Tag Archives: tawanna iverson

Who Looked More Bangin At The Players’ Awards?

Players Awards 2015 On a Sunday a gaggle of stars took to Vegas for the Players’ Awards. “Power” star Naturi Naughton brightened up the carpet at the Rio hotel’s Penn & Teller Theater in an electric orange get up… while Monica donned a gold power suit. MC Lyte was also on hand… and Allen Iverson’s wife Tawanna Iverson kicked it with her hubby in tiger stripes. YOU tell us, who looked more bangin at the Players’ Awards??? Hit the flip for more photos.

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Who Looked More Bangin At The Players’ Awards?

Baby Mama Drama: Allen Iverson’s Ex-Wife Demands $1.2 Million In 13-Years Of Back Child Support

In broke baller news… Allen Iverson’s Ex-Wife Demands Back Child Support Via TMZ reports: Allen Iverson’s ex-wife is sick and tired of dragging him to court to squeeze out child support … she’s asking a judge to make him cough up the next 13 years worth RIGHT NOW — a cool $1.2 MILLION. TMZ broke the story … after the couple’s nasty divorce Iverson was ordered to pay $8000/month in child support for their 5 kids. Problem is, Tawanna has gone to court on numerous occasions because A.I. won’t pay. It came to a head in July when a judge threatened Iverson with jail, unless he forked over $40,000 in back support — which he did. But Tawanna says she doesn’t want to keep running into the same problem. On August 1st she filed docs asking a judge to make A.I. cover ALL the support through October 2026 (when their youngest turns 18). After the math, it comes to $1,272,000 … which Tawanna wants put in a trust for the children. A court has yet to rule. Maybe Tawanna can join ‘Basketball Wives’ and profit from her ain’t isht ex….

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Baby Mama Drama: Allen Iverson’s Ex-Wife Demands $1.2 Million In 13-Years Of Back Child Support

Allen Iverson Cleared of Holding Children Hostage

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It’s a crazy world Allen Iverson lives in. Apparently, Iverson has returned his children to the custody of their mother and adamantly denied his ex-wife’s…

Allen Iverson Cleared of Holding Children Hostage

Mathew Knowles Sued For More Child Support

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Mathew Knowles is facing a lawsuit from the mother his son, Alexsandra Wright, claiming the judge needs to up her child support to cover expenses…

Mathew Knowles Sued For More Child Support

Allen Iverson Reaches Divorce Settlement

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The bicker divorce fight between Allen Iverson and estranged wife Tawanna is finally over. Per TMZ, Tawanna will get a $3 million dollar lump sum…

Allen Iverson Reaches Divorce Settlement

Allen Iverson Wants Estranged Wife Locked Up For “Burglarizing” His Home

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There’s no shortage of messy celebrity divorces. Add Allen Iverson and his estranged wife, Tawanna to the list. According to Iverson, he came home from…

Allen Iverson Wants Estranged Wife Locked Up For “Burglarizing” His Home