I’ve seen pics of this video shoot before, but for some reason it’s all over the place today, and in trying to keep up with trends in celeb tits, tits we’ve already seen, of a celeb who is now old and fat, here’s Rihanna Nipple, because like Rihanna, we can pretend it is 10 years ago, but unlike Rihanna, we won’t be getting paid stupid money for it… Here are some bonus, if you can call them that, paparazzi pics of her in what could be a see through type maternity dress for the slutty pregnant chicks out there..you know who you are… The post Rihanna Nipple in a Video of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Dude Stuffing Meat in his Pants Prison Fight Ends with Crazy Insane Truck Crash Woman Runs Into Stroller….Twice.. Truck T-Bones another Cra Florida Truck Fire Real Life Joker Dude Trolls the Church The post Lame Slutty Dance and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Fisherman – VS – Amazing Scene – Couple Fuck Woman Not Allowed to Pee – Goes for It in the Garbage Can Tel Aviv Slut Walk is Not Very Slutty Walmart Shoplifter Eats Shit helicopter at the Fast Food Terrible Motorcycle Man on a Scooter having Fun the Woman Who Burnt her Pussy The post Dream Girl and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Mckayla Maroney is on some Bruce Jenner shit, you win the Olympic gold after your parents whore you out and force you into the shit and next thing you know you’re producing slutty social media pics, realizing people like the slutty social media pics, and eventually realize that shit…that gymnast ass with some puberty and what looks like some BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT injections for added shape, why else would she be wearing a brasil shirt..bitch be literal, she’s a pro athlete who doesn’t do athletics anymore, but doesn’t have to because now that she’s stopped training and got her period back…her booty is substantial, ridiculous, lovely…and worth showing off.. I’ve know the Olympic dream had been into her booty for a while, but this is the first I’ve seen it like that and figure I’m drunk on a Saturday after too much tequila, sexting girls about anal sex poop dick….why not post it up for the 3 perverts on the site at this hour…cuz it looks good. Shoutout to Jimmy for sending this in. The post McKayla Maroney’s Booty is the Olympic Dream for Team USA of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Mckayla Maroney is on some Bruce Jenner shit, you win the Olympic gold after your parents whore you out and force you into the shit and next thing you know you’re producing slutty social media pics, realizing people like the slutty social media pics, and eventually realize that shit…that gymnast ass with some puberty and what looks like some BRAZILIAN BUTT LIFT injections for added shape, why else would she be wearing a brasil shirt..bitch be literal, she’s a pro athlete who doesn’t do athletics anymore, but doesn’t have to because now that she’s stopped training and got her period back…her booty is substantial, ridiculous, lovely…and worth showing off.. I’ve know the Olympic dream had been into her booty for a while, but this is the first I’ve seen it like that and figure I’m drunk on a Saturday after too much tequila, sexting girls about anal sex poop dick….why not post it up for the 3 perverts on the site at this hour…cuz it looks good. Shoutout to Jimmy for sending this in. The post McKayla Maroney’s Booty is the Olympic Dream for Team USA of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Alexis Ren may have a bit of a donkey head, but girl is a good time…..and has an amazing body – but most importantly, she understands the importance of using sex and sexuality in your marketing, because when she was just 18, she partnered up with some homosexual dude, and together they painted this bullshit storyline of a girl and a guy, young and in love, traveling the world, doing things that all kinds of married women in trailer parks dreamed of doing, you know the kind of thing they’d put on the desktop of their computer if they could afford a computer…or masturbation fodder to the trashy Walmart clerk who lived alone and never touched a man, let alone one with abs, who spends the days on beaches…and instead of resenting this tight little body, they embraced her and wanted to be her…..totally unlike most female behavior… Well, now everyone is producing this couple content for the voyeurs to watch as foreplay before their porn. Racy bikini shit…and Alexis Ren, no longer partners with the homo, got some breast implants and still brings it – because she knows….despite the Donkey Head…her body is young, tight and lovely…and that’s enough for some instagram erotica… Either way, here she is teaching some skateboarding – the way it should be taught….all cock teasing…and playful…I like the slutty skateboard….better than the slutty naked in bed – but not too naked..strategic naked….. The post Alexis Ren is a Great Skateboarder of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Vanessa Hudgens has been getting fit and in getting fit – the slutty selfies in bikini – designed to be just casual hanging out – but we know the reality – the truth – what they are really about….because slutty selfies is the only way to be relevant, otherwise why would all these girls do it… Sex Sells, nudity sells, and no matter what dude created “empowering” of women marketing hook, to get them all to actively participate, while knowing the same thing we’ve all known forever, sex sells… To think these people don’t know exactly what they are doing is just dumb of anyone who believes it I trust that we are smarter than this…and know that TITS are still tits no matter what bullshit is attached to it… The post Vanessa Hudgens Bikini Pics of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Candice Swanepoel realizes she just had a kid – and that it will take hard work and drive to get back into her model shape. She will require all the cosmetic procedures available in Miami – and paid for by her lifeline – Victoria’s Secret…..but it will require more, so much more, like posting erotica like laying in the water – tits out for a shoot….knowing that this is the kind of thing that matters… She has historically been boring as a celebrity / social media / promo model star. Her shit has been so basic and the slutty has come for the most part from Victoria’s Secret catalogs…and not actually from anything she’s done or cooridinated. Sure she was probably a whore in her personal life – but she didn’t need to put that out there… But having a kid – that changes everything…it makes girl feel insecure and have to put in that work she never put in before because it just came naturally – and I am all for that…or this…keep up the slut videos mom. The way MOMS are supposed to be. Cuz you don’t get cum up in you without being a slut… The post Candice Swanepoel Tries to Get Her Sex Appeal Back of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Nothing reminds me how irrelevant titty blogs like this are – than seeing the other blogs like this post shit about Halle Berry’s slutty instagram pics – like she wasn’t 1000 fucking years old. The fact is, this is an old timer internet concept and the kids use the internet different, leaving us fucking impotent fucks who remember dial up – and bitches like Hallle Berry to have conversations about her tits. Halle Berry’s tits that were great in Y2k…are still tits, she’s still a white as fuck Hollywood brat who can spin her story into “blackness”…because of her skin color and her deadbeat dad being black….who she only met when she won the Oscar and he decided to collect. The post Halle Berry and the Slutty Instagram Picture of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Alexis Ren is pretty racy in her content, but you have to keep in mind she’s young and more importantly she’s grown up on porn…. At 17 or 18 she started putting out slutty content with her boyfriend and the people bought into it…and she knew that with her very average and accessible face, people only cared about her little young and tight body… Well, she’s done with her slutty content with her boyfriend, they milked that one and got internet famous from it, but she’s still continuing the slutty content on her own – since it is all she knows, and I guess it probably feeds her ego or insecurities that she’s still got it, that she’s hot, and that it will lead to more serious campaigns like she was a Hadid or Jenner…DREAMS…or is it GOALS…whatever.. I am just looking at her recent clown tit implants and how they contrast against her waistline that looks unhuman but could be what she looks like, it’s better than looking at her face, because a body like this, even with shit implants…is pretty abusrd…and should be put out there in slut content… Racy….and I like it…because I know all girls are out there producing shit like this.. The post Alexis Ren and her Fake Tits are Racy of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .