Tag Archives: sweatshop-made

Elsa Hosk is Hot and Topless of the Day

Elsa Hosk is living up to her contract with Victoria’s Secret requirements to post slutty selfies, in and out of bra, really any way she can to get more people to pay attention to her…so that she can hit their target numbers and get her her damn bonus….. She clearly loves every second of this, otherwise she would have stayed in Sweden coaching girl basketball… Instead she’s hanging with the A-List…living the rich and luxurious life…doing what you should do when you are hot..and she is hot…..getting fucking paid.. It’s shameless, but it’s the business they are in, so is it shameless at all? They are just media manipulating to get as much as they can…selling so many low quality, overpriced, sweatshop made for fractions of a cent thanks to little asian child hands….all through marketing…pretty interesting case study for Harvard Business school….while I’m more into the hot chicks involved with them on the street level…making over a million a year doing shit like this. Naked Selfies….insane. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Elsa Hosk is Hot and Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Elsa Hosk is Hot and Topless of the Day

Jennifer Lopez for J.Lo Brand of the Day

I guess everything she does is for J.Lo brand…it’s her retirement fund.. I think J.Lo brand still existing as a clothing line is pretty funny, considering it’s been around for a long time and I just assumed the ghetto people who purchased her sleazy, sweatshop made, rags of shit, would be over both J.Lo and her garbage… But there are cheesy, trashy, disgusting people on a budget…lacking education, possibly from Puerto Rico and into the J.Lo lifestyle and all she’s accomplished, who feel that she’s a trophy on their sleeve when they wear her clothes, or maybe it’s just on sale at Marshalls… Either way, who cares about J.Lo and her money making schemes that are obvious and horrible, when you can try to understand her 50 year old botox face, photoshopped into a sketch or artist rendering of her, that we’d prefer seeing as a “suspect” in a mass shooting, so that she could be locked up where she belongs..instead of spewing this crap… Either way, funny… The post Jennifer Lopez for J.Lo Brand of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lopez for J.Lo Brand of the Day

Kate Upton’s Fat Ass on Set of the Day

Kate Upton is on set of a movie…because I guess she’s figured out the way to look skinny, no, not wrapping herself aggressively in SPANX, something I am sure she already does…but rather connect with her creepy pervert fans through shitty romantic comedies…not because she has a passion for acting, or because she’s just trying to prove that acting doesn’t require talent, but because she knows the camera ads 10 – 20 pounds, so when people see her in person, they say in shock “I thought you were way fatter than this”…something that as a fat girl, she probably loves to hear… That said, here’s her fat ass….in a pencil skirt…like a secretary.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Upton’s Fat Ass on Set of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Upton’s Fat Ass on Set of the Day

Doutzen Kroes for Gilles Bensimon of the Day

Doutzen Kroes dropped out of Victoria’s Secret, because I guess she had no choice, and they had an uprising at the company, where they realized it was time to replace the squad with a new line-up, that we can assume are younger, hotter, more affordable, and already social media stars to help market the cheap to market, low level, over priced, sweatshop made, quick to market, mall brand garbage that every girl wants to endorse, because it means a long lasting career, rich and famous lovers and husbands…and great PR…without really realizing they are just peddling garbage… That said, Doutzen wants you to know that marrying a black man is not a nail in a coffin of her career, having two kids is not a nail in a coffin of her career, and getting fired from VS isn’t a nail in a coffin of her career…because people know her and want to see her naked…and photographers…like Gilles Bensimon…are there to take the pics… The post Doutzen Kroes for Gilles Bensimon of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Doutzen Kroes for Gilles Bensimon of the Day

Kate Upton Tries to do a Handstand of the Day

If you want to take pics of Kate Upton to showcase how she’s just a really fucking normal girl with nothing really to offer…the kind of girl who serves you at McDonalds and who sneaks one too many fries…you do it like this.. You get her unfit and non-atheltic body in a sweater, you showcase that she can’t do a handstand because she is unfit and non-atheletic and disproportionate..and you publish them like it’s art… Even if it’s tragedy…totally misuse of sloppy massive tits on a sloppy massive body that like being exposed because it pays the fucking bills.. All this to say…weird..very weird..

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Kate Upton Tries to do a Handstand of the Day

Elsa Hosk Nude for Fashion of the Day

Elsa Hosk is a Victoria’s Secret Model…who gets it..and here she is posing in what looks like a merkin…which excites me because I love bush and all fashion accessories that simulate bush…it’s the future of vagina, especially for tacky girls who laser hair removed their shit…but I also like that she’s naked and not being ruined by sweatshop made shitty quality overpriced billion dollar evil empire lingerie at Victoria’s Secret…and going back to her roots of getting naked for high concept ideas…because any reason to get naked is good enough for me….

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Elsa Hosk Nude for Fashion of the Day

Ariana Grande Reading DrunkenStepfather.com of the Day

I don’t know who Ariana Grande is, I just know she’s laying on her bed, sprawled out, reading DrunkenStepfather.com….so I guess I have to promote her young, tight, fit, revealing pink outfit…. Sure, she may not even be on DrunkenStepfather.com, but you know you’re dick isn’t the one being sucked in all that POV porn you jerk off to. Let me have my fantasies, even if they are so far from reality, and involve me thinking my site matters so much, some Nickelodeon star reads the shit like it’s the scripture. I mean it’d be nice if she did, it’d increase my chances of K-Fed-ing her….a plan I’ve had in my back pocket since starting the site…. Come on Ariana, let your vagina save me from this hell I live… It’s not creepy cuz she’s 19….

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Ariana Grande Reading DrunkenStepfather.com of the Day

Rihanna Modeling Bullshit for Instagram of the Day

Rihanna is a bit of an Exhibitionist…the kind of girl who if she never made it as a pop star billion dollar brand….she’d probably be a cam girl…or a hooker…but more likely a cam girl…the kind who masturbates in the library for her fans….because that’s just the kind of pervert she is…getting thrills by putting her pussy on blast…something I can endorse.. You see cuz even now, as this big celebrity, she gets her nipples, tits, whatever she can out there as often as possible, and that’s with a management team watching her every move so that she doesn’t offend anyone or ruin what they’ve already built up for her….so you can just imagine how hardcore she’d go without people controlling her every move and that to me is far hotter than looking at her side tit while she’s promoting her sweatshop made discount gutter clothing line…but the side tit is still good to me…

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Rihanna Modeling Bullshit for Instagram of the Day

Miranda Kerr is Getting Ready Backstage of the Day

OH MY GOD….CAN YOU BELIEVE IT….THERE IS A FASHION SHOW TODAY THAT WILL BE TELEVISED AT THE END OF THE MONTH….AND MIRANDA KERR IS IN IT….SHE IS ONE OF THEIR KEY MODELS….AND SHE TWEETED A PIC OF HER GETTING READY…..OH MY GOD….I AM FREAKING OUT…. No seriously…who gives a fuck…I am actually mad that I am promoting these sweatshop made panties and their marketing bullshit for free…I should invoice them when I am done staring at her breasts peaking out of her robe…

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Miranda Kerr is Getting Ready Backstage of the Day