Tag Archives: story-on-monday

Lettuce Twice, Lettuce Twice: Beyonce Launches New Vegan Meal Delivery Business With Her Personal Trainer

Beyonce And Trainer Co-Found Vegan Meal Delivery Company Via Time Attention, all the vegan ladies — Beyoncé and her trainer recently announced they’re launching a vegan meal delivery program. After participating in the 22 Days Nutrition challenge with husband Jay Z in 2013, Beyoncé was inspired to team up with her trainer Marcos Borges, also the company’s founder, for the meal service. The meals, which range in price from $9.76 to $16.50, are entirely plant-based and do not include gluten, soy, dairy or GMOs. “I am so grateful that I took the challenge and credit Marco with leading by example,” Beyoncé said in a statement. “He came up with a great program to get people motivated to make better nutritional choices. All you have to do is try. If I can do it, anyone can. I am excited to partner with him.” How many of y’all ’bout that vegan life? Image via WENN

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Lettuce Twice, Lettuce Twice: Beyonce Launches New Vegan Meal Delivery Business With Her Personal Trainer

‘Happy N***** Month’: KKK Defaces South Carolina High School With Racist Message On First Day Of Black History Month

KKK Leaves Racist Message For Black History Month A Rock Hill South Carolina high school was recently defaced with a racist message on February 1, the first day of Black History Month. Rawstory reports: A South Carolina high school was vandalized with racist graffiti on the first day of Black History Month. Officials at South Pointe High School in Rock Hill confirmed to Raw Story on Monday that vandals had struck the school on Sunday, Feb. 1. Photos were posted to social media showing graffiti on a large rock that sits outside the front of the high school. The words “Happy N*gger Month” were scrawled on the rock in spray paint, and it was signed, “KKK.” “It was discovered yesterday morning, and since then, it’s been eradicated,” a school staffer told Raw Story. “People are still calling because it was posted. Whoever did it, took a picture.” It was not immediately clear if the incident had been reported to police or if authorities were aware of a suspect. SMH…this is a damn shame. Do you really think the KKK left the message or just some (racist) prank pulling teens????

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‘Happy N***** Month’: KKK Defaces South Carolina High School With Racist Message On First Day Of Black History Month

Ryan Seacrest Forecasts Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Engagement

Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Kim Kardashian and Kanye West . Such a proclamation is not coming this time from an unreliable supermarket tabloid, or from convoluted Kanye rap lyrics , but from someone supposedly very much in the know: Ryan Seacrest! Executive producer of Keeping Up With the Kardashians and Kourtney and Kim Take Miami , Seacrest said on his KIIS-FM radio show late last week that he thought West would propose during the couple’s trip to Italy over the weekend. “I think we could definitely see an update on this story on Monday,” he told co-host Ellen K. Granted, Monday came and went and there was no update. And, granted, Seacrest knows a thing or two about public relations and, yes, he makes more money the more Kim and her family are in the news. But still. It’s clear things are very serious between West and Kardashian. They are reportedly shopping for a home in Florida . What do you think? Should Kim and Kanye get married?   Yes, they are totes meant to be! I will not dignify with a response Team Humphries! View Poll »

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Ryan Seacrest Forecasts Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Engagement

Tyler Perry Can’t Shake That Madea Stigma Off As Reviews Come In For ‘Alex Cross’

We’ll give the man credit for trying to break out into a different role, but Tyler’s performance proved to be a disappointment. According to The Hollywood Reporter : You almost feel sorry for Tyler Perry, stepping out of his own universe for the first time to try to expand his range and finding himself in something as thoroughly dismal as Alex Cross. An unpleasant film from the sadistic behavior of its loathsome villain to the grubbiness of its visual palette, this stands as a substandard attempt to bring novelist James Patterson’s intuitive cop back to the big screen. All the same, it will be interesting to observe if much of Perry’s generally loyal audience turns out to see him in a major change of pace, as well as if nonfans are curious to check him as a potential action hero. Whatever the opening is, legs are doubtful. Among other things, Alex Cross features a mano-a-mano climax that is a strong contender for the title of worst major fight scene ever to grace a major motion picture. The lighting is dark, it’s framed so tightly you can’t tell who’s hitting whom or what’s going on, and the camera’s intense jitters make it a virtual parody of filmmakers trying to make something exciting by shaking the camera. It’s incredible one of the six producers didn’t notice this and demand a retake. Not directly based on any single one of Patterson’s novels about the brilliant investigator and forensic psychologist but credited nonetheless as an adaptation of Cross, the script by Mark Moss and Kerry Williamson takes the man back to his pre-Washington and FBI days, when he was a cop on the Detroit police force (though some might notice that, for financial reasons, the film was shot largely in Cleveland). This repositioning suits the fact that Perry is about 20 years younger than Morgan Freeman was when he played the role in Kiss the Girls in 1997 and Along Came a Spider four years later. Towering over the other actors (he’s 6-foot-5), Perry lumbers around with a degree of charisma but a lack of emotional range or variety in line delivery. Although watchable and certainly different from the usual run of leading men, he’s not really all that interesting in this character. Fox is plenty convincing as the cretin without the merest morsel of humanity, while the other actors just cash their paychecks, notably Jean Reno as a French industrialist with an unexplained penchant for turning the city of Detroit around. Have you seen ‘Alex Cross’ yet? Do you want to? Images via WENN/youtube

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Tyler Perry Can’t Shake That Madea Stigma Off As Reviews Come In For ‘Alex Cross’

Matrimony-dom: Ryan Seacrest Hints Kanye’s Preparing To Pop The Question To Kimmy Cakes This Weekend!

