Welcome to the 2nd annual Tournament of THG: Couples Edition! With Valentine’s Day looming, it’s time for you to decide the most popular celebrity couple! We started with 16 couples, and are now down to four. YOUR VOTES decide the winner! How to play: Pick your favorite of the two pairs in each poll. Done. First up in the semifinal round: A barn-burner featuring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart against Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth! VOTE. And the Winner is? Rob & Kristen Click Here To Vote for Robsten Miley & Liam Click Here To Vote for Liamey Rob & Kristen vs. Miley & Liam: Which couple do you love more? Vote now in the semifinal round of the 2013 Tournament of THG: Couples Edition! View Poll » One by one, we’ll post polls of the respective matchups, and after each round, update the bracket as some duos advance, while others are eliminated. It’s easy, fun and decided by YOU! Here’s the Tournament of THG field:
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Tournament of THG Couples: Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart vs. Miley Cyrus & Liam Hemsworth!