Tag Archives: springbreakers

Behati Prinsloo Bikini Photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Pics of Behati Prinsloo GRABBING AT HER TITS TO MAKE THEM POP FOR VICTORIA’S SECRET have been popping up on the internet today…and they are ok…but then again I am not really a fan of this model, her name is just too cartoon-like for me to get into it…I mean how could you seriously throat fuck a girl named Behati Prinsloo without thinking a Bollywood Musical parade is gonna walk down that alley you’re throat fucking her in…. I can’t even say it sober without laughing…and feeling like a creep in the park luring in kids…..I know…what is a name…I barely know the name of any girl I get with, even my wife….I just call them all baby….I am a romantic….. Either way, she’s just part of the half naked Victoria’s Secret model roster that I can’t actually dislike…that’s why I just tweeted her asking if she was wet…because i care….cuz they are tall and half naked….getting paid millions to be half naked…making them better than any girl I get half naked…if the hired ones… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Originally posted here:
Behati Prinsloo Bikini Photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Spring Breakers Official Trailer of the Day

So the Spring Breakers trailer has finally dropped…this is a movie staring all the little starlets as bikini bandits that have had the paparazzi on set since day one…making me feel like I know the story already….and it bores me…..because how many times can I look at Selena Gomez in that same bikini….but that was before today… Because Today, I found out that this is a Harmony Korine movie, and in the 90s, despite hating Kids and wanting them all to die of AIDS, and thinking GUMMO and Julien Donkey Boy and even Ken Park, were just shitty across the board, you know shock value for the sake of shock value, they were still better than the hollywood shit they were up against, paving the way for interesting independent movies….. So now I’m actually interested in seeing what he’s been up and what he’s still got in his back pocket of an over-hyped, marketed as “Genius” filmmaker in the 90s…. Let’s hope it’s not just a cash grab to pay his mortgage…. Here is a picture of Ashley Tisdale in a sports bra for twitter – because I figure she was left out of the Spring Breakers movie – something she is really unhappy about – so why not include her self produced erotica in it because I can – I am nice like that…

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Spring Breakers Official Trailer of the Day

Selena Gomez Spread In a Bikini of the Day

Selena Gomez was showing off her recently chubby thanks to being 20 and taken off her Disney Growth supression “Peter Pan” drugs vagina in a bikini..spread the fuck eagle….for the paparazzi who are pretty close to think this wasn’t strategic promo for Springbreakers….and the only exciting thing in this is deciding whether she has little fake tits or recently blossomed thanks to Hormones in the food and Bieber’s 18th birthday real tits…I’m going with fake. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Selena Gomez Spread In a Bikini of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine Party With Strippers of the Day

Here is a wild and crazy video of sluts who would have become strippers if their parents didn’t force them into this child acting/child prostituting and in Vanessa Hudgens case, child pornography is socially acceptable cuz it is Hollywood and everyone wishes they were Hollywood so anything goes in Hollywood, whorin’ yourself daily, cuz if you don’t another whore will move in and whore harder….before crashing, burning and committing suicide…that’s how it works… So the cast of Springbreakers are rocking out with strippers in the most boring way I can only assume is part of the Springbreaker marketing campaign, but until I have confirmation, I’m just gonna blame hip hop. Ok…I have confirmation, Springbreakers official Youtube put this out….I’m so clever and onto you Hollywood….


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Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine Party With Strippers of the Day

Tamara Ecclestone 2013 Calendar Preview of the Day

I am starting to think people in the UK do not have smart phones or computers… Here are 4 pics – there’s at least 8 more out there…of Tamara Ecclestone…some daughter of a billionaire who manages to be a huge fucking pile of trash…in how she looks, dresses and behaves in tacky, cheap, garbage pictures….making me think maybe daddy was too busy making money to give her hugs and love….cuz why would someone try to leave their mark like this…if they didn’t have to….in cheap masturbation fodder for blue collar mechanics in the shop….cuz no one else uses bikinis…I mean shit, her dad is a fucking billionaire…couldn’t she have taken a couple thousand dollars and made an app or something….fuck….I hate these cunts who waste opportunities by following the stripper’s lead….it makes no sense…go to Harvard, get a degree, save the world, cure MS or AIDS or Herpes….instead of smearing said herpes on the pages of a 2013 calandar… Garbage….but I’d still K-Fed her.

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Tamara Ecclestone 2013 Calendar Preview of the Day

Springbreakers New Poster of the Day

I can’t believe that as an adult, I am tracking the progress of the Springbreakers marketing material like it fucking matters in a world where real shit happens daily…… I can’t take myself seriously, but the good news is that I never do, not even when it comes to half naked tweens who aren’t even tweens, but instead genetically modifed 20 year olds up on some Disney Science experiment Peter Pan shit…. But I am documenting this shit….and here is the poster and some more of the exhausted and played out pics of Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens non-nude and some other whores I’ve never heard of in pics….

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Springbreakers New Poster of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Amazing for Elle Brazil September of the Day

Candice Swanepoel, unlike all girls I come in contact with, is not falling for my charming sweet flirting self….because she probably gets it all the time….or maybe she’s just too busy for me…. or maybe she doesn’t like my jokes or that I am in love with her and think she’s the most fantastic girl out there…pretty much as close to perfection as you can get….you know setting the bar that you compare all other girls to…giving them complexes and making them develop eating disorders in efforts to satsify me visually as well as Candice Swanepoel does….because all girls I meet aim to please me….at least from my perspective that’s what is going on here.

Continued here:
Candice Swanepoel Amazing for Elle Brazil September of the Day

Lana Del Rey Gets Named for GQ UK October of the Day

Finally, this boring fucking fabricated rich bitch has stepped up her fucking game….she has got her titty grabbed by some male model…she has got her pants off and is exposing the attention seeking person her daddy issue self is…you know the way this rich shit works….daddy guilt for having fucked up youth that he throws money at the remedy the fucked up…but never really fixing it…but instead making her our problem…and as long as that happens with bitch half naked…I’m good with her bullshit lie…. Lana Del Rey finally delivers as the man of the year. Thanks to GQ. Boom.

See the rest here:
Lana Del Rey Gets Named for GQ UK October of the Day

Springerbreakers Cleavage Filled Premiere of the Day

Selena Gomez brought her possibly pregnant with Bieber baby, possibly fat from emotionally eating her damaged no childhood child star, possibly off the Disney Peter Pan hormone cocktails to keep their talent young and youthful tits….to the Premiere of Springbreakers a movie you’ve already seen all the good parts to…cuz they leaked the bikini pics for publicity like crazy fucking people….but that you will still go see in the theater alone….cuz you like the kind of 15 year old fans it brings out…you fucking pervert…cuz this whole thing is kind of an amazing phenomenon… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF THESE BITCHES AND THEIR TEEN TITS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Springerbreakers Cleavage Filled Premiere of the Day

More Springbreakers Promo Pics Continue of the Day

Springbreakers premiered at the Venice Film festival last night and it was the biggest day in the lives of all these Disney cunts trying to make it as legit actors even though they are only cast because they each have ridiculous loyal youthful fanbases….which I guess is a good enough excuse for putting them all in bikinis and parading those bikini pics around like it was the second coming of Christ….because young girls in bikini are generally exciting enough to make Christ cum….but I guess them having vaginas is a good nough excuse to put them in bikinis….at least that’s the way I see it…

See original here:
More Springbreakers Promo Pics Continue of the Day