We told you so . Looks like KimYe might get engaged this weekend after all. According to RadarOnline reports : Ryan Seacrest has hinted that a Kanye West wedding proposal to Kim Kardashian could be imminent. The American Idol host was commenting on speculation that the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star is demanding an engagement ring on her 32nd birthday this Sunday, which prompted Seacrest, 37, to tell his KIIS FM listeners to watch this space. Ryan, who has a close relationship with the Kardashian clan because of his work as an executive producer on their reality TV show, told co-host Ellen K: “I think we could definitely see an update on this story on Monday.” Whether Ryan knows more than he is letting on is a mystery for now – but no one could be better placed to know if another Kardashian wedding is in the pipeline. Meanwhile, a source close to the couple has confirmed Kayne, 35, has been deliberating over a ring for some time. “It’s only a matter of time before Kanye pops the question,” the insider revealed. “They are madly in love with one another and as far as Kanye is concerned he wants to spend the rest of his life with Kim. “It’s just a case of making sure the ring is perfect because she’s his princess.” This one is kind of a no-brainer with all of the stories circulating that she was gonna pitch a fit if she didn’t get a ring on her birthday. Of course Ryan Seacrest would know too, since he has to send the camera crews to Rome to catch the big moment. Riiiiight? WENN

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Matrimony-dom: Ryan Seacrest Hints Kanye’s Preparing To Pop The Question To Kimmy Cakes This Weekend!

Open Thread: President Obama Has Trust Issues

The President recently chided Republicans for their alleged lack of trust in the American people. But who really has the trust issues, wonders David Harsanyi . Was it the administration’s faith in the wisdom of the American parent that persuaded it to shut down the voucher program in Washington, D.C., and continue the left’s decades- long campaign denying school choice for kids and parents? Or was that just faith in public-sector unions? Was faith in American industry behind the Democrats’ support of a stimulus bill that was almost entirely predicated on preserving swollen government spending at the expense of private-sector growth? Is this hallowed faith in the citizenry also what compels the administration to dictate what kind of car we will be driving in the future, what kind of energy we will be filling these “cars” with and what amounts of that energy will be acceptable? Is faith in American know-how why Washington funnels billions of tax dollars each year to its handpicked industry favorites rather than allowing the best and brightest to — please pardon the pun — organically figure out what the most sensible energy policy is, as we have in every other sector? Make sure you follow the link for much, much more. Then return and tell us your thoughts.

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Open Thread: President Obama Has Trust Issues

Blaming Fox for Shirley Sherrod’s Firing ‘a Lie,’ Fox & Friends Host Declares

On Wednesday’s Fox & Friends, co-host Steve Doocy took strong exception to the NAACP’s claim it was “snookered” by Fox News into denouncing former Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod based on excerpts of a speech she delivered at a dinner in March. “There’s a timeline problem,” Doocy pointed out, noting that the NAACP had on Monday night denounced Sherrod as “shameful,” the same day that she was pressured to quit her job ( she says by the White House ). But Fox News never mentioned the story until Tuesday morning. “So for anybody to say that Fox News pressured her out, that is simply a lie,” Doocy asserted. The liberal media have gone from largely ignoring the Sherrod story on Monday night and Tuesday morning to embracing it as a case of a woman maligned by an unfairly edited video clip. But if Sherrod is indeed the victim, much of the damage seems to have been caused by the precipitous reaction of the NAACP and the Obama administration — not liberals’ favorite target, Fox News. Here’s how Doocy explained the matter at the top of the July 21 Fox & Friends, about 6:07am ET: Co-host STEVE DOOCY: The NAACP has done, essentially, a double-back flip. First, here’s what she said regarding the NAACP: [Words on screen] “They got into a fight with the Tea Party, and all of this came out as a result of that.” But here’s what she says about the NAACP, she says, she blames them for her getting in trouble. Now, here’s what the NAACP said on Monday night — on Monday night, as soon as the news had hit the fan. They said [reading] “her actions were shameful. While she went on to explain in the story that she ultimately realized her mistake, as well as the common predicaments working with people of all races, she gave no indication she had attempted to right the wrong she had done to this man.” That was on Monday. Then yesterday, the NAACP came out and they said that we’re now apologizing to her and they say they were snookered by Fox News and Andrew Breitbart. But as [fill-in co-host] Dana [Perino] mentioned, there’s a timeline problem. Fox News did not do the story until after she had already resigned. So she was pressured by the Department of Agriculture to quit. She quit. And then we did the stories. So for anybody to say that Fox News pressured her out, that is simply a lie.

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Blaming Fox for Shirley Sherrod’s Firing ‘a Lie,’ Fox & Friends Host Declares