They star on the same reality show, but they are rarely all in the same place. Indeed, while Little People, Big World may center on the beloved Roloff family, the many sons, daughters, parents and grandkids who comprise this popular unit are very busy. They also don't all get along so well. Or so we've heard, at least. Moreover, Jacob quit the show awhile back… Molly wants no part of the show… and even Jeremy and Audrey walked away this summer . For all these reasons and more, it's rare to find all the Roloffs in one location. But that's exactly what transpired over the weekend, as relatives came from far and near for one special reason: The start of pumpkin season!!!! Check out a giant family photo below and then scroll all around for more precious looks at various loved ones on hand to celebrate this annual occasion and tradition: 1. The Traditional Family Photo They do it every year and we love it every year. Check out this great photo of ALL the Roloffs, together at last, in honor of pumpkin season at the farm. 2. One Happy Grandpa Matt Roloff got to celebrate the start of pumpkin season AND his birthday via this great photo with his grandkids. 3. Look Who Else Was on Hand Chris Marek was understandably not a part of the family photo, but he was still on the premises for the occasion. And in this photo! 4. Smiling with Jackson This is as great as it gets for Amy. She got to pose with both her grandkids for the start of pumpkin season; first here with little Jackson. 5. Content Red Riding Hood “Thank you everyone for coming out. This ‘little Red Riding Hood’ (Me) was so thrilled to see so many of you! Hope to see more of you next weekend. I’ll be dressed up as. . .” wrote Amy as a caption to this picture. 6. What Mighty Fine Pumpkins You Have Amy got all dressed up for the big day. Because why not, right?!? View Slideshow
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Roloffs Celebrate Special Occasion with Rare Family Photo