Tag Archives: stars-on-amazon

Texas Man Offers "Finder’s Fee" For Thin, White, Non-Promiscuous Girlfriend

A woman in Texas has offered $10,000 to anyone who helps her find a husband . She took some heat for that stunt, but at least she has a sense of humor about it. The same can’t exactly be said for a wedding photographer named Larry Busby. He’s created a website titled Sleepless in Austin and tells visitors that he will give them a $1,500 “Finder’s Fee” if they set him up with a girlfriend. But he has some VERY specific demands. To wit, he writes: I am looking for a girl that has a thin or athletic build. No one over 130lbs. Ages 21-41. White, Hispanic, or of European descent. I will not date any girl that has ever had a threesome, or a large number of past sexual partners. I do not want a promiscuous slut, I want a normal, decent, good hearted girlfriend. I will not date a Black girl. I don’t care if she looks like Halle Berry , I will not ever date a Black girl. And, I do not believe that Whites & Blacks should mix races sexually and have kids together. I think it’s ok for Whites & Hispanics. But not Blacks. I would NEVER, EVER, EVER date a woman if I found out she had EVER been sexually active with a Black man. Guess this excludes Kim Kardashian . Anyway, if you or somehow you know has a person in mind that you think you would like to set up with Sleepless in Austin Larry, allow us to ask: What did that person ever do to you?!?

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Texas Man Offers "Finder’s Fee" For Thin, White, Non-Promiscuous Girlfriend

Farrah Abraham Wants More Single Twitter Followers

Just when you thought Farrah Abraham had hit rock bottom, she proves you wrong. No, not because she’s “Finally Getting Up From Rock Bottom.” She’s just redefining where the bottom is. The sex tape star and her creepily vacant expression took to Twitter and suggested that, y’know, people should follow her. Well, if “your” single that is. Why? WHY would anyone follow Farrah Abraham ? Unless you’re just curious what on earth she would post about … in which case we sort of get it. We don’t entirely get it, because it’s more than likely going to be Farrah tweeting about strippers, porn or “staying positive” despite “haters,” but sorta. The other funny part? She randomly tweeted all of the UK too. Perhaps she’s already exhausted her supply of sugar daddy sites to troll domestically and wants to branch out. Whatever is going on up there, we can’t say. But if she gets bored, here are some other groups of people she could Tweet about joining Farrah Nation: Alcoholics Anonymous members (for her obvious problem) U.S. Congress (so they’ll actually have something to do) Sex tape buyers (it’s all about social media marketing) Westboro Baptist Church (for entertainment value) Jenelle Evans (same thing) Farrah Abraham Sex Tape Sequel in the Works?

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Farrah Abraham Wants More Single Twitter Followers

Testicle-Eating Fish: Found in New Jersey!

A testicle-eating fish known as Pacu has been turning up further and further from its native Amazon habitat, with sightings reported in Scandinavia, France and Illinois. And now Northern New Jersey. Testicle-Eating Pacu Fish in New Jersey Tom Boylan hooked a 10-inch-long Pacu at Third Ward Veteran’s Memorial Park in Passaic, N.J., just 10 miles from NYC, according to The Bergen Record . The species is known for its wide teeth shaped like molars and strong jaw muscles that allow them to bust open tree nuts and other tough aquatic foods. Terrifyingly, however, they mistake human cojones for tree nuts. Two men in New Guinea reportedly died from blood loss after a Pacu chomped on theirs. The testicle-eating fish , which migrate upstream in order to spawn, can weigh up to 55 pounds and grow up to 3-4 feet in length when they reaches maturity. “Most likely, someone had [the 10-inch Pacu] in their fish tank and it grew too big, so they dumped it,” Pat Egan, manager at Absolutely Fish, said. “We call them ‘tank busters.’ We don’t even sell them, they grow so big.” Testicle-Eating Fish Caught in Sweden While the news of a Pacu in Passaic County is likely to scare some local residents, the good news is that the fish reportedly can’t survive cold temperatures. Garden State swimmers should be safe by spring … at least until climate change warms all bodies of water by a few degrees and then WHO KNOWS. Better just wear a cup at all times.

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Testicle-Eating Fish: Found in New Jersey!

Melissa Gorga Accused of Sexism, Advocating "Marital Rape" in Ridiculous New Advice Book

A sexist gorilla in Texas is making headlines this week for inappropriate behavior around females in his species. But this primate has nothing on Melissa Gorga. The Real Housewives of New Jersey cast members released an advice book titled “Love, Italian Style: The Secrets of My Hot and Happy Marriage” on September 17 – and it’s being met with some major critical backlash. Melissa Gorga Advocates Marital Rape?!? Many are coming down on Gorga for the role she outlines for women in a marriage, pointing to various passages that appear as if the reality star is advocating “marital rape.” Take this paragraph penned by Melissa’s husband, Joe Gorga: Men, I know you think your woman isn’t the type who wants to be taken. But trust me, she is. Every girl wants to get her hair pulled once in a while. If your wife says “no,” turn her around, and rip her clothes off. She wants to be dominated. Women don’t realize how easy men are. Just give us what we want. Gorga herself, meanwhile, advises women not to say “no” to their man too often because “eventually he will leave you alone more than you wish he would.” She also says her gender should do housework to “stay grounded;” should be “eye candy” for their husbands; and should permit them to yell at them to “release stress.” The memoir only has two stars on Amazon and one reader summed up the feelings of many very well when she wrote on the website: “This book was painful. Shame on whoever told Melissa Gorga she could write. Not to mention that her ‘secrets’ are from another century. I’ve been married nearly 30 years. We still got it. And it has nothing to do with being my husband’s servant. It has to do with love and respect. Too bad the author of this drivel doesn’t know that.”

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Melissa Gorga Accused of Sexism, Advocating "Marital Rape" in Ridiculous New Advice Book