During his campaign, Donald Trump lied without compunction or conscience, and maybe even without awareness. He regularly misrepresented Hillary Clinton’s policies and positions — and his own (when they could be pinned down at all). He seemed to take pleasure in painting the bleakest possible picture of the country — its crime rates, its debt,… Read more »
Here’s a fun little video of the best parker in the world….I think I take pleasure in it…not sexual pleasure you fucking pervert…because I was a valet at some ghetto hotel over a decade ago…and it turned out I was the worst fucking parker of all time, both when I was sober and wasted and in the 2 weeks I was there, I managed to drive 10 cars into the fucking wall, other cars and support beams…not to mention I think I got black lung when I was on the bottom level of the shit and the fucker was paging me to run up the stairs in exhaust ridden hell…before firing me….making this guy easy to relate to…. The life lesson I learned at the valet job was that people who drive brand new Porches and Ferrari’s generally aren’t anal about their cars, they’d leave them there running without a parking ticket, while junior execs who probably still lived with their moms, who drove Audis and BMWs were fucking insane about there shit and would inspect it with a walk around like you were renting a car cuz I guess it was there one asset…and that’s when I learned that rich people are laid back and relaxed, while the junior execs are the assholes you see at the bar acting up so that everyone notices them balling out…. Not that it matters, cuz I’m practically homeless cuz you fuckers don’t exist and advertisers don’t want to pay me millions to reach you. Jerks. TO Watch the Video – FOLLOW THIS LINK
I am surprised this show is still on the air. Not one of the winners of this show has ever become a Top Model, leading me to believe that the whole thing is nothing but serious bullshit lies…you know a scam to make Tyra more money than her fat ass has already managed to make with her bullshit….so I take pleasure in seeing her contestant fall twice on her model walk….just to remind you all that this show is retarded, and to take pleasure in watching some girls dreams come shattering down in a 45 second clip….it’s like these 45 seconds put her in her fucking place and I like reality checks like that….