Tag Archives: the-chase

CBS’ Katie Couric puts Gen. David Petraeus on the spot re Afghanistan (video)

Just like she did with Sarah Palin, CBS' Katie Couric cut right to the chase with Gen. David Petraeus in this interview from Afghanistan. http://corksphere.blogspot.com/2010/08/cbs-katie-couric-puts-gen-petraeus-on.htm… added by: BillCorcoran

What’s Black and White and Weird All Over? Nicolas Cage’s Mime Stalker

We’ll cut right to the chase: Nicolas Cage was once stalked by a mime. Yes, that kind of mime. And yeah, that sounded about right to us, too

See the article here:
What’s Black and White and Weird All Over? Nicolas Cage’s Mime Stalker

Holy Xenu! Paul Haggis Renounces, Secret-Spills on Scientology

Let’s cut right to the chase: Oscar-winning writer-director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby, Casino Royale) has publicly, blisteringly, bridge-burningly split from the Church of…

Read the original here:
Holy Xenu! Paul Haggis Renounces, Secret-Spills on Scientology