Tag Archives: the-marriage

I Have To Do What? Stuff You Didn’t Know You Had To Do While Wedding Planning

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There’s the dress, the rings, the marriage license, the venue and the cake. These are all of the things that immediately come to mind when wedding planning. However, there a few things you need to take care of that are easily forgotten while you’re getting caught up in all of the excitement of wedding planning. […]

I Have To Do What? Stuff You Didn’t Know You Had To Do While Wedding Planning

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta is amazing…..She’s gone on to do her third or fourth nude photoshoot with Terry Richardson for the sake of doing nude photoshoots with a high profile photographer so that people remember her now that she’s not on Boardwalk Empire anymore…and I fucking love her….I think it’s cuz she’s rough and battered and looks like a crackwhore hipster at 10 in the morning after too much cocaine and whiskey…..or maybe it’s just cuz she likes being naked and owns that shit proper…unlike other girls who are all about being clothed….fuck them.

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta is amazing…..She’s gone on to do her third or fourth nude photoshoot with Terry Richardson for the sake of doing nude photoshoots with a high profile photographer so that people remember her now that she’s not on Boardwalk Empire anymore…and I fucking love her….I think it’s cuz she’s rough and battered and looks like a crackwhore hipster at 10 in the morning after too much cocaine and whiskey…..or maybe it’s just cuz she likes being naked and owns that shit proper…unlike other girls who are all about being clothed….fuck them.

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Paz de la Huerta is amazing…..She’s gone on to do her third or fourth nude photoshoot with Terry Richardson for the sake of doing nude photoshoots with a high profile photographer so that people remember her now that she’s not on Boardwalk Empire anymore…and I fucking love her….I think it’s cuz she’s rough and battered and looks like a crackwhore hipster at 10 in the morning after too much cocaine and whiskey…..or maybe it’s just cuz she likes being naked and owns that shit proper…unlike other girls who are all about being clothed….fuck them.

Paz de la Huerta Naked for Terry Richardson of the Day

Alec Baldwin’s Fiance’s Pantyless Upskirt of the Day

I don’t really think there was any debate as to whether Alec Baldwin’s 20 something year old wife was a whore, or if she wore panties, or if she wasn’t anything more than a sex kitten who was gonna win the lottery by getting him to marry her….I mean why else would a 50 year old be with a 20 year old….it’s not the in depth conversation…it is the pussy….and making said pussy do many tricks…especially when it is a yoga instructor…. Maybe this is what he was talking about last week when he said the paparazzi are ruining his life….before or after attacking one….or maybe this is just her way of saying she’s not allowed to wear panties cuz if she does Daddy will be mad and call off the marriage and find hotter contortionists in their 20s…. Who knows…I just know she’s mooning us and I’m offended….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Alec Baldwin’s Fiance’s Pantyless Upskirt of the Day

Alec Baldwin’s Fiance’s Pantyless Upskirt of the Day

I don’t really think there was any debate as to whether Alec Baldwin’s 20 something year old wife was a whore, or if she wore panties, or if she wasn’t anything more than a sex kitten who was gonna win the lottery by getting him to marry her….I mean why else would a 50 year old be with a 20 year old….it’s not the in depth conversation…it is the pussy….and making said pussy do many tricks…especially when it is a yoga instructor…. Maybe this is what he was talking about last week when he said the paparazzi are ruining his life….before or after attacking one….or maybe this is just her way of saying she’s not allowed to wear panties cuz if she does Daddy will be mad and call off the marriage and find hotter contortionists in their 20s…. Who knows…I just know she’s mooning us and I’m offended….. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Alec Baldwin’s Fiance’s Pantyless Upskirt of the Day

Cameron Diaz Hot and Almost Naked in Haper’s Bazaar of the Day

I still like Cameron Diaz despite her being in her 40s….which is rare for me…but she took initiative to halt the aging process by simply not having kids that run her physically by robbing her of her energy and raping her belly and more importantly her pussy….allowing her to age gracefully while keeping her long amazing legs where they need to be, and who knows how long her womb will remain empty, menopause is around the corner and all bitches feel the need to fill that shit while they can, but as of today and the time this pics were taken – she was a wholesome, fit, spinster who has probably seen more cock than a team of urologists, but that just makes me think she probably gives good head….which is better than being able to clean up after your annoying kids.

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Cameron Diaz Hot and Almost Naked in Haper’s Bazaar of the Day

Mariah Carey’s Insane Mom Cameltoe of the Day

When I think of childbirth…and the affects of childbirth….you know something I sum up as “mom pussy”…..this is kinda what it looks like in my mind…and thanks to Mariah Carey, I can really get a visual of all I knew existed but pretended didn’t exist cuz the moms I know in tight pants are the fit ones smart enough to not jack their shit up this hard showing the world a long, drawn out, meaty and obscure entity that is better left in loose fitting pants…..I don’t know if this is gross enough to make me sick or if I should try to jerk off to it as challenge to my desensitized self…but I do know it’s representative of all things wrong with the marriage between birthing and spandex……enjoy.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

Mariah Carey’s Insane Mom Cameltoe of the Day

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher on Twitter: It’s Over!

Ashton Kutcher went all third grader on us in a recent Tweet, telling the public not to assume anything about his marriage to Demi Moore. But this s a fact: The couple no longer follows each other on Twitter! Considering how obsessed each is with this social network, could there be any surer sign that they’re over? Moore is “sad, hurt and embarrassed” by the scandal, a source close to the actress tells Entertainment Tonight , adding that Demi and Ashton “had been receiving counseling from Kabbalah over the summer to try to fix their marriage.” Alas, it failed and they are reportedly now living apart. Still no word from Sara Leal , though, Kutcher’s alleged mistress who reports indicated was in the process of hiring an attorney and seeking out the highest offer she could find to tell her story. [Photo: Pacific Coast News]

Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher on Twitter: It’s Over!

Stacey Dash and Emmanuel Xuereb: Divorced!

Clueless actress Stacey is officially divorced from her husband Emmanuel Xuereb. A judge finally granted her divorce from the man she claims beat her up on multiple occasions. Stacey Dash filed for divorce in January 2010, the same day she filed for a restraining order against Emmanuel. Dash claimed that Xuereb had hit her in the face, head and body during their two-plus years of marriage, but she was afraid to report it to police. In any case, the marriage – which was Dash’s third – is officially over now.

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Stacey Dash and Emmanuel Xuereb: Divorced!