Tag Archives: signed-models

Emily Senko Tits of the Day

This is not the first time I am posting tit pics of EMILY SENKO … But it might as well be the first time I post on Emily Senko’s tits…because all these girls are the fucking same… Sure some are really trashy, some are really shameless, some are average but good at facetune/photoshop…but all are aspiring models…some even signed models because agencies will sign any bitch they can – in case her online marketing efforts back out… So no matter how lovely they are, and I think this Emily Senko is pretty lovely, mainly because I have no idea who she is, what she does, what her dreams and intersts are…but most importantly who she fucks where she’s from and how much of an opportunist cunt she is.. Ignorance…is bliss…when you can look at tits unbiased… The post Emily Senko Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Emily Senko Tits of the Day

Miley Cyrus Tongues Someone at Alexander Wang of the Day

If you don’t remember two days ago, that was the event Miley put on pasties to walk the runway for, even though her tits are so small, pasties are more like a shirt to her… She’s a high concept hipster artist now … Well, there was an afterparty, and at that after party, Miley decided to rape someone’s face, because I guess that’s what happens when you’re a broken, famous, starlet, who has been in this world her whole life thanks to her joke of her father and the woman he knocked up 2 weeks into his fame… Fame comes with distress, inner torment, insecurity, ego, insanity…that’s why they all end up on drugs or in rehab, they aren’t normal people, they crave attention…and I guess here’s Miley doin’ just that…and I’m not hating it..

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Miley Cyrus Tongues Someone at Alexander Wang of the Day

Carmen Electra’s Titty Photobomb of the Day

I don’t know who this botox, Kim Kardashian, plastic looking, all people with money look like porn stars thanks to shitty plastic surgery is…No not Carmen Electra, the one behind her with her tits falling out, not the one with the sunglasses, who also looks like all these fake hair, face, tan, lip, subtle delicate women… I hate this look, I hate this vibe, it’s so fucking trashy and ugly, but I love the fact that her tit is hanging out as the paparazzi capture her Jersey Shore looking self, accidentally, like a deer in the headlights, because she’s behind Carmen Electra, who also looks like a ball of fucking botox, but still relevant enough for the paparazzi to take pics of….

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Carmen Electra’s Titty Photobomb of the Day

Nina Agdal Pantyflash of the Day

I’ve heard all kinds of stories about immigrant Nina Agdal being on the program. Which is what I call girls who are signed models, but who get payroll from rich guys to hang out when the rich guys can get away from their wives, because rich guys can buy anything they want, and models, are just one step away from prostitutes…you know they already get paid to show off their bodies, what’s getting paid to fuck someone, when they are fucking people all the time anyway…it’s just part of the process… My favorite picture of her was nude on the bed in Miami during the Sports Illustrated swimsuit launch, you know the story was that she was with some rich college kid and he documented it, because you would to…if you had a drugged up parting Nina naked in your bed after fucking her…I am too lazy to look for that pic, but you can google or search it on the site…I’m more into the future than the past…and the future is that she’s wearing panties, not shy to show those panties, because lets face it, she’s always in panties, and I am surprised she’s even wearing panties, she must be on her period or fresh out of an abortion or dealing with a yeast infection…because girls like this only put on panties when getting paid…right…right…

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Nina Agdal Pantyflash of the Day