I don’t know what it is about Kate Bosworth that I think is amazing, but when she was acting and actually getting jobs, I couldn’t be bothered even noticing her, but as she gets older, I just think her hot, skinny, model looking body is hot as fuck…so I am glad these alleged nudes – that are probably just some nerd’s art project happened…not just because of her asshole shot…but because she is amazing… I do know that Emily Ratajkowski has been a nude, self promoter since she pretty much started this internet thing. She had tits, debatable as to whether they are real or not, and she has been fully nude in countless photoshoots. The world was responsive, they loved her, and that lead to money and jobs in actual fucking movies…her dreams came true.. So it is safe to say that these “alleged” nudes of her are great, but don’t matter, because you’ve all ready seen her minge…you’ve already seen lip and self shot may be a fetish because it feels more personal, but she wasn’t taking the pics for you, so I can’t imagine how that is better than any pro shots she’s had with great photogs. I also know that her movie is coming out, that she’s had three weeks to decide if this was a good publicty stunt in an era when people were starting to forget about her…enough time to really weighs the pros of cons of being looped into a nude scandal.. You know like Kim Kardashian’s who’s iCloud was hacked, yet her blackberry pics were stolen…because that always happens…right…. Inside jobs everywhere, but when there are tits – we must celebrate… Here’s Someone Named Abigail Spencer… Gabrielle Union…. The Machalka Sisters… An Olsen… Jenny McCarthy… Hope Solo… REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL ALLEGED NUDES – PROBABLY ALL FAKES – IF LAWYERS EMAIL ME – WE WILL KNOW IF THEY ARE LEGIT – REMEMBER THE CELEBRITIES ARE THE VICTIMS HERE –
I don’t know what it is about Kate Bosworth that I think is amazing, but when she was acting and actually getting jobs, I couldn’t be bothered even noticing her, but as she gets older, I just think her hot, skinny, model looking body is hot as fuck…so I am glad these alleged nudes – that are probably just some nerd’s art project happened…not just because of her asshole shot…but because she is amazing… I do know that Emily Ratajkowski has been a nude, self promoter since she pretty much started this internet thing. She had tits, debatable as to whether they are real or not, and she has been fully nude in countless photoshoots. The world was responsive, they loved her, and that lead to money and jobs in actual fucking movies…her dreams came true.. So it is safe to say that these “alleged” nudes of her are great, but don’t matter, because you’ve all ready seen her minge…you’ve already seen lip and self shot may be a fetish because it feels more personal, but she wasn’t taking the pics for you, so I can’t imagine how that is better than any pro shots she’s had with great photogs. I also know that her movie is coming out, that she’s had three weeks to decide if this was a good publicty stunt in an era when people were starting to forget about her…enough time to really weighs the pros of cons of being looped into a nude scandal.. You know like Kim Kardashian’s who’s iCloud was hacked, yet her blackberry pics were stolen…because that always happens…right…. Inside jobs everywhere, but when there are tits – we must celebrate… Here’s Someone Named Abigail Spencer… Gabrielle Union…. The Machalka Sisters… An Olsen… Jenny McCarthy… Hope Solo… REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL ALLEGED NUDES – PROBABLY ALL FAKES – IF LAWYERS EMAIL ME – WE WILL KNOW IF THEY ARE LEGIT – REMEMBER THE CELEBRITIES ARE THE VICTIMS HERE –
Edita Vilkeviciute is a model and she looks like she’s a lot of fun…in the way she lets people take suggestive pictures of her under the assumption it is for high concept fashion and art, while really it’s just soft core porn…it’s so hard to tell the difference especially when you are the one taking the pics of the bitch who would never do it knowing it was designed for people like you to jerk off to, but rather designed for the fashion industry to say “look at her angles, she really has talent, lets’ book her for this million dollar campaign”… We call this a WIN / Win situation…. Here are the pics for Industrie (not a porn mag) magazine.
