Tag Archives: steve-buscemi

TORONTO: Marion Cotillard Stirs Oscar Buzz In Rust And Bone

The Toronto International Film Festival is off and rolling. TIFF’s official opening night is Rian Johnson ‘s Looper with Joseph Gordon-Levitt , Bruce Willis and Emily Blunt… and all kudos to them, but Toronto is sharing the opening spotlight with Walter Salles’ On The Road , a “surprise” event for Dredd , Rust & Bone — starring Gordon-Levitt’s The Dark Knight Rises co-star Marion Cotillard — and others. As TIFFers arrived in town, the tradition of a slow opening night ended. It was full tilt as events, traffic, schmoozing and gossip about what movie is good, what is less so, was well underway. One prognosticator even had the Best Female Actress Oscar noms already lined up (at least in his mind) — and one is Rust and Bone ‘s Cotillard, pictured here with Sony Pictures Classics co-president Tom Bernard Thursday evening at a dinner hosted by Moet & Chandon Champagne at Michael’s in downtown Toronto. Of course no stranger to Oscar, the French actress won the Academy Award for Best Actress in 2007 for La vie en rose . She turns out another stunning performance in Rust & Bone , by French director Jacques Audiard, in which she plays a beautiful — naturally — woman who meets a club bouncer played by Bullhead actor Matthias Schoenaerts. Their chance meeting turns into a stronger bond that takes flight after an accident. “I was very excited after reading the script,” Cotillard said about her role playing Stephanie in Cannes in May . “When a script moves me, I find that I immediately understand a character. Of course not completely, but I do understand.” Read more from the Toronto Film Festival. Follow Brian Brooks on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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TORONTO: Marion Cotillard Stirs Oscar Buzz In Rust And Bone

Kristen Stewart Tells Toronto Her Character’s Ability To ‘Love So Openly’ Was Difficult, Nude Scenes Not So Much

Kristen Stewart said that the sex scenes and the nudity weren’t the difficult part of playing Marylou in On The Road . Rather it was her character’s emotional openness.  “She loved so openly — and that’s hard ,” Stewart said of Lu Anne Henderson.  She also referred to her character, who Neal Cassady married when she was just 15, as “a bottomless pit” — presumably a reference to her emotional capacity — who would have been “ahead of her time even now.”  (For more photos of Stewart, check out our Toronto Film Festival photo gallery .)  Stewart, who wore a sparkly floral dress and black high-tops, seemed her usual intense and uncomfortable self as she spoke during an extremely brief Q&A session that followed the movie. But the more she spoke about Henderson, the more animated the actress became, particularly when she said that Henderson, in spirit, “was so fucking there for me” on the set. The second and last question asked of her came from a fan, who drew winces when, in the spirit of On the Road , she asked Stewart where she’d choose to go if she could go anywhere. After taking a half-hearted stab at answering the question, the actress finally said, “I don’t know, dude.” Judging from the polite applause that followed the screening, the crowd liked but didn’t love On the Road, which,  thanks in part to its source material, felt aimless at times. That said, the performances by Stewart,  Garret Hedlund, who plays Cassady doppelganger, Dean Moriarty, and Sam Riley, who essentially plays Kerouac, are strong. Stewart doesn’t have a lot of lines, but she brings a sultry radiance to the screen that is impossible to ignore. I don’t know if this performance is going to net her an Oscar nomination, but it’s clear that she’s got the right stuff. As for the sex scenes, the most envelope-pushing performance of the film belongs not to Stewart but to Steve Buscemi who is depicted taking it up the bum from Hedlund. Well, you wanted to know, didn’t you? Follow Frank DiGiacomo on Twitter. Follow Movieline on Twitter. 

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Kristen Stewart Tells Toronto Her Character’s Ability To ‘Love So Openly’ Was Difficult, Nude Scenes Not So Much

Watch: Monsters University Parties in the Dorms

Are there monsters in your closet? That is the question posed in this teaser trailer for Disney/Pixar’s Monsters University . But that is probably the most chilling thing here and perhaps in the movie itself. For these critters are headed for college (though that is certainly a scary and exciting prospect for anyone). Starring Steve Buscemi, John Goodman, Kelsey Grammar and Billy Crystal along with a host of others, the animated adventure-comedy revolves around Mike and Sulley during their enrollment at the “University of Fear.” The snippet, just over a minute long, includes a great little party scene in what appears to be a dorm – and its aftermath, which most university students can – uh – imagine. The pic, which is prequel to Monsters is slated for next Summer, but get a jump on it here.

