Tag Archives: smart-enough

Glee’s Hot GQ Photoshoot Behind the Scenes of the Day

I shit on Terry Richardson for selling out because he is smart enough to make all the money he can and the only way to do that is going mainstream….but dude clearly still has talent. He took those Glee girls and made them look like something I could jerk off to, instead of the manly, awkward and pretty much disgusting as fuck pussy they actually are…. Here’s a video GQ put out today, milking the fuck out of the attention they got from those pictures, cuz when you’re a print magazine you gotta do whatever it takes…..I guess….and anything Glee is a winning fucking formula. UPDATE – THIS VIDEO IS A SCAM – GQ IS JUST TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO LINK THEM SO THEY TURNED OFF THE EMBED- TO MAKE THEM LOTS OF MONEY – FUCK THEM – I’M NOT GOING TO –

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Glee’s Hot GQ Photoshoot Behind the Scenes of the Day

Glee’s Hot GQ Photoshoot Behind the Scenes of the Day

I shit on Terry Richardson for selling out because he is smart enough to make all the money he can and the only way to do that is going mainstream….but dude clearly still has talent. He took those Glee girls and made them look like something I could jerk off to, instead of the manly, awkward and pretty much disgusting as fuck pussy they actually are…. Here’s a video GQ put out today, milking the fuck out of the attention they got from those pictures, cuz when you’re a print magazine you gotta do whatever it takes…..I guess….and anything Glee is a winning fucking formula. UPDATE – THIS VIDEO IS A SCAM – GQ IS JUST TRYING TO GET PEOPLE TO LINK THEM SO THEY TURNED OFF THE EMBED- TO MAKE THEM LOTS OF MONEY – FUCK THEM – I’M NOT GOING TO –

See the rest here:
Glee’s Hot GQ Photoshoot Behind the Scenes of the Day

Big Brother Repulsion Index: ‘Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead’

No, you were not hallucinating last night. A Big Brother contestant, Brendon, did use his eviction nominee platform to compare himself and his lover to witches persecuted in Salem back in the 1600s. And everyone, including Julie Chen, was watching dumbfounded. Let’s see where that speech placed him on last night’s Repulsion Index.

See the original post here:
Big Brother Repulsion Index: ‘Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead’

The Original Ending for Return of the Jedi Did Not Include an Ewok Party

Far be it from me to argue with the business acumen of George Lucas — after all, the filmmaker and current scourge of the geek universe was smart enough to include merchandising rights in his original deal for Star Wars — but did he really ruin what would have been a killer ending to Return of the Jedi because of toy sales?

See original here:
The Original Ending for Return of the Jedi Did Not Include an Ewok Party

Bar Refaeli for Rampage of the Day

Rampage is some online clothing company who was smart enough to hire Bar Refaeli to do a photoshoot with them because before yesterday, I have a feeling, that no one ever heard of Rampage before. If I knew that all it took to become an international success and name that people know and trust was to hire a bitch for 20,000 dollars for a day, I would have started saving 5 years ago, because there is no way I don’t steal less than 20,000 dollars from my wife for the other Bar…you know the drinking kind, when I coulda been stagin photoshoots with hot pussy who wont fuck me but will be nice to me fot my money and let me piggy back on their name, instead of on their hot model asses, but with fame and fortune comes a hell of a lot more pussy that makes Bar Refaeli pussy obsolete but luckily I’m not an opportunist, marketing person or ambitious, instead I’ll stick to hard drinkin. Here are some of the pics.

Original post:
Bar Refaeli for Rampage of the Day

Don’t Stand Next To Miranda Kerr!

Here’s Miranda Kerr hosting the launch of the new Fragrance ‘Heavenly Enchanted’. I don’t know how they come up with these lame names, but whatever they were smart enough to have Miranda there. She could sell ice to an Eskimo.

See more here:
Don’t Stand Next To Miranda Kerr!