In the week since Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds exchanged vows, their fans have seen next to nothing of the gorgeous, super-private newlyweds … until now! Check out this photo that surfaced of the two of them kissing the day after they got married in South Carolina. They look very much happy and in love. Also, it looks like Blake’s wedding ring is not small … The ring, which was designed by jeweler Lorraine Schwartz, has not been present in any photos from the set of Gossip Girl , which Blake films in New York. Then again, Serena’s not married … at least not at the moment. Coincidentally, a secret wedding involving Blake’s character is the rumored plot of the Oct. 8 premiere! Art imitating life? Not really, but fun. Congrats again!
Days after launching an injunction in a civil case against Closer magazine, Kate Middleton and Prince William have filed a criminal complaint in a French court. Seeking justice against those who disseminated Kate Middleton topless photos last week, the complaint asks prosecutors to charge the paparazzo behind the shots. Of course, there was no name listed in the royals’ criminal complaint, as it’s unclear who was responsible for taking the pics published in the celebrity gossip mag. Under French law, those convicted of violating Will and Kate’s privacy – the unnamed paparazzo and Closer ‘s editor, in theory – could face thousands of euros in fines. A possible one-year jail sentence is also on the table, albeit unlikely. As it happened, Closer removed the pics from its website on Friday shortly after being sued, and before the criminal complaint was even filed by the royals. However, Closer ‘s Italian sister publication, Chi, ran a 26-page spread today of Kate Middleton nude and topless images, many of them the same as Closer ‘s. A statement released by Mondadori, the group that owns Chi and Closer, defended the decisions made by the respective editors to run a report on the pictures: “The publisher respects the arguments put forward by the editors.” Watch Closer ‘s editor stand by the decision after the jump …
I remember reading all those wonderful Bieber Experiences and I always thought: “Those people soaked up the entire amount of luck on earth, there is no way there is some left for me!” But NEVER SAY NEVER and finally it’s my turn to write my very own MBE. I’m Lilly, 20 and from Germany, but right now I live in San Diego, California as an Au Pair. I’ve been a Belieber for a long time now and I didn’t even dare to dream about meeting Justin. The only thing I was dreaming about was getting a follow on Twitter. It all started with a tweet I read saying “LA Beliebers are so lucky, they get a Meet and Greet for free!” I never thought about actually driving somewhere to meet Justin cause like I said…I didn’t even dare to think about that! But this tweet woke me up and I started to DREAM BIG. At this point, Justin had his rehearsals in LA and I saw so many pictures of fans meeting Justin in front of his studio. I asked everywhere until I finally got the address. Then I decided to drive up to LA the very next day and I called my friend Lotte (@BieberAphrodite) who was immediately game, but later that day she found out that she had to work so she couldn’t go with me. She was my only hope. Then I had to think about going by train, but I dropped that thought, cause it was expensive and I wasn’t even sure if he was there or if I found the way. After this, Justin tweeted all the pictures he took with his fans that day on twitter. I was upset and thought, “What if this has been my only chance in life to meet Justin?” A week went by and we planned on driving to LA on the 1st of September. May (@MermaidOfPeace), Lotte (@BieberAphrodite), me and two other friends. Luckily Fredo tweeted about rehearsals. At this point I knew I would meet my inspiration JUSTIN BIEBER. We only waited for 45 minutes until he came out saying “Hey, what’s up guys?” MY HEART RACED LIKE HELL! And on top he brought a cake and Kenny gave us forks and plates. We all got in line to take a picture with Justin. Every single one of us got a picture. I stared at him while I was waiting for my turn. His skin. Perfect. His eyes. Glowing. His smile. Breathtaking. I was thinking about what I would say to him, something like “God bless you!” but the most important thing: LOOK RIGHT INTO HIS EYES AND SMILE. Then finally it was my turn to take a picture and the only thing I could say to him was a simple “Hi!” but luckily I managed to look directly into his eyes and the smile. When he looked at me for the first time, his face totally cleared up and he smiled, honest and bright. He said “Hi! How are you?” and put his arm around my shoulder. [ click here ] It felt like 30 seconds even though it might not even have been 5. I didn’t hear the “How are you?” that’s the reason why I didn’t answer him. After taking the pictures, I went over to Fredo to give him a little note for Justin. First I asked Fredo if he would take a picture with me and he