Tag Archives: the-paparazzi

Rita Ora Still in a Bikini of the Day

This just in….Rita Ora is still in a bikini….because Rita Ora knows what the paparazzi like…and Rita Ora likes the paparazzi….because with their help she has tricked America into thinking she is famous…and if they think you are famous then you are famous….it’s all an illusion….and tits get hits so she can make hits…that none of us want to hear…but end up knowing all the lyrics thanks to brainwashing…..just not when it comes to Rita Ora….who we have never heard anything from…. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Rita Ora Still in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Rita Ora Still in a Bikini of the Day

Brandi Glanville Old Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Brandi Glanville, groupie slut who was home wrecked by LeAnn Rimes’ fake tits, only to establish herself as someone middle America cared about enough to get her cast on some Beverly Hills housewife show that I refuse to watch because I know it is everything wrong in the fucking world… I assume it is not on the air anymore, but that doesn’t mean that this Brandi Glanville doesn’t continue to show the world her ass in a bikini for the paparazzi like she matters…because I guess to herself, in her mind she matters…and still goes out there in a bikini for you to see her skinny ass…and it’s ok. I appreciate the effort.

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Brandi Glanville Old Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Brandi Glanville Old Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Brandi Glanville, groupie slut who was home wrecked by LeAnn Rimes’ fake tits, only to establish herself as someone middle America cared about enough to get her cast on some Beverly Hills housewife show that I refuse to watch because I know it is everything wrong in the fucking world… I assume it is not on the air anymore, but that doesn’t mean that this Brandi Glanville doesn’t continue to show the world her ass in a bikini for the paparazzi like she matters…because I guess to herself, in her mind she matters…and still goes out there in a bikini for you to see her skinny ass…and it’s ok. I appreciate the effort.

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Brandi Glanville Old Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Crotch Shot of the Day

If you’ve read this site before, and I assume you haven’t, because if you’re a returning visitor, you’re likely only here for the pictures, and if you’re accidentally here from some random way that is probably not from google, because google has banned me and sends me no traffic, I’ll say that I used to target Ashley Tisdale for being ugly, marketed as hot, winning awards on MTV award shows, for her Disney Show she was on, and it would annoy me. She had a botched noise job and represented all that is wrong with marketing, BUT she did have a good body… I am posting this pic that she posted as a sign of progress and understanding, like she has finally realized what her best angle is. No need to hide behind purses when the paparazzi are out there… Just close up and zoom in on that pussy….a strategy many women know, but not enough optimize.

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Ashley Tisdale Crotch Shot of the Day

Farrah Abraham for the Win of the Day

Farrah Abraham has just dominated the attention seeking fame whores who call the paparazzi to take pics of them doing nonsense publicity stunts that don’t matter – like shopping or other things no one would ever follow them do…because she’s Farrah Abraham and no longer on MTV, a sex worker / porn star… She went out in lingerie, which has been done before, sheer lingerie, no panties, pussy out….brilliant, masterful, my work here is done….it’s that good. The post Farrah Abraham for the Win of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Farrah Abraham for the Win of the Day

Kelly Gale in Bikini of the Day

Kelly Gale is a Playboy model…. Who has polarized things and is now a Victoria’s Secret model…which is weird… I don’t know how a Playboy model becomes a Victoria’s Secret model, you know because Playboy is ghetto…and should discriminate the models…while all the other people on their roster does naked for fashion…all the fucking time, so why would Playboy for this one.. be any different…I guess it’s different times, or the corruption and inconsistencies that are the foundation of society…inconsisten She’s wet for the paparazzi and it’s looking good….but she is a Playboy model who converted to Victoria’s Secret, something most Playboy models give up on when they decide to do Playboy, like “end of the career but I need to go for something that will get me attention because I am getting old”…but somehow she polarized it and the mainstream moved in… I guess Playboy doesn’t blacklist you when everyone in the world is an exhibitionist whore. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kelly Gale in Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Kelly Gale in Bikini of the Day

Ana Braga in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Ana Braga is a fame whore, I know this because she used to do my snapchat takeovers – of her at the gym, or her being silly, all while being 100 fucking years old, pretty much for free, or attempting to build her own audience of mine, and that alone gives me no reason but to love her, appreciate her, and all her antics and attempts to get known, seen, in the paparazzi in what I find a fascinating scene of a lot of women, who are too old to properly execute a social media click bait campaign, but not too old to exist for being nude in magazines, or nude in the streets of LA, get your money’s worth….because guess what it works, paparazzi come take the pics, sell the pics, and people publish the pics… Clever thing she is.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Ana Braga in a See Through Outfit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

Ana Braga in a See Through Outfit of the Day

Chantal Jeffries Brought Out them Tits of the Day

Chantal Jeffries is a bieber fucker turned instagrammer turned hangs with other instragrammers turned jack up face with the big titties on …big titties that she doesn’t need to tuck into her boxers or even put in a bra because that would defeat the purpose of the see through shirt she’s wearing for the paparazzi… So whether you know this thick, rapper fucker looking girl or not, you can appreciate them big titties in the see through shirt… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Chantal Jeffries Brought Out them Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chantal Jeffries Brought Out them Tits of the Day

Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day

Madison Beer is a barely famous, but followed, because she fucked Bieber when she was under age after her mom whored her out to the interent for all the perverts, like Bieber to see….and stare at her natural talented tits…they do all kinds of tricks like backflips and tap dancing…and song and dance…or maybe just get pushed up in a push up bra for the paparazzi because the paparazzi are part of her marketing strategy…as they should be because tits less exciting have made it further…and tits on a young frame deserve all they can get…I am a believer…in whatever cheesy, nonsense attention seeking this is…because of them young tits. I like all her make-up Countouring – face making like a real instagram whore…I prefer the camera dude with the moustache… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day

Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day

Madison Beer is a barely famous, but followed, because she fucked Bieber when she was under age after her mom whored her out to the interent for all the perverts, like Bieber to see….and stare at her natural talented tits…they do all kinds of tricks like backflips and tap dancing…and song and dance…or maybe just get pushed up in a push up bra for the paparazzi because the paparazzi are part of her marketing strategy…as they should be because tits less exciting have made it further…and tits on a young frame deserve all they can get…I am a believer…in whatever cheesy, nonsense attention seeking this is…because of them young tits. I like all her make-up Countouring – face making like a real instagram whore…I prefer the camera dude with the moustache… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Madison Beer Working it for the Paparazzi of the Day