Tag Archives: the-revolution

Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr: The Engagement is Back On!

If you thought that the Teen Mom drama only revolved around the girls who gave birth on reality television when they were teenagers, you couldn’t be more wrong. Seriously, are you new? Teen Mom drama can involve the moms, the moms’ family, the moms’ friends, the moms’ significant others. It can even. and often does, involve MTV, the company that made them rich-ish and famous in the first place. Any and all shenanigans can go down for these people, and the eventful love life of Jeremy Calvert is proof of that. Jeremy is sometimes featured on Teen Mom 2, since he was briefly married to Leah Messer and had a child with her. These days, he’s not involved with Leah at all beyond co-parenting, and he’s barely on the show anymore, but still, people seem to be interested in what he’s been getting up to. Probably because he’s been up to no good. Jeremy has been dating this girl named Brooke Wehr since 2015. The relationship has had its ups and downs, and we’ve seen some of them on Teen Mom 2. We’ve seen Jeremy ditch his own kid to take care of Brooke’s , we’ve seen Leah embarrass herself, seemingly out of jealousy of Brooke . And last week, we saw Brooke and Jeremy break up on Instagram. It was an exceptionally millennial breakup, communicated through memes. Brooke posted one that read “I’m letting go. You let go a long time ago, and I realize that it is time for me to do the same.” Another read “It hurts when the person that made you feel special yesterday, makes you feel so unwanted today.” Jeremy’s heartfelt meme read “Sometimes holding on does more damage than letting go.” In his caption, he wrote “This speaks so much volume to me.” It’s not clear what caused such a modern split, but there’s been some speculation that MTV’s dastardly editing played a role in it. Particularly, one scene of Leah talking about Jeremy’s engagement to Brooke in which she claimed that he thought the engagement was not a big deal. Leah Messer Reacts to Jeremy Calvert Engagement So sad, right? But before you get too heartbroken, you should know that Jeremy and Brooke are already back together. Brooke shared a screenshot of one of the breakup stories, one that blamed Teen Mom for everything, and wrote “This is not the reason we ever broke up.” “I keep seeing these articles and that scene is not the reason that we ever broke up lol,” she insisted. “Just to clarify.” One of her followers commented to say that she wasn’t even aware of their breakup, and Brooke replied “for like a day lol.” Then Jeremy shared a photo of himself with Brooke, and in his caption he wrote “Yes we have fights and yes we have are arugements and short break ups but we still continue to try and make it work everyday.” “Life and relationship arent easy on a day-to-day basis and never less with a camera in ur face, your a great step mom to my child and the only female she has been around and that makes me happy and i want it to stay that way for her sake.” “Your a amazing mom to your little one also. No matter what I love you even during the fights and arguements,” he continued. “Sometimes u bother me like no other and other times i want u to bother me for the rest of my life… i love you @bwehr10.” Yeah, yeah, that grammar and spelling. But still, it’s a sweet message, right? Congrats to Jeremy and Brooke on their engagement (again)! View Slideshow: Brooke Wehr: Who is Jeremy Calvert’s Fiancee?

The rest is here:
Jeremy Calvert and Brooke Wehr: The Engagement is Back On!

Madonna: I Want to Blow Up the White House!

The day after Donald Trump was sworn in as our brand new president, people all across the country — all across the world, actually, are gathering together to march for women's rights, for LGBT rights … For all the rights, honestly. The Women's March is, of course, focused in Washington D.C., and that's where a number of celebrities gathered to protest Trump's presidency and also everything he's ever said or done. One of those celebrities in attendance was Madonna, who gave a speech she'd prepared about the whole situation. And oh, what a speech it was. Several news channels airing Madonna's speech cut away, thanks to all the language, and that one comment about blowing up the White House. It was a shame, because she really did have some nice sentiments. “Welcome to the revolution of love,” she said. “It took us this darkness to wake the f-ck up.” She directed a message “to our detractors that insist that this March will never add up to anything,” and that message? “F-ck you. F-ck you.” Madonna also said that she's “outraged” over Trump, and that she has “thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Watch the full speech below:

See the article here:
Madonna: I Want to Blow Up the White House!

Madonna: I Want to Blow Up the White House!

The day after Donald Trump was sworn in as our brand new president, people all across the country — all across the world, actually, are gathering together to march for women's rights, for LGBT rights … For all the rights, honestly. The Women's March is, of course, focused in Washington D.C., and that's where a number of celebrities gathered to protest Trump's presidency and also everything he's ever said or done. One of those celebrities in attendance was Madonna, who gave a speech she'd prepared about the whole situation. And oh, what a speech it was. Several news channels airing Madonna's speech cut away, thanks to all the language, and that one comment about blowing up the White House. It was a shame, because she really did have some nice sentiments. “Welcome to the revolution of love,” she said. “It took us this darkness to wake the f-ck up.” She directed a message “to our detractors that insist that this March will never add up to anything,” and that message? “F-ck you. F-ck you.” Madonna also said that she's “outraged” over Trump, and that she has “thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House.” Watch the full speech below:

Go here to read the rest:
Madonna: I Want to Blow Up the White House!

Meet Wael Ghonaim, the revolution Icon, the keyboard fighter


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Al-Ahbar بكى وائل في أثناء الحديث أكثر من مرة، بعدما أشار إلى أن تحقيقات جهاز أمن الدولة معه ركزت على اتهامه بتلقّي أموال من الخارج لتخريب مصر. وأضاف «أنا ثري، ولديّ فيلّا في الإمارات، ومتزوج من أميركية مسلمة، وقد رفضت الحصول على الجنسية حبّاً ببلدي، فكيف أُتّهم بالخيانة»، مؤكداً أنه لم يكن يتوقع أن يحدث ما حدث. فقد كانت دعوته إلى الخروج في الخامس والعشرين من كانون الثاني الماضي عفوية، ومجرد مطالبة… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Uprooted Palestinians Discovery Date : 07/02/2011 23:55 Number of articles : 2

Meet Wael Ghonaim, the revolution Icon, the keyboard fighter

Is Lionsgate Hiding Killers?

If you want to hear what Movieline thinks of the Ashton Kutcher/Katherine Heigl vehicle Killers , you’ll have to wait until opening day, as Lionsgate has declined to screen the film early for critics. “We want to capitalize on the revolution in social media by letting audiences and critics define this film concurrently,” said studio publicists in a statement, before most assuredly bursting into laughter. Gee, what could they be afraid of ? [ HuffPo ]

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Is Lionsgate Hiding Killers?