said, “Sure! Of course!” Then he went for a side hug and I said, “But…I don’t have a camera! I’ll be right back!” E.M.B.A.R.R.A.S.S.I.N.G. Fredo just laughed and waited for me until I got back, this time with a camera. After we took the picture I took his hand and put my little note inside. I held it and said “Please give this to Justin! This is so important to me. It’s my username and a little note” While I was saying that I squeezed his hand a little and looked straight into his face to show him how serious I was about that. “Yes, I will. I promise” he said with a smile. That was enough for me. I believed him. I thanked him and after that Justin said he had to leave. We also left with a piece of “Bieber Cake” . I ran around in circles and screamed “I JUST MET JUSTIN BIEBER AND THIS IS BIEBER CAKE! NEVER SAY NEVER!” just like we all learned it [ x ]. People looked at me as if I was crazy but I honestly couldn’t care less. We fan-girled the whole day. I also noticed that he has been pretty quite while he was taking the pics… but not with me. I thought that I was just hallucinating all those special things, but my friends assured me that he really changed his face expression when he saw me. I bet that was because I looked like a child on Christmas. I was beyond happy and I couldn’t stop smiling, not even now. Meeting Justin was like reaching bliss. He made me believe again and made me dream big when I didn’t dare to. I love you Justin. -Lilly (@BieberZeus) View post: I remember reading all those wonderful Bieber Experiences and I…
September 11, 2012. The day I saw the person who changed my life. I know this is actually a sad day but this day seriously changed my life. I’ve never thought I’d ever write my Bieber experience but here we go. My name is Evelyn. I’m 14 years old and I live in Frankfurt, Germany. I’ve been a belieber since 2010 when Justin performed ‘Baby’ at the VMAs. I know I wasn’t there from the beginning but I’ll sure be there until the end. Anyways, Justin gave an acoustic concert at the airport here in Frankfurt. You had to win tickets for this. I didn’t win, but that didn’t stop me from going . Straight after school I went with my group of friends to the airport. It was around 12pm. At first, we didn’t know where we had to go so we asked people. After 30 minutes we finally arrived at the hall where beliebers were already standing at the barrier. I talked with some of them and they told me that Kenny was there and took pictures with them. At 4pm they let the girls in who had tickets and w e tried everything to get to the concert but they wouldn’t let us in. We still stayed there. After 30 minutes, Kenny came out and w e chased after him like crazy! Luckily I got a picture with him and I told him that I love him and he said, “I love you too!”. After that we got back to the barrier where we waited the whole time. We sang Boyfriend, As Long As You Love Me, Baby and a lot more songs. Then we saw Moshe but only for a few seconds. It then around 6pm when the security guys told us that Justin is coming down to say hello to us. I was so excited. Justin finally came down with Alfredo by his side with his camera and everyone started panicking and screaming. No one would have thought he’s coming down to see us. He gave everyone an autograph and you could tell he was really happy. He is so beautiful and perfect in real life. He smiled at all of us and I took so many photos and videos. When Justin, Alfredo and Moshe went outside to the car everyone started crying. When a few left and everyone calmed down, Dan Kanter, his guitarist, came out and we followed him to the escalator and sang the Dan Kanter Song. When he was at the escalator I screamed his name and he looked at me, waved and winked. I waited 3 years for this moment to happen. I never gave up. I’m still in shock and I can’t actually believe that I saw my idol. Justin means the world to me and I finally met him. Here is the original post: September 11, 2012. The day I saw the person who changed my…
This is really one of those….click the link if you are really into seeing Paris Hilton crawling around on all fours. I’m not allowed to post the pic, they belong to a shitty fucking paparazzi company, but I can post a pic of the people taking the pics that she posed for on the beach, which is just as exciting to me….cuz all things Paris Hilton are the fucking worst….she’s the original devil and whether I’d fuck the herpes off of her until she had a miscarriage or not…I still hate the bitch… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Vanessa Hudgensknown for her role as Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical film series arrives at MTV Studios and then leaves in New York City on August 4, 2009 for an appearance on ‘It’s On With Alexa Chung’.Vanessas‘ upcoming projects include roles in Sucker Punch, which will release in 2011, she plays the role of Blondie. She will play Linda in the film adaptation of Beastly, which is scheduled for a 2010 release. Continue reading →