Tag Archives: concept-fashion

Nina Agdal Does Instagram of the Day

Nina Agdal got dumped by Adam Levine, so she’s doing the only rational thing a girl who has been dumped can do, and that is post slutty fucking pictures on the internet because slutty pictures on the internet are the best way to get revenge from a dude who is already engaged to another model who looks less retarded than you, and who clearly cares about what you are up to, like you were more than just a hot body to fuck while one break with his girlfriend….but at least it attracts male attention…attention you need to feel like you’re hot now that you’ve been shit on…after such a great year of being loved from everyone…

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Nina Agdal Does Instagram of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute Naked for Industrie Magazine of the Day in Shorts of the Day

Edita Vilkeviciute is a model and she looks like she’s a lot of fun…in the way she lets people take suggestive pictures of her under the assumption it is for high concept fashion and art, while really it’s just soft core porn…it’s so hard to tell the difference especially when you are the one taking the pics of the bitch who would never do it knowing it was designed for people like you to jerk off to, but rather designed for the fashion industry to say “look at her angles, she really has talent, lets’ book her for this million dollar campaign”… We call this a WIN / Win situation…. Here are the pics for Industrie (not a porn mag) magazine.

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Edita Vilkeviciute Naked for Industrie Magazine of the Day in Shorts of the Day

Adrianne Curry’s Ass in a Thong of the Day

Adrianne Curry is doing her COSPLAY nerd hustle for her twitter followers…because she’s never been in a Sci/Fi movie or TV show and has nothing to do with this nerd shit, she’s just realized that this is the fucking internet…and the internet is dominated by virgin loser trash…and virgin loser trash is loyal and follow you til the end of time in some weird OCD shit that makes me uncomfortable… I hate virgin loser comic book collecting socially awkward nerds….even though every last one of you is probably onr…cuz cool people don’t care about this shit….but I’ll continue to pretend you are a sexy model who loves my dick jokes….and wants to unmask me with your pussy lips…. Even if I’d be a very rich man is I accepted you for who you are…like Adrianne Curry does… Either way, interesting pic, even if she’s the fucking devil who I hate for taking advantage of you…but more importantly…for existing.

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Adrianne Curry’s Ass in a Thong of the Day

Blake Lively Reynolds in a Bra Shirt for Glamour Spain of the Day

I find it funny that Blake Lively fans, at least the ones on the internet are so mad that she got married, like it affects their obsession of her or the chance of them fucking her….I mean the only thing they could be mad at is if she’s pregnant because historically pregnancy ruins women….but if you’re obsession is Blake Lively…that’s on some obscure kick that makes me think you’ll probably ride out the pregnancy into the future…you stalking fucking weirdo…cuz to me Blake Lively hardly exists, she was on TV, in a few movies, played a 20 year old but looks 40, fucked some A-Listers, got knocked up by one, married him, denied being knocked by him to not cheapen her whore self who was cheapened when she started bouncing celebrity cock to cock….but that’s just the circle she runs in…I don’t judge….I just don’t understand why she looks so fucking old all the time…menopausal even…. She did a shoot for Glamour Spain, wore a shirt tha looks like a bra, and that’s about as interesting as she gets….

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Blake Lively Reynolds in a Bra Shirt for Glamour Spain of the Day

Kate Upton’s New Direction for Jalouse of the Day

Kate Upton is taking on some fashion shoots, you know more high concept fashion editorial shit to show the world how diverse a model she is, and that she’s not jusst some sloppy titty bikini model the average american man loves as she spills over her bikini top setting off warning signs that she is in fact a fact chick in training…the next Anna Nicole Smith….ready to remember the glory days when she is 25 over a chocolate cake and a bunch of pills….she wants us to take her seriously and forget that she’s a thick, fat titty, destined to be in a bikini prior to struggling with her weight, you know while her metabolism is still fat….and you know what…she looks pretty good in this shoot….I support her cause…cuz I was getting annoyed of her one trick pony shit…even if it was more half naked…..because with these high fashion shoots, the next step will be more naked…cuz high fashion has more nipple than bikini modeling for sports magazines….so this is a better road to go down…even though I think she shoulda done porn.

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Kate Upton’s New Direction for Jalouse of the Day