Tag Archives: know-the-story

Nina Agdal Pantyflash of the Day

I’ve heard all kinds of stories about immigrant Nina Agdal being on the program. Which is what I call girls who are signed models, but who get payroll from rich guys to hang out when the rich guys can get away from their wives, because rich guys can buy anything they want, and models, are just one step away from prostitutes…you know they already get paid to show off their bodies, what’s getting paid to fuck someone, when they are fucking people all the time anyway…it’s just part of the process… My favorite picture of her was nude on the bed in Miami during the Sports Illustrated swimsuit launch, you know the story was that she was with some rich college kid and he documented it, because you would to…if you had a drugged up parting Nina naked in your bed after fucking her…I am too lazy to look for that pic, but you can google or search it on the site…I’m more into the future than the past…and the future is that she’s wearing panties, not shy to show those panties, because lets face it, she’s always in panties, and I am surprised she’s even wearing panties, she must be on her period or fresh out of an abortion or dealing with a yeast infection…because girls like this only put on panties when getting paid…right…right…

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Nina Agdal Pantyflash of the Day

Cop Beating up a Girl and Other Videos of the Day

I don’t know the story behind this girl getting punched in the face by a cop, I just know it happened at a high school and that the girl was resisting arrest, but seriously, he’s a cop and should be able to handle a teen girl without punching her in the fucking face… Guy throwing up only for a girl to slip on it… Here’s an armed robber getting owned…

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Cop Beating up a Girl and Other Videos of the Day

The Michael Hastings Car Crash Video of the Day

The owners of Pizzeria Mozza on Melrose have released the Michael Hastings car crash video footage. For those of you who don’t know the story, Michael Hastings worked for Buzzfeed, but was better known for doing an article for Rolling Stone that ended up getting a high ranking General fired. He was rumored to being working on another article to expose something, no one really knows what, but that’s pretty much what I would want out of a journalist. The day he died, he emailed his co-workers saying he was being followed and had to go into hiding. Then at 4 am, he was driving down Highland Ave in Los Angeles going 100 miles per hour, hitting a tree and blowing the fuck up. The reason I am posting this is because in my lifetime of seeing car accidents, I’ve never seen a car explode, even going faster than this, hitting a fucking gas station. It just doesn’t make sense. It looks like there was serious foul play. It also looks like the “powers that be” wanted to keep him quiet, as he was a liability. There’s a lot of grey areas around this story, and I suggest you go research it, because it’s your right to protect your freedom. I’m just a Canadian watching from the sidelines confused…ask questions!!

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The Michael Hastings Car Crash Video of the Day

Michelle Keegan’s Gold Bikini for Some Magazine of the Day

Michelle Keegan has big tits and a not so big body….fucking with my mind and all I have known about big tits in my life….because they are supposed to come with a fat ass or shitty legs…or a gunt..unless they are fake…and I guess the only explanation is hormones in the food….it may lead to diabetes and birth defects…and weird as fuck cancers but shit is worth it for the tits….good job food scientist fucking with nature….good job.

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Michelle Keegan’s Gold Bikini for Some Magazine of the Day

Behati Prinsloo Bikini Photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Pics of Behati Prinsloo GRABBING AT HER TITS TO MAKE THEM POP FOR VICTORIA’S SECRET have been popping up on the internet today…and they are ok…but then again I am not really a fan of this model, her name is just too cartoon-like for me to get into it…I mean how could you seriously throat fuck a girl named Behati Prinsloo without thinking a Bollywood Musical parade is gonna walk down that alley you’re throat fucking her in…. I can’t even say it sober without laughing…and feeling like a creep in the park luring in kids…..I know…what is a name…I barely know the name of any girl I get with, even my wife….I just call them all baby….I am a romantic….. Either way, she’s just part of the half naked Victoria’s Secret model roster that I can’t actually dislike…that’s why I just tweeted her asking if she was wet…because i care….cuz they are tall and half naked….getting paid millions to be half naked…making them better than any girl I get half naked…if the hired ones… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Behati Prinsloo Bikini Photoshoot for Victoria’s Secret of the Day

