Tag Archives: still-compelled

Emma Gro for Fran Dominguez of the Day

THe model’s name is Emma Gro, and if you’re a pervert, she’s not the only thing that Gros when looking at her nipple, but I’m too over exposed to models and aspiring models and instagram models and amateur models and new face models and over the hill models, that it takes more than a nipple to get me excited, yet I am still compelled to post the shoot by FRAN DOMINGUEZ because whether the pics seem like something that have been done before, and whether they have a point or storyline or not, there’s still a babe in front of the camera posing, and I think I am addicted to that….even if she has a beat too much meat and needs a little bit of a tuck….not that I’d ever shame a vagina…I would just question it before diving in…but I’d still dive in…

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Emma Gro for Fran Dominguez of the Day

Jenna Jameson on the Beach of the Day

There is something totally useless about seeing an old and tired Jenna Jameson in her bikini on the beach….posing like she’s hot…because the interent will link you up to hours and hours of her getting fucked back in her prime…I’m talking gangbangs, to anal, dyking out, to solo, she’s done it all…..yet I am still compelled to post the shit… Maybe it is cuz we were once internet friends…or maybe it’s cuz I like the idea of a vagina well travelled….knowing the underlying damaged soul that comes with it… You know, that’s the real porn to me…not all that penetration on camera shit…but the broken girl behind all the fake hair and make up.. Not to mention, she’s got a rockin’ booty, even if she’s a mom who had a mom pussy before being a mom, thanks to all the insertion.

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Jenna Jameson on the Beach of the Day

Cindy Crawford Bikini Pic from Mexico of the Day

Cindy Crawford is and old thing in a new package and as much as I generally hate old things in any package…except maybe a snow suit…I am kinda into this Cindy Crawford old thing…cuz models just age better than regular humans cuz models are vain, image obsessed and scared the world will judge them when they fall off like they were Anna Nicole Smith…cuz there is nothing the catty, haters want to see more than someone so celebrated for being a babe…no longer a babe….and by the looks of it…Cindy Crawford is winning this fight….and I’m not just saying that cuz we had a moment and exchanged glances once and she smiled at me….as our souls connected a couple of years ago…I’m saying that cuz she’s good.

See the original post here:
Cindy Crawford Bikini Pic from Mexico of the Day

Hayden Panettiere’s Weird Boyfriend Erotica of the Day

I don’t know why Hayden Panettiere decided to post this pic of her and her boyfriend riding something…but I’m pretty glad she did it…cuz seeing her vagina jacked up against whatever the hell they are sitting on….while the dude who rams her from behind unprotected…is jacked up behind her…is pretty much liking watching her in a group sex porn….sure she’s clothed…sure it’s innocent…but I got a feeling her panties are soaking…but only because this is the internet and I can interpret this picture however I fucking want…you creeps…

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Hayden Panettiere’s Weird Boyfriend Erotica of the Day

Kendall Jenner Panstless for Miss Vogue Australia of the Day

Kendall Jenner may be under 18 still…but I figure the real crime in posting these pics of her…that I am kinda uncomfortable posting are the responsibility of Miss Vogue Australia for taking them…you know anyone who gets tweens half naked…despite it being legal…is pushing the limit a little more than I like…it’s this grey area that makes me feel uncomfortable…even if the 17 year old wants to be famous…or if her mom and sisters are pushing her into this…and even if she looks better than the rest of her family…and is going to end up being hot…but yet I am still compelled to post it…cuz Ryan Seacrest and the Kardashian team have me as brain washed as they have the rest of America…and I hate them for that….

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Kendall Jenner Panstless for Miss Vogue Australia of the Day

Rihanna Concert Picture of the Day

Rihanna always wears the same slutty costume when she performs and that annoys me. You know she can afford to have them in different colors to not make me feel like she’s always putting on the same show. I get the whole consistency thing, because she’s a robot who needs to give everyone the same visual experience, but shit, it makes posting her pictures like a horrible fucking repeat…it bores the fuck out of me but yet I’m still compelled to do it…maybe it is cuz it reminds me of the poor strippers who only have on outfit….or maybe it’s tapping into my dirty panty fetish…I’ve put too much thought into this…

See the original post here:
Rihanna Concert Picture of the Day