Fredericks of Hollywood is a cheesy fucking lingerie brand…that was a big deal in the late 90s…all the trashy celebrity sugar babies were up on it – before the whole hip hop and instagram thing made them hae expensive tastes…. Well, apparently it is still around…and still doing the exact same trashy thing, even though they recruited has-been Megan Fox to be their business partner… This isn’t Megan Fox, this is someone named Natalie Jayne Roser who seems to be pretty much living up to the brand’s image…and style…and more importantly…that hard face looks like she’s one of their original shoppers or clerks… Look at them making their comeback…by possibly using pics they took in 1992. Oh – She’s a Not from the 90s – she’s Actually a Current Instagram Whore and She Looks like a Cheesy Weathered Girl Thanks to Australia Ozone Layer The post Fredericks of Hollywood is Still Around and Here’s Natalie Jayne Roser of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Fredericks of Hollywood is Still Around and Here’s Natalie Jayne Roser of the Day