Tag Archives: the-late-summer

If Apes Rise, It Probably Won’t Be in San Francisco

Spoiler alert: the apes of San Francisco rise up at the end of Rise of the Planet of the Apes and put the human race on a collision course for extinction. If this scenario were to really happen, though, it wouldn’t likely start by the bay. BrowBeat contacted San Francisco zoo officials and the United States Department of Agriculture and found that only 25 apes currently reside in the Bay Area, meaning an ape uprising would likely be better contained than what’s presented in the late-summer blockbuster. Phew. Dodged a bullet there, humanity. [ Slate/BrowBeat ]

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If Apes Rise, It Probably Won’t Be in San Francisco

5 Other Films Whose Viral Marketing Should Hijack the News

Michael Cera and Jason Schwartzman took the promotional TV news segment to the next level this week, filling in a whole weathercast in Atlanta for the sake of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World . It was entertaining (watch out for the bus!), but not necessarily the best tie-in between the film’s audience and the information at hand. Thus the crack news producers at Movieline HQ have had a look at the late-summer/early-fall movie slate and worked out a whole newscast just for the studios. Suggestions (and the original video) are after the jump.

Continued here:
5 Other Films Whose Viral Marketing Should Hijack the News