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Watch: Monsters University Parties in the Dorms

Here’s The First Trailer For On the Road

The first trailer for the lonnnng -awaited adaptation of On the Road is here — an international/market spot (the film doesn’t yet have US distribution) showcasing Jack Kerouac’s shambolic literary stylings and director Walter Salles’s ensemble including leads Sam Riley, Garrett Hedlund, Kristen Stewart and a kind of staggering supporting ensemble: Viggo Mortensen? Kirsten Dunst? Amy Adams? Terrence Howard? Steve Buscemi? Elisabeth Moss? You can’t Beat it! Honk. Sorry, it’s late. Anyway, fingers crossed this video isn’t yanked sooner than this post is published, but fair warning! And probably look for this to debut at Cannes in May. [via indieWIRE ]

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Here’s The First Trailer For On the Road

Meet Catrinel Menghia, Fiat’s Sexy Super Bowl Spokeswoman [PICS, VIDEO]

We’re pretty confident that, like us, a number of you were watching the Super Bowl-and the Super Bowl ads- last night. And although GoDaddy continued its tradition of advertising domain names with ( or in this case, on ) hot models, we think Fiat blew them out of the water this year with its commercial starring Romanian supermodel Catrinel Menghia: Catrinel is certainly seductive as “The Girl with the Scorpion Tattoo”, but we’ve got even better news for you- she’s posed nude, and we’ve got the pics after the jump!

Meet Catrinel Menghia, Fiat’s Sexy Super Bowl Spokeswoman [PICS, VIDEO]

Paz De La Huerta Won’t Return to Boardwalk Empire

She turned our short logs into long piers skin numerable times over two nudity-filled seasons, but now Paz de la Huerta (or at least her character on Boardwalk Empire , Lucy ) sleeps with the fishes. Or maybe she ran away to Chicago, who knows? Point is, after [SPOILER ALERT] spilling the beans on her married baby daddy Nelson van Alden ( Michael Shannon ) to her ex-lover Nucky Thompson ( Steve Buscemi ), Lucy went out on a formula run from which she never returned. Paz was conspicuously absent throughout much of Boardwalk ‘s second season, and amid her many public scuffles and rumors that she was “difficult” on set, it’s not much of a surprise that she was written out of the show entirely. But we haven’t seen the last of Paz. Her new movie Nurse 3D is currently in post-production, and considering s he posed naked for the poster , we predict plenty of de la Hootage in Mr. Skin’s future. Check out the breast of Paz de la Huerta right here at MrSkin.com!

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Paz De La Huerta Won’t Return to Boardwalk Empire

Happy 54th Birthday, Steve Buscemi! What’s His Most Underrated Screen Moment?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think it’s safe to say that Steve Buscemi is one of the most universally liked actors of this generation. He vivified Fargo , gave Ghost World a soul, lent Big Fish some quirky sincerity, ruled on 30 Rock (and Boardwalk Empire , I suppose), and even proved himself a viable proxy for Paul Lynde as the voice of Templeton in the Charlotte’s Web remake. That’s not an easy sneer to fill. But today we’re talking about Buscemi’s underrated work, the stuff that doesn’t percolate with the grim vigor of a Coen Brothers classic. What’s your pick?

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Happy 54th Birthday, Steve Buscemi! What’s His Most Underrated Screen Moment?

Paz de la Huerta Gets Fake Pregnant, Real Naked on Boardwalk Empire [PIC]

We haven’t seen much of our favorite flapper, Lucy ( Paz de la Huerta ), on this season of Boardwalk Empire . That’s because she’s been hidden away in a gloomy boarding house by the father of her illegitimate child (we won’t completely give it away, but we can tell ya- it ain’t Steve Buscemi ). Paz returned to fully nude form this week, but we’ve got good news and bad news. The good news? Paz bared boobs, bush, and butt as she skinspected her naked, pregnant body in the mirror. She isn’t really knocked up- the belly was a prosthetic- but the rest of her was the genuine nude article. The bad news? With her character despondent over her pregnancy, Paz cried throughout the skin scene. Cheer up, Paz- you’re still putting a board(walk) in our boxers! Members can see Paz de la Huerta nude in slappier times on Mr. Skin’s Boardwalk Empire page

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Paz de la Huerta Gets Fake Pregnant, Real Naked on Boardwalk Empire [PIC]

Black Milk Clothing’s Steve Buscemi Dress Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Hey fellas! Are your reserves of nightmare fuel running low? We usually like to focus on the sexy here at Skin Central, but now we (proudly?) present to you the biggest boner killer of all time: the Steve Buscemi dress from Black Milk Clothing . Is there a hot blonde model under there? I have no idea, I’m too busy curling up into the fetal position and concentrating on my happy place. The only good thing about this dress is that you will want to get it off of your girlfriend AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, so only let her wear it if you would like her to be naked approximately 0.5 seconds later. See a close-up view of the Steve Buscemi dress after the jump- if you dare!

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Black Milk Clothing’s Steve Buscemi Dress Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Black Milk Clothing’s Steve Buscemi Dress Will Haunt Your Nightmares

Hey fellas! Are your reserves of nightmare fuel running low? We usually like to focus on the sexy here at Skin Central, but now we (proudly?) present to you the biggest boner killer of all time: the Steve Buscemi dress from Black Milk Clothing . Is there a hot blonde model under there? I have no idea, I’m too busy curling up into the fetal position and concentrating on my happy place. The only good thing about this dress is that you will want to get it off of your girlfriend AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE, so only let her wear it if you would like her to be naked approximately 0.5 seconds later. See a close-up view of the Steve Buscemi dress after the jump- if you dare!

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Black Milk Clothing’s Steve Buscemi Dress Will Haunt Your Nightmares