Spring Breakers Official Trailer of the Day

So the Spring Breakers trailer has finally dropped…this is a movie staring all the little starlets as bikini bandits that have had the paparazzi on set since day one…making me feel like I know the story already….and it bores me…..because how many times can I look at Selena Gomez in that same bikini….but that was before today… Because Today, I found out that this is a Harmony Korine movie, and in the 90s, despite hating Kids and wanting them all to die of AIDS, and thinking GUMMO and Julien Donkey Boy and even Ken Park, were just shitty across the board, you know shock value for the sake of shock value, they were still better than the hollywood shit they were up against, paving the way for interesting independent movies….. So now I’m actually interested in seeing what he’s been up and what he’s still got in his back pocket of an over-hyped, marketed as “Genius” filmmaker in the 90s…. Let’s hope it’s not just a cash grab to pay his mortgage…. Here is a picture of Ashley Tisdale in a sports bra for twitter – because I figure she was left out of the Spring Breakers movie – something she is really unhappy about – so why not include her self produced erotica in it because I can – I am nice like that…

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Spring Breakers Official Trailer of the Day

Feature Release: Facebook “Like” and Popularity Improvements

Despite our recent DDoS attacks, we managed to squeak out a feature release for the site last Tuesday. Unfortunately, the DDoS attack resumed shortly after. “For the love of Pete, tell me what was in the release!!” While this wasn’t a huge release (those are being reserved for later this month), we were able to sneak a few improvements in that you may have already noticed. Here’s the rundown: Facebook “Like” Those of you with Facebook accounts will find that sharing Current TV with your friends just got easier. Have you met the Like button yet? Chances are, you’re already familiar with it on Facebook, and now we’ve implemented Like buttons on all of our content, too. Have you told your friends about Mariana Van Zeller’s recent Vanguard documentary “Missionaries of Hate” yet? Make sure your Facebook account is connected to your Current profile, then visit the “Missionaries of Hate” page and click the “Like” button to share it with your friends and family on Facebook. Go ahead. Try it out. I’ll wait for you here. Popularity and Voting Updates A few weeks ago, we discovered a few kinks in our popularity-scoring algorithm thanks to a few cases where stories were pushed onto the homepage to prove a point. Your message was heard loud and clear, and I’m happy to report that we’ve deployed a couple of notable tweaks to the system that should vastly improve things going forward. First, your red votes will factor in more prominently going forward. For those of you familiar with gaming mechanics, our voting system needed to be re-balanced to better account for red votes. No longer! So, fire up your voting fingers. Vote up. Vote down. Vote often. Your votes help determine what belongs in the popular stories feed, so if something looks old, out of place, or you just don’t think it’s as important as other stories out there, you know what to do. But wait, there’s more. We’ve received a plenty of feedback from our community about the ability to push stories into popularity based upon multiple comments from a very few people on a thread. It goes something like this: Person 1: I think this is great. Person 2: @Person 1 — I disagree! Person 1: @Person 2 – Well, I disagree with your disagreement! Person 2: @Person 1 – OK, but your disagreement with my disagreement is disagreeable to me! Person 1: @Person 2 – Sir or Madam, PLEASE validate my disagreement with you! This exchange continues on for 40-50 comments, and the next thing you know the story is ranked in the top 10 popular stories on the homepage. Not cool, right? Well, we’ve now implemented a new addition to comment scoring that will factor for this sort of thing. We would like to see stories containing a wide spanning discussion, with input from a variety of people via comments and votes, not just the back-and-forth between a select few. So there you have it! We are already working on the next couple releases which plan to include revamped profile pages, new activity streams, and Twitter integration. Stay tuned! added by: mario_a