance of her hit “Poker Face” in which a team of dancers adore her almost worshipfully, until she’s thrown into a fire. Continue reading